How to lose weight after the New Year: 6 simple tips

New Year’s holidays are good for everyone, except for one thing – gaining excess weight. How to lose weight and how to eat after a “lazy” vacation, read the material.

The main thing is not to scold yourself or blame yourself! Do not be alarmed if you see a few extra pounds on the scales. This is not fat, but excess water that has lingered under your skin due to an excess of carbohydrates and salt. Over the holiday weekend, your body rested, recovered and gained strength. Now is the time to channel the accumulated energy in the right direction. By the summer, it is worth starting to prepare in January, so we pull ourselves together and put the form in order. Here are some basic tips from the professionals of the fitness center “Aphrodite”, which will help you regain your slim body and say goodbye to the gained pounds.

How to lose weight after the New Year: useful tips for every day

1. Eat 5-6 times a day. The interval between meals should be 3–3,5 hours. The size of the portion should be small, about 300-400 g. Fasting after the holidays is strictly prohibited. Due to starvation, your metabolism will immediately slow down and the body will live in a conservation mode, thereby not spending excess fat, but, on the contrary, accumulating it.

2. Remember the Paretto 80/20 rule. Where 80% of the entire diet should consist of good carbohydrates and only 20% of bad ones. Good carbohydrates include cereals, legumes, bran, cereals. The bad ones are sweet, flour, sweet fruits. In the morning, you can indulge in any fruit, dried fruit or 2-3 slices of dark chocolate.

3. The diet must include vegetables and a lot of greens. Vegetables are fiber that promotes good digestion, absorption of food, and comfortable gut motility.

4. Include lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs, mushrooms in your diet for lunch and dinner. These foods are rich in animal proteins and are recommended to be consumed along with fiber for better absorption of food. Do not be afraid or avoid vegetable fats: olive, flaxseed, sunflower oil, etc., nuts, cheese. All these fats are essential for a woman’s health and beauty.

5. Drink 2-3 liters of clean water a day. It is recommended to add a little lemon juice. Lemon contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is essential for our immunity.

6. After the holidays, you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle: move more, play sports in order to quickly say goodbye to unnecessary pounds.

Honored Master of Sports of Russia in bodybuilding, master of sports of Russia of international class and promoter of a healthy lifestyle

– I’ll make a reservation right away: do not blame yourself for the pounds gained during the New Year holidays – this will only slow down the process of restoring shape.

As for the basic rules to help you lose weight, they are pretty simple. Most importantly, remember that you need to eat in fractional and small portions. “Less and more often” is the most optimal principle that works 100%. You can try to stick to a mono diet or a low-calorie diet, but any restriction often leads to nervous breakdowns, which only slows down the process of losing weight.

And, of course, this is physical activity. We are sure that few of you visited the gym in 10 days, so now is the time to return to active exercises and start getting in shape. True, do not rush and do not load yourself immediately: do it in stages, and then your weight will melt before our eyes.

Asya Kalinko, Vlada Timofeeva

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