How to lose weight after the holidays without dieting and training
To lose weight, you don’t have to exhaust yourself with diet and exercise. It is enough to give up cappuccino in the morning – and 10 kilograms will go away in a year!
Before the New Year, we literally shut our mouths shut and start living in the gym in order to put on the most beautiful dress, meet the holiday in good shape and promise ourselves to keep this shape. And then … Korim ourselves for an extra spoonful of mom’s Olivier, sweets for breakfast, pizza and other joys, we go hungry, break down and go hungry again. And it turns out to be a vicious circle.
Healthy eating expert, author of the book “Mythoids”, wellness coach Julianna Pliskina I am sure that you need to look at the process of losing weight from the other side and believe that you can get rid of extra pounds slowly, calmly and without difficulty.
“Realize that even tiny changes in diet and habitual lifestyle can lead to the cherished result,” says Yulianna Pliskina. – And for this it is enough just to create a daily deficit of 200 kcal, and you can either not get them with food, or burn them with any physical activity, including household chores, such as cleaning, walking the dog or ironing the clothes. What does it mean?
If for breakfast instead of your favorite cappuccino from a cafe (125 kcal) you drink a cup of aromatic green tea without sugar (about kcal) and walk after work one stop on foot (another minus 80-100 kcal), then you can lose 10 kg in a year!
0,5 kg of fat is 3500 kcal (burned or lost from food)
200 kcal per day is 73 kcal per year Is 10 kg of fat.
Now let’s learn how to burn and create a daily calorie deficit.
So let’s start with breakfast. Let’s calculate how much your typical breakfast “weighs”.
Breakfast option number 1.
Fried eggs with bacon – 570 kcal
Bread – 100 kcal
Cheese – 90 kcal
Coffee with milk and sugar – 65 kcal
Total: 825 kcal
Breakfast option number 2.
Rice porridge with milk – 147 kcal
Sandwich with cheese and butter – 240 kcal
Boiled egg – 93 kcal
Coffee with milk and sugar – 65 kcal
Total: 545 kcal
Option tomorrow number 3.
Croissant with chocolate – 378 kcal
Cappuccino – 70-120 kcal
Total: 448-503 kcal
And what can be a breakfast with a “minus”?
A plate of oatmeal in water with 3 tablespoons of berries, a serving of natural yogurt, medium-sized fruit and a cup of green tea – and only 220-250 kcal. Or, alternatively, cottage cheese with fresh fruit and a cup of freshly brewed coffee – 245 kcal.
Daily savings of even 200 kcal from breakfast will create a deficit of 6000 kcal per month, which is equal to 851 g of fat.
Advice: and if you also increase physical activity, then you can accelerate natural weight loss!
The shopping trip, beloved by many of us, will help bring the arrow of the scales closer to the cherished figure.
Shopping lasting only 30 minutes for a woman weighing 80 kg burns 80 kcal, but if you do not like to go shopping and live according to the principle of “came, saw and bought”, then choose from the proposed list the type of physical activity that you like.
15 ways to spend 200 calories
● Go for a walk for 1 hour
● 1 hour bowling.
● Have passionate sex: in 30 minutes you will burn at least 200 calories.
● Outdoor carpet knocking – 44 minutes.
● Walk with the dog – 45 minutes.
● Twist the hoop – 20 minutes.
● Go rollerblading – 15 minutes.
● Devote to active dancing – 1 hour.
● Give your husband a 40-minute relaxing massage.
● Walk up the stairs – 16 minutes.
● Arrange a large ironing – 45 minutes.
● Type text on the computer – 1 hour 50 minutes.
● Jump rope – 24 minutes.
● Go sledging down the mountain – 30 minutes.
● 20 minutes of active walking waist-deep in water.
Calorie counter is your best friend
Get food calorie tables. Learning how to create a calorie deficit isn’t as difficult as it sounds at first, you just need to know more about foods.
For example, instead of a banana (90 kcal), you can eat kiwi (45 kcal).
Instead of a 200-gram portion of salmon (438 kcal), choose pike perch, the calorie content of the same portion of which will be only 166 kcal.
And if your favorite daily snack – a sandwich with salami and cheese – is replaced with a slice of whole grain bread with low-fat soft cheese and a slice of tomato, then you can lose as much as 11 kg (78 kcal) in a year.
As you can see, you can always find an alternative that is no less tasty than the product being replaced.
Keep track of where your hands reach when, for example, you are traveling in a car or on public transport? Is it in the glove compartment for your favorite candy or in the pocket of your jacket? If in a week you calmly deal with a 100-gram bag of mint candies, then, stretching this portion for two weeks, you will already create a deficit of 46 kcal, which will lead to goodbye to 992-6 extra pounds per year.
Or, let’s say you always have a chocolate bar in your desk drawer. But if you eat one serving of marshmallows instead of it, then the total number of unreceived calories (63) will allow you to see the figure 700 kg less on the scales in a year.
There are a lot of opportunities to create a deficit of 200 kcal, the main thing is to show imagination and ingenuity and so that their shortage is daily, and then the question “Is it possible to lose weight calmly and without difficulty?” you answer in the affirmative!