- Is weight loss for men a gamble?
- 5 basic nutritional mistakes of the stronger sex
- Why does the belly grow and will the diet help a man?
- The most effective diet for men is no dieting?
- Diet for men: breakfast options
- When men eat and when to keep their mouth shut
- What foods are required in the diet for men
- 3 non-strict weight loss diets that a man will love
- How to lose weight for a man? Go on a diet – a duet!
Many men who have grown “grown” over the years sincerely believe: the appearance of a tummy and extra chins is not a lack of a figure, but a kind of symbol of male maturity and family happiness. While most women disagree with them. If you are increasingly thinking that it would be useful for a dear person to become a little slimmer, take control of his diet in your own hands. And to help you with this … the best diets for men!
Alas, a good half of Russian men over the age of 40 still have their usual trouser size, but at the same time they categorically do not fit into their shirts and their jackets. Moreover, for most men of this age and older, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet, and often a diet for weight loss, is no longer a matter of aesthetics, but primarily the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. How to lose weight for a man quickly and effectively? Let’s tell you!
Is weight loss for men a gamble?
So, the matter is clear: your man would not hurt to lose weight, strengthen health and self-confidence, but he does not want to hear about any diet. Do not insist, otherwise there is a chance to simply acquire another insoluble contradiction between the sexes. Lifestyle changes are always stressful and anxious. But if you start to change the diet of a man (or a couple!) Gently, but systematically, you can achieve noticeable results in the foreseeable future. And there nature will do its own thing – starting to look better and feeling more attractive, a rational and stubborn man will continue to follow the new rules with pleasure and excitement.
The job of a friend or wife is to support him, keep him from making mistakes, and continue to motivate.
5 basic nutritional mistakes of the stronger sex
Of course, all men are different, but there are some of the most common and typical eating habits that turn our men into heavy and fat men over the years. All these habits revolve around one counterpoint, which can be roughly described as “he eats a lot and not that”:
He eats more than he needs. The modern man often continues to carry out the program of his cave ancestor – he eats while food is present. The sane ability of the stronger sex to live today, apparently, suggests that next time they may not be fed, so you need to use it. In addition, in this case, some stereotypes of upbringing are not beneficial, “thanks to” which boys are often taught to equate physical strength (as well as health) and the ability to quickly eat the first, second, third and compote before the brain has time to understand that the body overeats – and already at the stage of the second plate.
He eats “men’s food”. “Vegetables and fish are for fragile women, but I need dumplings with mayonnaise and chops with potatoes, otherwise I’ll be hungry! And my portion is real, man’s! ” Sound familiar? Many men are convinced that, by right of gender, they are supposed to eat only high-calorie, fast-filling meals. Their mothers, and then their life partners, we admit, often follow this assumption. But in vain! By nature, men do need more calories than women. But not too many, and heavy food is far from the only, and certainly not the most healthy source of additional calories.
He often snacks and eats in front of the TV. For people of any gender, the optimal scheme is three balanced meals a day in the company with light snacks – vegetables, cereals, sour milk. In men who do not think about hunger control, the desire to chew something often turns into a full meal (after all, according to point 2, when he eats, he eats “male” food). And there can be a lot of such techniques during the day – “I don’t eat yet, I’m so, the sea of a worm. And I’m a man, I can’t starve him with carrots ”… And eating in front of the TV is dangerous because a man simply does not realize how much and what he has eaten – his channels of perception are busy with another matter.
He gets “liquid calories”. I need to exhale after work, drink a bottle of beer or a glass of whiskey with friends. At first glance, a bottle that is innocent at first glance, firstly, is rarely alone. Secondly, alcohol, and especially beer, are high in calories, their use whet the appetite and dulls the feeling of fullness. Regular consumption of even small amounts of alcohol each time turns into a calorie surplus. And uncontrolled calories in the form of soda, juice and sweet coffee-tea during the day not only defy counting and evaluating, but also remove fluid from the body, disrupting metabolism.
