How to lose weight at sea: swimming helps you lose weight

Going on vacation, we are confident that, having dabbled in the sea and the pool for several days, we will turn into long-legged slender beauties. However, sometimes “sea swims” have a completely opposite effect, turning into extra centimeters at the waist. provides some tips on how to lose weight with the right water sports routines.

How to lose weight at sea

Swimming is the most gentle endurance workout. The lifting power of the water reduces body weight roughly threefold, and the load, which usually puts pressure on your joints, is reduced by the same amount.

In addition, the entire skeletal musculature is strengthened by the water resistance. The back wins especially. After all, swimming is a miracle cure for posture disorders and sprains. The main thing is to master the correct technique – and first of all, the technique of backstroke, which relieves the load on the cervical spine.

Why does not everyone lose weight from swimming?

Many people think that 10 minutes of swimming in the sea will instantly burn a lot of calories. Of course, some calories will be used up, but in general, such a bath will not benefit you. The main mistake of holidaymakers is that they do not swim actively, but simply splash and barely move in the water.

Even just keeping ourselves afloat, in an hour we spend about 300 kcal. However, in practice, this method of burning fat only works when swimming in deep rivers and lakes. In the pool, you yourself will not notice how you will find yourself near the side or path, for which you will joyfully cling to. In the sea, the water is much denser, so you can just lie on it without any effort, which will not pose any threat to our body fat.

Therefore, to begin with train yourself to move actively in the water all the time. Muscle cells “know how” to burn fat at a heart rate of 130-160. Swimming with the pulse 130-150 beats per minute, can be burned in an hour from 600 to 1300 kcal. The exact figure depends on the chosen swimming style, speed and … your weight! The more muscle you have, the more energy you use up.

Swimming helps you lose weight

How to swim to lose weight?

To lose weight, you can’t just go with the flow (literally and figuratively), but you need to think over your own bathing plan. In addition, you will not only have to swim, but also be sure to alternate styles and intensity – this is what is necessary to keep the muscles in a fat-burning mode.

Most intense style – butterfly (dolphin), it is the most difficult and difficult. If preparation allows, swim them 5-6 minutes and switch to any other style so that the pulse drops to 130-140 beats. Crawl – the style that is optimal in terms of energy consumption and movement technique.

Try to crawl 20-30 minutes a day. If it’s hard, alternate styles: 5 minutes crawl, 5 minutes breaststroke or backstroke, and again from the beginning. It is quite possible to work with breaststroke with full dedication, but for this you need to learn how to work correctly with your arms and legs. This is a technically difficult style, and to master it, sometimes you cannot do without the help of a coach.


A swimming style on the stomach, in which the left and right sides of the body alternate between strokes. Each arm makes a wide stroke along the axis of the swimmer’s body, during which the legs, in turn, also alternately rise and fall. The swimmer’s face is in the water, and only periodically during the stroke does the head turn to take a breath. The crawl is considered the fastest way to swim.


A style of swimming on the stomach, in which the left and right parts of the body simultaneously perform symmetrical movements: the arms make a wide and powerful stroke that lifts the swimmer’s body above the water, the legs and pelvis make wave-like movements. Butterfly is one of the most difficult swimming methods and is considered the second fastest after the crawl.


A chest swim style in which the arms and legs perform symmetrical movements in a plane parallel to the surface of the water. Breaststroke is the slowest swimming style, but it is also considered the most difficult style in technical terms.

Showdown with degrees

Another mistake losing weight: do not take into account the temperature of the water. Water is always colder than our body and denser than air. Therefore, in water, we cool down about 20 times faster than on land. It seems that for weight loss is what you need: after all, we will save a lot of calories, and first of all fat, to save the put 36,60 bodies!

If ordinary swimming seems boring to you, try snorkeling – swimming with a mask and fins.

Sea salts, no worse than the hands of a massage therapist, “break” cellulite and improve blood circulation.

On the one hand, yes. But there is another trend: water with a temperature below 24 degrees stimulates the human body to accumulate subcutaneous fat, because this is a good thermal insulation from the cold outside. The same thing happens with seals and walruses living in the northern seas. Have you seen many slender seals?

And here there is only one option: to actively move so that there is no cooling, and the balance shifted towards burning, not accumulating fat. If you hit the cold water – be it the pool or the sea – work as hard as possible!

Swimming in the sea – massage session

Sea water is a natural solution of all useful salts and minerals, in particular magnesium, iodine, potassium and calcium. And there is no “pool” bleach in it!

Concentrated solution of natural salts in a natural way massages your body. Moreover, the faster you move in it, the stronger. He is no worse than the hands of a masseur “Breaks down” cellulite, improves blood circulation, removes excess fluid, stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Some beauticians believe that active swimming in sea water is equivalent to a professional massage session.

Another great way to make the sea work against your fat is to combine water and … play. Especially suitable for those who are already tired of swimming, do not like monotony or are simply afraid of deep water. Take the ball and play footballstanding ankle-deep or knee-deep in water. Or go chest-deep and play volleyball or water polo. The easiest option is to walk along the shore knee-deep in water.

If you want extreme, take a surfboard. If you want to dive, try snorkeling – swimming with a mask and fins. Kill two birds with one stone – watch the underwater beauties and practice a little. Just remember that active swimming is necessary to actively burn calories, and snorkeling alone will not help you.

Whichever option you choose, spend at least half an hour on it and, if you don’t be lazy, the load will turn out to be the most fat burning one!

Based on materials from the site

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