How to lose weight fast at home

When we start to stick to a diet, then in the first days the weight goes away quickly. We found out what this is connected with and whether you need to lose weight at all.

In appearance, even an experienced doctor is unlikely to determine what causes excess weight – water or body fat. Especially when it comes to the large abdomen. But let’s try to formulate several theses in which cases fluid accumulates, and in which – fat cells.

If in a week you have lost more than a kilogram, most likely, the liquid has gone, which is not very good – its lack threatens with unpleasant consequences. The most important thing is that the rate of fat breakdown in this case will decrease to a minimum, and the process of losing weight will come to naught. The same negative result is achieved when visiting a bathhouse, wearing special thermal suits that make the body sweat. With improper weight loss, when water is removed from the body, the volume of the body will remain the same, and the weight will decrease. The maximum amount of fat that can be lost with proper weight loss is no more than 150 grams per day and no more than a kilogram per week.

Excess fluid in the body forms edema. They can even be in a healthy person, most often there is swelling of the legs, especially if he wore uncomfortable shoes, walked in the heat, sat in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Such situational changes are quickly normalized as soon as blood circulation is restored.

Asymptomatic weight can increase in the premenstrual period, this is due to the action of hormones, after the end of women’s days, everything will return to its previous state. Sometimes swelling occurs during pregnancy or when taking certain medications. And again, these are temporary conditions, which, nevertheless, must be under the strict supervision of a physician.

Another curious fact – edema occurs when the body is dehydrated, there is not enough fluid. It would seem a paradox, but it is so. The body, seeing the lack of water, begins to accumulate it. It is enough to resume the usual drinking regimen, as the edema will pass. This rule works even if so-called “bags” have formed on the face under the eyes – you can get rid of them by drinking enough water. But we are now talking about a healthy body. And edema is a deviation from the norm, and a doctor must determine what exactly happened in a person’s life.

There are cases when puffiness appears solely due to an improper lifestyle and becomes a chronic condition that is fraught with serious consequences. For example, a person leads a sedentary life, loves salty spicy food, is not indifferent to alcohol or cigarettes – all these are the reasons why water does not circulate at the right rate and accumulates in the form of edema. By getting rid of the causes, you can improve your health.

The most difficult cases are chronic diseases and acute conditions. Among the diagnoses most often heart disease, kidney disease, circulatory system and gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases, etc. Different conditions can cause different localization of edema. If the legs, feet, legs are swollen, swelling can be determined by pressing on the skin with a finger, a fossa remains, which means that there is a lot of excess water in the body.

If the belly is “blurred”, then there may be excess weight and excess water. With an excess of calories entering the body (simply when overeating), fatty deposits begin to form primarily in the abdominal cavity. And in order to diagnose the true cause of the increase in volumes, you need to consult a doctor and do an ultrasound. Accordingly, treatment will depend on the diagnosis.

The doctor diagnosed the cause of the increased body volume, and it turned out that it was overweight? In this case, there will be a long work to lose weight. The more fatty tissue, the less water. Therefore, it is very important to observe the drinking regime during the diet – slags are washed out due to the liquid, metabolism increases (in obese people it is reduced), fats are broken down and vital processes are normalized. As a result, the weight goes away faster. The amount of water you need to drink per day can be determined by a nutritionist.

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