How to lose weight by summer: the method of stars, photo

On the beach, the main and often the only item of clothing is a swimsuit. And it would be nice to accompany a beautiful swimsuit with a beautiful body. How do stars solve this problem?

29 2016 June

Singer Natalie: Believe You Are Beautiful

– I do not adhere to any diets, for me it is unacceptable. Due to any prohibitions, the mood spoils. You need to listen and hear your body. I am unpretentious in food. For many years I have not eaten meat, and not because I am a convinced vegetarian, I just do not like it. Once a week I can eat a piece of chicken, but mainly fish and seafood are in the diet. I love sushi. I can eat one vegetable dish and be full.

In summer, the main thing is not to forget that the sun ages the skin. On vacation for many years I take a beach bag with a whole arsenal of sunscreens, literally for every part of the body – the strongest on the face, a little weaker on the neck, then on the chest, and so on. When we arrive at the beach, everyone rushes into the water, and I sit down and start painstakingly lubricating myself; everybody already has time to swim twice, and I still sit. I teach to creams and sons. And the husband began to allow him to smear his back after he was badly burned.

We have a good tradition: every year we (no, we don’t go to the bathhouse), but we gather with the whole family – with moms, dads, sisters, husbands, children and go to rest. We will fly to Greece the other day. This is also a reason to sit together at a large table. In Moscow, with my busy schedule, I often fail to meet. We are going with a cheerful company – I have two boys, my sister Olesya has two sons and a little daughter.

Rest for me is to lie like a “vegetable” on the beach in a sun lounger, and next to it is the blue sea. I love all inclusive, because there is both children’s animation and attractions. While the sons are having fun, I do nothing. If it weren’t for the children, I wouldn’t leave the hotel at all.

On vacation I don’t like to carry 33 suitcases with me, I take a minimum of things – a couple of dresses for the evening, but more often I wear shorts and a T-shirt. And also – comfortable shoes (sneakers or sneakers for yourself, husband and sons). When you go on an excursion, your legs should be comfortable. I have a favorite pair of sneakers that I never part with.

I never went to the store specifically for a swimsuit. I go for a coat or a dress, and I buy it for the occasion, because I liked it. If the swimsuit is separate, the main thing for me is that there is a comfortable upper part, nothing squeezes anywhere: you cannot risk women’s health. I do not like thongs, I am a supporter of classic options, but I can afford crazy colors. I have a one-piece swimsuit, I call it “salute spray”. I saw it from a distance on the counter, went over and bought it. Very cheerful. And I also value the old, turquoise color. It has already begun to fade, but I cannot part with it, it is so comfortable. I think he has brightened something, it’s time to throw it away. And then: oh well, in Greece I will also bathe in it.

Olga Buzova, TV presenter: switch to sports nutrition

– I have a lot of swimwear in my wardrobe. Various models, colors, accessories. For example, recently on vacation in Dubai I bought swimwear with chains. They look very beautiful on a tanned toned body. I prefer separate bathing suits, I don’t like one-piece ones.

My main secret to preparing for my vacation is not to let myself go for a year. I take care of myself, my diet, I go in for sports throughout the year, so I do not need extreme procedures or actions for a vacation. In general, I think that if we want to get some good result in the end, then we have to work on it constantly. For example, on June 29, our main contest “Person of the Year” starts at the “Dom-2” TV project. Participants will fight for a good prize – an apartment. Now they are all terribly worried and worried, because many understand that during the year they made unforgivable mistakes and not very good deeds. Some people really want to fix everything urgently. But sometimes this is not possible. It is better to always watch yourself and your behavior.

I don’t go on strict diets, but every day they bring me a set of sports nutrition. It is divided into seven scheduled meals, which is very convenient. The diet includes fruits, vegetables, fresh juices and smoothies.

I don’t go to a solarium and don’t use a self-tanner: it lays down unevenly, with spots. I sunbathe only in the sun, be sure to use means before and after sunbathing.

Irina Dubtsova, singer: eat your diet

– I don’t go to the gym. Unfortunately, I do not have enough time for this. Most recently, I did a saliva test, which determined everything I needed. It turns out that I am genetically forbidden to eat many products, for example, cereals. Now for several months I have been eating according to the system that I have described in a special book.

