Winter is behind with a series of holidays and plentiful feasts, which provided extra centimeters at the waist. Meanwhile, the swimming season is just around the corner. Is it possible to drive off fat at home?
Tatyana Bozina, a fitness instructor for women of the FitCurves fitness club chain, told and showed how to return to their former forms without leaving home.
Effect: the back and front of the thigh, quadriceps, abdominals, arm muscles, pectoral and deltoid muscles are involved.
Technique performance: we lower ourselves to the floor, taking a position like a push-up. Hands under the shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart. If the load needs to be increased, you can keep your legs together; in both cases, keep them straight. We tighten the abdominal muscles as much as possible, making sure that the body is parallel to the ground. We do not protrude the ass, the lower back should not bend, look straight ahead. We breathe evenly and deeply. As for the position of the arms, it will be easier for beginners to support on the elbows, and over time, the arms can be straightened.
The plank exercise is very effective when applied every day for 5 minutes. It’s worth starting with three sets, each for 30 seconds. The break between sets should be no more than a minute so that the muscles do not have time to completely relax. We work in this mode for a week, after which we increase the time of each approach by 5-10 seconds. In this way, you can walk up to a minute in one go.
Effect: all the largest muscles in the body are involved, including the muscles of the back and legs. Correctly performed squats help to strengthen the back and the formation of correct posture, stimulate normal blood circulation in the pelvic region, which significantly speeds up the metabolism.
Technique performance: at home, squats can be done in two variations – the classic version and “sumo”. In the classic version, we put our feet shoulder-width apart, in “sumo” – at the maximum possible distance. In both versions, the socks are slightly turned to the sides. We sit down, take the buttocks back, keep the hips parallel to the floor. The squat should be such that the knees do not go beyond the line of the big toes. To do this, you need to take the pelvis back as much as possible, and stretch your arms forward (this will help maintain balance) and perform the exercise correctly. Watch your feelings: if squatting is very painful, you should stop and give your muscles a rest, and then continue squatting. Squats should be performed smoothly, without rushing and without jerking. Watch your feet: they should never be lifted off the floor. We breathe rhythmically – we sit down on the inhale, on the exhale – rise. If you are already using this exercise, you can pick up some weight while squatting. At home, these can be regular water bottles. We do 20 squats in 3 sets, resting no more than a minute between each set.
Effect: the abdominal muscles are involved, the abdomen is tightened, it becomes flat and embossed.
Technique performance: one of the most effective abdominal exercises is the candlestick. We lie on our back and raise straight legs up. If physical fitness does not allow you to do the exercise correctly, you can bend your knees. We hold our hands at random, placing them on the floor along the body, or clasped in a lock behind the head. We do three sets of 20 times with a rest break. This exercise uses your upper abdominal muscles.
You can pump the lower press by lifting the body. The legs can be straight or slightly bent at the knees. If health and preparation permits, you can take a weighting agent. We keep our hands behind our heads. It is very important to feel the muscles that you are working on as much as possible, then the effect will be much better. We breathe rhythmically, exhaling to lift the body.
The side press must be pumped very carefully. If pumped incorrectly, you can get the opposite effect: instead of a thin waist – a square figure. The exercise is done as follows: we lie on our back, raise the body and at the same time raise the right knee and stretch it to the left shoulder, twisting the body. Then we repeat the movement on the other side: pull the left knee to the right shoulder. This exercise engages the oblique abdominals. We do 2-3 sets of 15 times.
Effect: the pectoral, deltoid, triceps, back and abdominal muscles, shoulder girdle and arms are involved. Technique of execution: we take a horizontal emphasis, resting on the socks and on the palms. The body should be in one straight line parallel to the floor. We put our hands shoulder-width apart, fingers forward. As we inhale, we bend our arms at the elbows, lower the body, touching the floor with our chest, push off and as we exhale we return to the starting position. We keep our elbows as close to the body as possible, in no case we push them apart. During push-ups, be sure to squeeze and tighten the buttocks. If your physical condition does not allow you to do push-ups at full strength, you can focus on your knees.
We do 3 sets of 15 push-ups. So that the wrists do not hurt after the load, they need to be kneaded before each approach.
To achieve a beautiful figure and well-being, not only physical activity is important, but also proper nutrition.