He is confident that fitness will solve the problem of excess weight. Brett White, MD, of the Portland University of Health and Science, released his research showing that exercise … does not work if it is not accompanied by dietary changes. “Men can pedal their bikes for hours or get exhausted on the treadmill. This will provide some benefit to their cardiovascular system, but will not reduce weight. What we put in our mouth remains decisive for the figure, ”Dr. White is convinced. “Therefore, overeating, it makes no sense to hope that the gym will automatically solve all problems with excess weight.”
High-calorie “male” food and junk food, as well as a disdain for sports – over time, such a lifestyle inevitably turns even slender and naturally lean men into fat men. Therefore, the first item in any more or less effective diet for men is the rejection of the usual menu, and the second is the “adult” approach to physical activity …
Why does the belly grow and will the diet help a man?
The male belly is an inexhaustible topic for folklore and one of the most important and obvious reasons to think about a diet for men. The appearance of a belly, with all its appearance resembling the belly of a pregnant woman, has, as a rule, three main reasons:
- Passive lifestyle and excess driving time (weakening of the oblique abdominal muscles);
- Age-related and stress-related changes in hormonal balance (the development of a female figure, the growth of fatty deposits on the abdomen and hips);
- And, of course, binge eating (also includes excessive consumption of beverages such as beer and soda).
The accumulation of fatty deposits in the abdominal area not only does not decorate a man, but is also one of the indicators of health danger – for example, if, with a height of about 170 cm, the waist (or where it is supposed to be located) in a man is more than 37 inches (94 cm ), then the risk of acute coronary insufficiency, diabetes, high blood pressure is estimated as medium. In the event that the waist is more than 40 inches (101 cm), the risk is already becoming high.
The answer to the current question – will a diet help in the fight against a noticeable belly for men – is unequivocal: yes, it will. The best results can be achieved by combining dietary changes with increased physical activity, and when choosing a diet, men need to remember not only about its balance and moderation, but also about the consumption of foods rich in zinc and magnesium, which are necessary for sufficient production of testosterone, the hormone of masculinity, and support the work of the cardiovascular system.
Balanced diets for men will help get rid of the “pregnant” belly, which does not adorn the stronger sex at all …
A lot of zinc contains:
Fish and seafood, especially oysters;
Sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
Boiled beef;
Walnuts, coconuts and pine nuts;
Oats, barley, wheat germ;
Fresh berries, especially raspberries and blueberries.
A lot of magnesium contains:
Soy flour;
Whole wheat bread;
Dried fruits.
The most effective diet for men is no dieting?
Let’s face it: many men do not like the very statement of the question – how to lose weight for a man … Simply because they consider any diet a priori “not courageous” business. Therefore, it is paradoxical, but true: the best dietary strategy for the stronger sex is not dietary in the usual sense.
Strict diets and, moreover, mono-diets in men will not find any understanding or support. And, if a woman sets a goal to change the nutritional system of her man, first of all she will need to take care of the variety of products so that the other half does not get bored and does not start to feel seriously deprived.
Diet for men: breakfast options
According to nutritionists dealing with the problem of excess weight in men, breakfast is the only meal for which the statement “the more the better” is true. And, importantly, it is breakfast that is best controlled by a life partner. Pat Dyson, a member of the British Dietetic Association, argues that men who regularly eat breakfast at home have a lower BMI than those who skip it or buy it at fast food restaurants.
A proper breakfast is the first step towards normalizing a man’s diet. To take care of it, you can prepare:
whole grain toast with soft cottage cheese and herbs;
a serving of oatmeal or whole grain flakes with low-fat milk and a handful of fresh berries;
omelet with vegetables (cook in a non-stick pan, literally adding a teaspoon of olive oil);
toast with two thin strips of grilled bacon and tomatoes;
a couple of eggs in a bag with whole grain bread.
Tea or freshly squeezed juice will be a good accompaniment for a light but hearty and energetic breakfast. If a man is used to starting the day with coffee, a morning cup after eating will be less evil than on an empty stomach.
Surprisingly, many men are happy to drink smoothies for breakfast, but not “glamorous” female fruit smoothies, but denser vegetable ones – for example, with carrots, broccoli, celery. Just try to suggest one day – why not? In addition, another healthy and well-fed breakfast “note” may well be a glass of low-fat bifidokefir or fermented baked milk.