When it comes to swimsuits, I prefer bright colors. Every time before vacation I go to the store and buy whatever I like. I love both closed and open models. I have no problems with this. I am happy with my body and do not want to change anything in myself. Of course, I lose weight and get fat, like any ordinary person. But I like anyone – and this is the main thing.

Valeria, singer: arrange fasting days

– I’m not preparing for the summer in any way. The profession requires good physical shape all year round. And in general, from the age of 17 I have one weight – 54–55 kg with a height of 170 cm. Sometimes, after holidays or vacations, where I allow everything, I gain one and a half kilograms, but two or three days are enough for me to get rid of them. So to speak, take on yourself. But I never go hungry! You can arrange a couple of fasting days. But if it’s hard for you, then you should sit on a protein diet for a short time, plus add a cardio load.

I prefer separate swimwear. I consider a fused one to be impractical, you cannot sunbathe in it, and in principle I don’t go to swimming pools. It happens that some merged model sinks into the soul, I buy it, and then it lies in a box and gets bored, waits until I give it to someone. They say it is true: there are no ideal figures, but it is not necessary to shout about your weaknesses. There are styles that suit me more or less. But practically all the colors of the rainbow suit me. And in the summer you want bright colors. Now I dream to get away from these traffic jams to the sea as soon as possible. But I won’t be able to do this until mid-July.

Elena Zakharova, actress: identify your weak points

– Of course, I follow the figure. When I see that somewhere has increased, I start to eat less, especially at night. I try to keep my food healthy. In the morning – cottage cheese, cheese cakes or porridge. In the afternoon – vegetable salads (with butter, not mayonnaise), fish or meat (I cook them either steamed or grilled). If I understand that there will not be an opportunity to have a full meal, I take with me a banana, cheese, drinking yogurt. In the summer you can have a snack with berries, cherries, for example. I usually have dinner in a restaurant, I like Italian, Japanese, Georgian cuisine.

I have been dancing all my life, and I have a set of exercises that helps to keep fit. But I rarely train at home. It is important for me that someone guides me, thinks over the change of exercises and the number of approaches. I myself am not strong in this, so I go to the gym, I do aerobic exercises with a trainer, and strength exercises, with weights. I go out once a week, if possible, two. I would like to more often, I understand that there is still something to strive for.

I can’t say that my hips are my weak points. Now they suit me. But I understand, of course: if there is a lot, they risk becoming a problem area. Therefore, in training I give the load mainly on my legs. But at the same time, as the instructor explained to me, it is impossible to do exercises only on the legs, it is more correct to train the whole body – this way the metabolism increases, and calories are still burned.

If I go to the sea, I always try to swim, even if the water is cold. I dip from 17 degrees, it is very good for the skin. I like swimsuits that are open, without basses and skirts: they make the hips heavier. And I usually choose the top without strapless, then the tan lays down beautifully and you can wear open dresses.

Anna Churina, actress: you can’t do without training

– For me, as an actress, it is important to keep fit, because the screen enlarges. And since I am also inclined to gain in size (I have a wide back, this is my scourge), I have to keep myself in tight hands. I envy women whose bottom is not getting better. I think it’s easier to hide it. A sports club and everything that is included in it helps to keep fit: a swimming pool, fitness equipment, dancing, yoga. I try to alternate between different types of workouts. Firstly, it is more effective, and secondly, I quickly get tired of doing one thing. As for food, I prefer vegetables and fruits. And I drink a lot of water, at least two liters a day.

Choosing a swimsuit is always a torment for me. Before I find one that fits, I try on a hundred models. I do not like it when my back is pinched – it turns out an ugly fold. One-piece swimsuits are more suitable for me. They may not be very tanning-friendly, but I don’t like sunbathing either. I usually opt for either striped or plain swimwear. It seems to me that the simpler, the better: the less you decorate yourself, the more natural beauty appears.

Anastasia Makeeva, actress: hide your figure flaws

– As for keeping fit, whatever one may say, there is one recipe for all time: sports, sleep and diet. Periodically, even we, people leading an active lifestyle, have to go on a diet. What is my diet? As in that joke: less cupcake, more sex. But seriously, I switch to vegetables in my diet, try to exclude carbohydrates as much as possible.

