how to lose weight, diet, carnival

1. Do not sit down at the festive table in a state of hunger! Even a short-term lack of food for more than 5 hours provokes the release of a protein called ghrelin by the adipose tissue, which multiplies the feeling of hunger, turning it into a real “hunger”.

2. If you need to avoid overeating, watch the amount of alcohol. Never mix drinks, “raising the degree”. This is a direct path to rapid intoxication. It is better not to mix at all or with a small amount of strong drink “to fix the walls of the stomach” (40 * alcohol has “tanning” properties), and then the rest of the alcohol will be absorbed worse from the stomach cavity. Beer or champagne, on the other hand, greatly increases the permeability of the stomach wall to stronger drinks.

3. Think over your diet if you are celebrating at home (we will help with recipes for delicious and low-calorie dishes).

4. If you are a guest, choose dishes that you are confident in. Vegetable cuts and salads do not threaten anything, meat or fish cuts – by and large, too, if it is not fatty meat. Pickles can cause some fluid retention in the body, but the water goes away as quickly as it comes in.

5. Minimize the amount of ballast calories on your plate. This is easier than it sounds. The main thing is to pay attention to the dressings for the dishes! In many cases, removing the mayonnaise “fur coat” from the salad, the cheese-mayonnaise crust from the hot, oily skin from the chicken (or from the goose) – you reduce the calorie content of the dish by 1,5-2, or even five times!

6. Chew slowly! Firstly, it will give you the opportunity to enjoy the taste of your favorite dishes. Secondly, thoroughly grated food promotes faster work of the gastrointestinal tract, which easily removes excess calories from the body (poorly chewed food actually “rots” inside the intestine, and a person turns himself into a boa constrictor who swallowed a rabbit whole).

7. Try not to consume sugary drinks: they do not quench your thirst, but “fast carbohydrates” give a lot. Lean on mineral water, or better – on clean water. It is advisable to start a feast with half a glass of such water.

8. Be sure to take on your plate the most delicious dishes – so that no one bothers with the additive. Then in this plate you can poke around as much as you like. Remember! Etiquette requires food to remain on the plate. This shows that the person is well fed and not greedy.

9. The most dangerous for the figure is everything that is cooked with a lot of oil: chips, crackers, French fries, etc.

10. And of course, HOLIDAY! Here is the main recipe for how not to overeat! The more contests, games, rhymes, comic tasks you prepare for the guests, the happier the holiday will be! And there will be no time to sit at the table. Do not forget the popular wisdom: “If even a cake was eaten at a holiday, it means that the holiday was not a success!”

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