How to lose weight by 15 kg: nutritional rules. Video

How to lose weight by 15 kg: nutritional rules. Video

A beautiful, healthy and slender body is a dream that a woman cannot get easily and quickly. After all, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, which are fundamental for a beautiful body, require discipline, attention and time. Unfortunately, not many women are able to love themselves enough to constantly monitor their weight and appearance, especially when they want to lose 15 kilograms

Nutrition rules: how to lose 15 kg

Where to start the path to a slender body “-15 kg”?

Often, the understanding that you need to put yourself in order arises at a time when the scales show a critical mass. So, the main rule of weight loss is that everything must be done consistently and gradually. Fast diets, as practice shows, help to reduce weight, but do not guarantee long-term results. Therefore, be patient, positive and purposefully move towards your goal – weight loss. Practice has proven that without damage to health and the nervous system, a person loses 5 kg of weight per month. That is, if you follow certain nutritional rules for 3 months (only one season), you will lose 15 kg of excess weight without nervous breakdowns and hunger strikes, almost imperceptibly for yourself.

Tip number one: learn to count calories. To lose 15 kg easier, make a list of high-calorie foods and exclude them from your diet. In cases where high-calorie foods cannot be completely ruled out, for example, if your mom’s signature recipe is fatty pilaf, limit the number of calories in your stomach as much as possible. In addition to fatty foods, do not get carried away with sweets, alcohol, nuts and dairy products. Try to replace high-calorie foods with lighter ones.

Remember that food is not only about calories, but also a source of pleasure. Don’t feel hungry, enjoy every bite of your breakfast, lunch and dinner

Tip number two: When planning your own diet, look for foods that contain water and fiber. The menu, which is based on vegetables and fruits, is not only low-calorie, but also includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals. In addition, fiber helps cleanse the intestines and has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.

Very often, nutritionists recommend not forgetting to drink pure non-carbonated water or natural green tea without sugar, which is not only a source of antioxidants and nutrients, but also effectively dulls the feeling of hunger.

Tip number three: stick to a daily routine, train yourself to eat at the same time. Design your menu so that your main meal is at breakfast and lunch. Leave lighter, low-fat meals for dinner. And all your favorite sweets (you shouldn’t give them up altogether) can be consumed in small quantities until 12.00. This will help the body not accumulate extra calories. Do not forget about small fruit snacks between meals, which will help you quickly relieve hunger.

And yet, in order to correctly and objectively see the results achieved, you do not need to step on the scales hourly. It will be enough to weigh yourself once a week, and eventually once a month.

Try to set realistic goals for yourself so that you can move towards your goal without stress or other obstacles.

As you can see, light and simple nutritional rules, nevertheless, require a certain discipline and endurance, but at the same time they give an effective and long-term result. And also proper nutrition allows you not only to lose weight, but also to improve your health.

See also: diets for the lazy

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