Now I travel a lot, which makes it possible to actively move. More recently, I have been swimming with an instructor. This is a great way out for people with injuries. Unfortunately, I am one of them, because “the theater requires sacrifice,” I have problems with my back. And water is the only place where my body feels safe. I learned to swim with crawl, breaststroke, dolphin, I am making progress, as the coach says. And I love this business.

I have a sporty body type, so any swimsuit is suitable. By the way, costume designers love me very much, they love my proportional forms. I’m not flirting, nature created me that way. In general, you need to understand that you are unique and perfect, and cultivate this in yourself. And the features of the figure can always be balanced. For example, if your thighs are plump, go for a push-up top. Black inserts will reduce the silhouette, vertical stripes will stretch it. Use a pareo after all. It will beautify any woman. And I am also hiding under a pareo from the sun, it ages the skin, unfortunately.

I rarely buy swimwear myself, I have many friends who give me a lot of them. And I just choose which one to wear today and which one tomorrow. I like swimsuits in bright colors. After all, summer should be painted in rich colors: we have been waiting for it for so long, and it is so short. Therefore, down with pragmatism!

Ilana Yuryeva, actress of the show “Ural dumplings”: run in the morning

– I will not say that you need to look perfect all year round, and not urgently lose weight by the summer. But if such a need has arisen, then here is my advice. Wake up early in the morning, don’t have breakfast, just drink a glass of water – and go jogging for 40 minutes! I start at a slow speed, then work up to a comfortable speed, and finally fast. After training I drink grapefruit juice, and I have breakfast after two hours. Here’s a simple way to prepare yourself for the swimming season. My husband and daughter Diana and I have already been to the sea this year. We chose Cyprus because the Mediterranean is the cleanest and most pleasant. In all respects, this region is great for families with children. On vacation, as usual, I took with me several swimwear of different colors and designs. Even on the beach I want to look beautiful and different – both for my husband and for my daughter, for whom I am an example.

Ekaterina Volkova, actress of the series “Voronins”: take a massage course

– In principle, I was lucky with genetics, even after giving birth I quickly regained my shape, so I don’t go to the sports club all the time. I do a few abdominal exercises at home, and the “cubes” appear immediately. Nevertheless, after winter I go to the pool for modeling, lymphatic drainage, sports massage. Thanks to these simple and pleasant procedures, excess water leaves the body, the skin and muscles acquire tone. Five-year-old daughter Lisa also helps to keep herself within the framework. We do not have a nanny, I walk and play with the baby, and my daughter is a very nimble girl.

Photo Shoot:
personal archive of Ekaterina Volkova

This year we have already visited Dubai, bought a swim, sunbathed. When choosing a new swimsuit, I am always looking for something that I don’t have yet: other shapes, styles, colors. In the first days of rest, I prefer a bikini with a bandeau bodice, it has no straps, and the tan is perfectly even. Suddenly I fell in love with one-piece swimsuits, and not at all because there was a desire to hide something. It seems to me that this is a very feminine model. Together with a fashionable hat, the image looks noble and elegant.

Natalya Lesnikovskaya, actress: do not eat at night

I became very fat after the first birth and after the second I was also quite large. And at some point, when my playing skirt cracked during the performance, I realized that something had to be done. I tried physical activity, but it doesn’t really help me. The muscles become more elastic, but the volume does not go away. For me, the only way thanks to which I am so thin now is not to eat after 6, no matter how trite it may sound. Besides the fact that I am losing weight, I still feel good. Plus the well-known trick is to eat in small portions, but often. It is also important to train yourself not to eat breakfast immediately after waking up.

When the children were born, there was no time to go to fitness. And I discovered baby yoga. For example, you swing the baby in your arms and squat at the same time. He has fun, and at the same time it is a real exercise.

Now everything in my figure suits me more or less. The main task I’m working on is stoop. I believe that there is no small chest, there is a stooped back. But developing good posture is difficult. I tried wearing a knitted corset, but it doesn’t help, because it does the job for you. The only thing that helped me was the exercise, which I call “legs under the battery”: put your feet on your stomach, and lift your chest and arms up. This is the only way the muscles are pumped.

When choosing a swimsuit, I have no particular preferences. But I realized that, unlike a regular outfit, it can be very bright. Since this is a small detail, you can even afford flashy colors here.

Sergey Amroyan, Vsevolod Eremin, Ekaterina Saltykova, Gordienko Alesya, Elena Selina

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