How to lose weight fast, express diet

After the winter cold, we are often unhappy with our figure. What to do? How to quickly get in shape? The editorial staff of Woman’s Day learned from Kirill Sergeevich Ivanychev, a general practitioner and head of the Public Duma center’s health department, how to quickly lose a few extra pounds without harm to health.

– As a doctor, I should note that fast weight loss is a great stress for health. A decrease in body weight in a matter of days can occur not due to the burning of excess adipose tissue, but with the help of the consumption of muscles and water, which are extremely important for the functioning of our body.

As a rule, a rapid decrease in kilograms on the scales can be achieved by observing one-component diets, for example, with the exclusive use of proteins, fats or carbohydrates or any one food product – kefir, chicken, buckwheat. Naturally, as a result, our body will receive a lack of nutrients, vitamins, and a decrease in immunity. What about weight? It can come back quickly once you stop dieting. If you do decide to lose weight quickly, here are some rules that will help reduce the damage to your health.

The wisest thing to do is to adjust your diet and add physical activity that is optimal for you. Exercising in the morning, walking to the place of work, walking up the stairs instead of the elevator – this is the minimum that everyone can afford.

By the way, according to British doctors, each step passed gives a person four seconds of life.

Of great importance is the observance of the correct diet, which is physiological for our gastrointestinal tract. Ideally, the number of meals is four to five times a day. It is even better if they are carried out at about the same time. Breaks between meals should be no more than three hours. For the body to function properly, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, white and red meat, and fish should remain in the diet. Fruit is best consumed in the morning as it contains a lot of sugar. It is strictly forbidden to consume flour and sugar-containing products.

For the express diet, we present an approximate menu for the day, which contains almost all the necessary trace elements.

7.00: buckwheat porridge.

10.00: apple.

13.00: white meat, vegetables.

16.00 pm: a handful of nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, almonds).

19.00: a glass of 1% kefir.

It is worth noting that all dietitians agree that it is strictly forbidden to exclude protein from the diet. After all, he is the main building element of the whole organism. Hair, nails, brain, and bones are made of protein. For example, if you overeat carbohydrates, but lack protein, then the excess food will be successfully processed into fat and stored for a rainy day.

When choosing products, give preference to those that have undergone minimal heat treatment and contain fiber that promotes the release of harmful substances from the body. Another good tip is to prepare your own meals. So you can control the composition of the dish as much as possible, reduce the amount of fat and sugar in it. It is better to bring your own cooked food to work and reheat it, so you can control the amount of calories consumed.

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