how to lose weight by summer, how to lose extra pounds, Dr. Gavrilov, Weight Loss Center

how to lose weight by summer, how to lose extra pounds, Dr. Gavrilov, Weight Loss Center

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The author of the famous weight loss technique, Mikhail Gavrilov, will personally hold a reception in Volgograd on February 5. Don’t miss this chance!

The author of the famous weight loss technique Mikhail Gavrilov will hold a reception in Volgograd on February 5

Have you already started preparing your body for the beach season? Yes Yes. You can’t put it off any longer. There are many reasons why you need to start a weight loss campaign by the summer right now, in late January – early February. Volgograd residents are incredibly lucky – just at the beginning of February, a visit to our city of Dr. Gavrilov, the author of the method of effective weight loss, falls. But first things first.

Reason number 1. No stress for the body

You need to start losing weight right now because you can do this in a calm mode, without worries and harm to health. There are more than a hundred days before the season of swimsuits and open dresses, that is, there is a lot of time left! Slow weight loss, as you know, is much more effective, it will not become stress for the body. Lost kilos won’t come back.

Reason number 2. There is a chance to get an appointment with Dr. Gavrilov!

There is an opportunity to approach the process of dropping extra pounds in detail by visiting specialists. And not just specialists, but the author of the famous method of losing weight, Dr. Gavrilov. Mikhail Alekseevich is coming to Volgograd! And on February 5, he will personally hold a reception for everyone who wants to lose weight once and for all.… Dr. Gavrilov is almost a legendary person. The effectiveness of his technique has been confirmed in practice. Mikhail Gavrilov is one of the most demanded specialists in the treatment of obesity in Russia. With his help, many stars of show business, famous politicians, as well as thousands of ordinary Russians have already been able to lose weight.

The program starts on February 5!

Dr. Gavrilov and his patient

Reason number 3. Have time to lose a few pounds!

Excess weight does not appear immediately, as a rule, it is gained over several months or years, leading to various diseases. That is why it is important to understand that getting rid of a problem that has accumulated over the years is impossible in a day, week or even a month. It will take months of work on yourself. And right now this time is. Anyone who begins to lose weight in winter will have time to get rid of an average of 5 to 10 kilograms by summer.

You will have to give up sweets!

Reason number 4. Tidy up your diet

In February, you need to start losing weight by the summer in order to tidy up your diet and diet. After the winter “holidays of gluttony”, fatty meat, cakes, sweets, salads with mayonnaise, you cannot drastically change your eating habits and severely limit your diet – this can have a bad effect on your health. It is necessary to prepare the body for lighter food gradually.

Imagine that you are already on the beach …

Reason number 5. There is time to fantasize

An important component of any weight loss program is visualization, that is, the image of the ideal image for which you are striving. In your case – an ideal figure! More often imagine yourself in the image of a beauty, drawing in your imagination everything to the smallest detail. Forward!

Yes, and don’t forget to join the weight loss group at “Center of Dr. Gavrilov”! Mikhail Gavrilov will host a personal reception in Volgograd on February 5. Preliminary registration by phones: (8442) 98-68-38, 8-961-077-15-15. Hurry up!

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