Participants of the joint project Woman’s Day and the #Sekta School of the Perfect Body have gone half way to the perfect body. There were some complications. How to overcome them?
At the beginning of April, the winners of our competition began to study at the #Sekta School of the Perfect Body. At our request, they keep a diary. The path to perfection is never covered with roses. The girls talked about the difficulties and their overcoming to Woman’s Day.
1. Established orderly, conscious nutrition. Now, when I feel hungry, I don’t sweep away the first thing that comes to hand, I don’t drown out hunger with a cookie, I don’t starve, but I remember what is necessary and useful to eat at this time of day and at this meal and choose what I like best. … Once the curator Dasha offered a flash mob in the chat – to tell us what we buy in the store, and I made the following list – all on the shelves:
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Alsu Zakirova
– Carbohydrates: bulgur, buckwheat, oatmeal and red rice.
К buckwheat I am used to it, I always ate it with pleasure, but now I discovered a new way for myself – to mix it with yogurt or fermented baked milk. Loved by me bulgur For some reason, it is sold only in the same packaging as in the photo, I could not find it anywhere else, even in the agricultural park. Oatmeal I take a different one every time I try it; so far I liked the most at “Uvelka”, the traditional one. Red rice I cooked it once, and I don’t feel like it anymore. I guess I just haven’t learned how to cook it properly yet.
– Cellulose.
Vegetables, greenery – parsley and arugula are my favorites, I’ll go to the ends of the world for them. I buy them in the agricultural park. I love it very much Bulgarian pepper, he seems to be everywhere at the same price, except for “Maisky” in the agricultural park – it is cheaper there. I tried celery – “smelly”, but edible and juicy – I take in “Magnet”, or “Attack”, or an agricultural park. I also take frozen mixtures and steam them.
– Proteins:
Lentil, beans white cottage cheese 2% from the agricultural park, cottage cheese 5% from “Magnet”, eggs, fermented burger, breast, tilapia, Mozzarella, there is no Adyghe in the frame cheese – ended. I love everything! Especially the cottage cheese after training. Although before it was difficult to shove into myself.
– Fruits and nuts.
There is little left, it’s time to go to the store! Buy more grapes, pears… Nuts – Brazilian и Greek (for those who are losing weight, they are not recommended, but my goal is different – to build strong muscles).
– Oil:
Olive и linen. Flaxseed is expensive, I bought it (in preparation for pregnancy) in the agricultural park.
It is very interesting to discover new recipes for familiar dishes every week, for example, this pizza. The basis for it is minced chicken (!!).
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Alsu Zakirova
2. Developed endurance… No, of course, now I cannot do 10-15 circles of morning workout without “replacements” for exercises, but the fact that I can do 10 circles is an achievement for me. In the first week, it was 5 laps, after which I was exhausted and could not catch my breath for 5 minutes; now it is 10 laps (mostly with replacements), but these are stable 10 laps, after which I continue to do exercises for problem areas (now these are push-ups and exercises for the press) and do not catch my breath!
3. Muscles are toned. In the whole body, as my sister Lilya says, “tiger’s readiness to jump” is felt, and this is exactly the expression! When you just walk down the street or along the corridor at work and feel able to lie down and do 20 push-ups or accelerate and jump, you don’t feel tired at all.
4. I began to enjoy, the thrill of eating, although the last year passed in my gastronomic boredom – I was looking for new tastes, new dishes, tried new cuisine – but nothing surprised me, did not attract me. Already after the first week of eating #Sekta, I began to feel the entire taste of the food I was taking, all the shades of taste of the dish, I could feel this insignificant difference between unsalted soup and soup, salted with literally a couple of grams of salt.
5. I consciously don’t want chocolate. It’s true, I’m not lying at all and I’m not lying to myself. It happens that I want baked goods, cookies or honey, but not chocolate. I get enough carbohydrates from three meals a day, which is probably why chocolate remains unclaimed.
Chat Is a very powerful support. These are answers to any questions, starting with the intricacies of nutrition, ending with the intricacies of pumping muscles. Well, just live communication with everyone who also goes this way.
In conclusion, I will give some quotes from our curators in the chat:
Hope: “Ksenia, a diary (food diary) cannot be good or bad. These are facts, material for work and analysis. “
Sofia: “We want to teach you to listen to your body and give it what it needs, and not just any fast food and so on. Of course, we are all human and at the end of the training you will not stop wanting chocolate, but you will understand why you want it and whether you really want it! “
Daria: “Friday, the week is coming to an end, and I want to think with you about what is in each of us. That it is not so easy to admit it. About what to look at directly in the eyes.