When men eat and when to keep their mouth shut
Lunch and dinner are just as important as breakfast. During the day, soup will be a good option for a man – warm food is good for the stomach, and liquid makes you feel pleasantly satiated for longer.
The first can be complemented, for example, with a vegetable stew with lean meat or grilled chicken fillet with green salad or vinaigrette. It is highly advisable to avoid the notorious abundant option with the first, second and third, and not drink food – so as not to dilute the gastric juice and not complicate the process of assimilating food. Most nutritionists “allow” drinking about half an hour after eating.
It is important to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before the march to bed. Ideally, dinner should consist of protein (but not fatty!) Food, “flavored” with a light salad, such as green salad leaves, cucumbers, radishes. The best protein ingredients are turkey or seafood, lean fish, and tofu.
Unfortunately, neither plastic nor intricate tattoos that disguise fat as “Scandinavian become” will not help a man gain health and attractiveness. It is worth betting on long-term diets for men, a radical change in eating behavior and an increase in physical activity.
What foods are required in the diet for men
As we have already found out, men need more calories than women. In addition, for a full-fledged metabolism, they need more plain water per day (at least 2,5 liters daily). And in addition, conditions are necessary for the production of testosterone and reliable protection of the heart and blood vessels. Finally, essential vitamins A, B, C, D and E are required, as well as calcium and protein. Therefore, it is not recommended for men to give up meat – a good steak or chicken without skin will only benefit, but let fatty pork remain on the butcher’s counter.
And resolutely pass by industrial semi-finished products and ready-made sauces in the supermarket – they contain a large amount of sodium, which retains water in the body, and excess sugar. The main choice should be made in favor of cereals, seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs and low-fat protein products. Fried and deep-fried foods should definitely be discarded, but you can and should grill (this is in addition to boiling and steaming).
3 non-strict weight loss diets that a man will love
If your companion is ready to go further and switch from a general normalization of nutrition to a more strict diet, he can choose one of these options:
“Diet traffic light” became widespread due to its simplicity and originality. Its essence is that all products are divided into three conditional color zones:
“Green” (seafood, cabbage, leafy greens, cucumbers, unsweetened apples, carrots, citrus fruits, buckwheat porridge, low-fat dairy products) can be eaten at any time and in any quantity;
“Yellow” (pasta and porridge on water (except semolina), puff pastry, boiled sausage without fat, sausages, lean meat, chocolate, sweets, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese, fruits, dried fruits, pickles, spices, ketchup, coffee, dry wine) can be consumed only from morning until 6 pm;
“Red” (milk, mayonnaise, bacon, fatty meat, champagne, beer, cakes, cream cakes, ice cream, soda, white bread, yeast dough pastries, fast food) are completely prohibited.
The second way to lose weight for a man is famous “The ABS Diet”. She is extremely popular with young men in the US and Europe. The name of the ABS diet comes from the abbreviation of the English names for the types of preferred foods, where A – almonds and other nuts, B – beans and legumes, S – spinach and other greens. It is not necessary to count calories and control the amount eaten on this diet, but it is necessary to supplement the diet with protein powder, and also go to the gym 2-3 times a week.
The diet is recognized as very effective, but most European nutritionists agreed that instead of using protein powder every day, you should saturate the diet with low-fat protein food.
Tour de France Racer Diet (or its more common version – the racing driver’s diet) is distinguished by a certain chic, it is focused on men who lead an active lifestyle. For breakfast in this system, you can choose:
a serving of whole grain cereal with fruit or three pancakes with maple syrup or whole grain toast with peanut butter and jam;
For an afternoon snack: a muesli bar or three cookies with whole grains and dried fruit or a sandwich with grilled chicken breast and a slice of cheese;
for lunch: a portion of steamed broccoli with tomato and cheese or grilled chicken breast with rice;
for dinner: 2 servings of plain yogurt or spaghetti (no sauce!) or whole grain toast.
How to lose weight for a man? Go on a diet – a duet!
The need to lose weight that the head of the family has is an excellent reason to take a course on proper nutrition and find new mutually beneficial ways of family leisure. General walking and cycling, jogging, visiting the pool and baths are good not only for health, but also for mood. And you can get addicted to them much faster than you might imagine. The main thing is the first step. Ideally, joint!
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