We are all afraid of something. Some are of heights, some are dark streets at night, and some are still afraid that a monster will come out from under the bed. Everyone has their own fears.
But there is something that anyone is afraid of. This is one of the most powerful fears – the fear of the unknown. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. If I think I know, then my arrogance has again gone off the scale in the red sector. I can only guess, guess, believe, hope. The world around you and me is the way we want it to be. The universe hears us. And if we live in constant fear, it will give us even more reasons to be afraid. Why am I saying all this? And to the fact that you need to give up fear. Discard fears and doubts. Forget about distrust. Dissolve in the moment “Here and now”. Close your eyes for a second and listen. You breathe. Can you feel the air moving? This is a real little magic that happens to you every second. Have you noticed this before? When we give up fear, the unknown disappears, dissolves into the present moment, we gain freedom. Miracles constantly happen to you, catch them soon. And nothing will scare you! “
The May holidays are ahead and after them there are still 5 weeks of work on myself according to the #Sekta system, and I am ready to continue – I am calm about the result and confident that the goals that I have set will be achieved.
And, of course, before and after photos:
- Photo Shoot:
- personal archive of Ekaterina Zakharova
Happy 4 weeks at #Sekta flew by. During this time, I faced different body reactions on new experiments carried out on it.
I’ll start with the most important thing – nutrition. For a long time I was looking for a more suitable diet for myself, and it happened, but not immediately. Opening new products helped me a lot, but the old ones were not so easy to abandonI. Now I’m talking more about salt, bread and various, but, as it turned out, unhealthy oils. Today I prefer cereals, vegetables, fruits and all those food products that do not cause heaviness and give lightness to the body. This is a great achievement for me.
I have no and did not have a goal to lose weight, since my body suits me, I came to #Sekta more to maintain a regime, a healthy diet and intense physical activity, which give me energy, optimism and a toned body. Consequently, I used to eat quite rarely, little and unevenly… This is a major problem I encountered with #Sekta. After all, if you want to train intensively every day, this requires considerable strength, therefore, you had to eat with dignity.
I once had to pause my workouts for a few days.… This was due to severe dizziness, thank God, it did not come to a loss of consciousness, but everything went to this. In public transport, at late hours of the day, it was especially scary to feel. After that day, I seriously thought not only about proper nutrition, but also about the regime, and also slightly increased the portions in connection with study, work and other stresses that require increased attention and high concentration. Then protein was actively added to my diet, which gave me strength for the evening, for my favorite sports.
Training always makes me happy. Although sometimes it seems that I do not have enough strength for all these circles… And, perhaps, the most important thing that #Sekta taught me is the correct distribution of energy, own strengths and capabilities. And if before I squeezed all my strength in the first minutes of training and did not think about how to hold out for another hour, now I rationally spend my strength, distribute it evenly throughout the main workout and listen to the sensations of my body, which tells me how best spend “gasoline”.
Already now I understand that I cannot do without these wonderful people – a curator and interns. These wonderful people support each of us psychologically, everyone feels comfortable, we are not all alone, and this is very great. I understand that there is another month of happiness ahead, and it can just fly by like the wind …
Dinara Abdullina, curator of the #Sekta School of the ideal body in Kazan
May has come, and the approach of summer is more tangible! Are you ready for the beach season? If not, it doesn’t matter, take your feet in your hands and start getting ready!
Where to start?
Of course, with tidying up your diet and increasing physical activity. Even the bears are out of hibernation! It’s time for us to rock too!
What does it mean to track food using #Sekta? It’s simple: you start eating in small portions (200-250 ml by volume) every 2-4 hours, combine meals according to the scheme of ulevod + fiber or protein + fiber, in the morning – the first, in the afternoon – the last, drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, keeping from 15 minutes to half an hour before or after meals and, most importantly, eat all the time while you are awake! That is, forget about the pseudo-rule “you can’t eat after 18:00”. It is possible and necessary – #Sekta will say!
Speaking of training, choose the degree of load for which you are ready, you do not need to rape and drive yourself to exhaustion: know when to stop. You can start with a short morning interval, which we call morning morning. If you’re not really a beginner, add a few evening workouts a week. And if you are one of those who love sports, we suggest that you do 6 evening workouts a week with us in addition to morning sessions.
You see, nothing complicated! Join the #Sekta Perfect Body School – and you will see how you can transform in just 1 month!