How to lose weight after the holiday, detox guide

How to lose weight after the holiday, detox guide

One can only dream of the former lightness, the muscles seem to be half mayonnaise and jellied meat, and the thought of Olivier attacks the hiccups. We have to do something about it. For example, go on a trip called the “post-holiday detox.” Do not be alarmed, there is nothing terrible and complicated in it. We have collected some of the simplest recommendations on how to put yourself in order after protracted feasts.

Our very first advice is not to starve yourself. No hard diets! Otherwise, you will inevitably break loose and gain even more kilos than you ate during the holidays. In addition, if you deprive the body of entire groups of nutrients, as is the case with mono diets, the detoxification process will only slow down. The second tip – do not try to urgently lose weight with the help of miracle supplements. With their help, you risk further undermining your health, which was already crippled by heavy New Year’s dishes. Together with fat and water, muscles will also go away, so the figure on the scales may please, but weakness and looseness – definitely not. And the third tip is perhaps the most important. Don’t expect miracles. Know that detox is not a diet, but a platform for a healthy lifestyle that you will have to lead if you want to look good.

Here we go?

Instead of Olivier – vegetable salads

It’s time to part with the hearty meat-potato-egg salad mix and turn to healthier mixes. In the first place in terms of usefulness are vegetable salads. They are not only low in calories, but also contain fiber, which, like a broom, cleans out toxins and toxins accumulated during the holidays from our intestines, contributing to weight loss.

There is little use in greenhouse cucumbers and tomatoes now, look for vitamins in native vegetables – cabbage, beets, radishes, carrots. Beets, by the way, contain betanin, a compound that stimulates the production of antioxidant enzymes. Spices and aromatic herbs added to salads and other dishes – parsley, dill, cilantro, basil, etc., will help to establish digestion.

For satiety, you can add shrimp, squid, boiled chicken breast or eggs to vegetables – all these products contain protein that is easy to digest, so the salad will not be a burden for our stomach.

  • Winter salads: ingredients, recipes

Side dish: lighter and lighter

Rice, pasta and potatoes are not the best side dish for those looking to lose weight. The amount of carbohydrates consumed during the New Year’s holidays in the form of cakes and sweets dictates the need for unloading. Prepare vegetables for meat and fish. This can be a stew, vegetable casserole, or gratin. Remember frozen vegetable mixes that will help you prepare a quick and easy dinner. Of the cooking methods, the most gentle for the figure are stewing and steaming. Minimum oil and crispy crust.

By the way, any side dish can be replaced with a vegetable salad.

It is sauces that often make the calorie content of seemingly dietary dishes heavier. So forget about mayonnaise with its 600 calories per 100 grams and start filling salads with yogurt, lemon juice and various lean sauces. Puree the pulp of a ripe avocado with a clove of garlic, a tablespoon of lime (or lemon) juice, season with salt and pepper – and you get a delicious Mexican thick guacamole sauce, which can be spread on bread instead of butter or used as a salad dressing. Excellent low-calorie sauces are made from vinegar, mustard, soy sauce, orange and apple juices. But sour cream will not work, it is very fatty. For comparison: its calorie content is 200 kcal, and the calorie content of kefir is only 56 kcal.

Christmas goose, French-style meat under a thick layer of mayonnaise and cheese, cold cuts, baked pork leg – all these festive dishes are alive not only in memories, but also reflected in numbers on the scales. Turning back time! Instead of fatty meat, we cook dietary veal, chicken, rabbit. We try to forget about sausages and switch to fish as much as possible. We arrange at least two fish days a week.

Fish and seafood can bring great benefits to our body, because it is a high-quality protein, famous omega-3 fatty acids, which lower the level of bad cholesterol and contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, these foods are low in unhealthy saturated fat that can spoil our figure.

After a complete lack of a daily routine, we recall regular meals, lunches and soups, which are extremely beneficial for digestion. Low-calorie vegetable soups are the easiest to digest.

As nutritionists assure, daily soup for lunch is an excellent prevention of obesity. But it is not advised to completely switch to liquid food.

“Liquid food quickly leaves the stomach, and the pressure of food on its walls is one of the first and main signals of satiety for the brain. Solid food stays there longer and travels more slowly through the digestive tract, especially if it is part of the fiber. Such food makes you full much longer, – explains fitness trainer Irina Brecht. – If a person wants to lose weight, he will have to limit calories in one way or another, and this is not the most fun state in terms of hunger and satiety. If the diet contains a lot of “liquid” calories, life will be very hungry. “

With the end of the holidays, we want no less sweet, so we try to fulfill the whims of the body with the least harm to the waist.

Instead of pastries and cakes – fruit salads and jellies. Instead of sweets – bitter chocolate, prunes and dried apricots. We bypass pastries with butter cream, preferring custard or yoghurt. An excellent option is berries for dessert. Due to their high content of fiber and dietary fiber, they help to remove toxins from the body and normalize bowel function.

We eat dessert only on a full stomach (at the end of the meal) to avoid the temptation to eat more.

Breakfast, as the saying goes, we eat ourselves. Coffee or tea alone is not enough. For breakfast, we should eat something that will energize us for the first half of the day and at the same time do not weigh heavily in the stomach, endowing us with inappropriate lethargy. Food should be energetic and easy to digest. This can be scrambled eggs, oatmeal or muesli with juice or milk, smoothies, a whole grain bread sandwich with lettuce and chicken or fish. And instead of coffee, it is better to drink green tea – it has antioxidant properties and will serve a tired body well.

In the morning we can even pamper ourselves with something sweet without fear of gaining extra pounds – all the calories eaten for breakfast will be completely used up during the day.

Save the cookies and buns for later. Let them wait until March 8th. An ideal snack looks like this: carrot or vegetable salad, dried fruit, a piece of dark chocolate, a mug of cocoa (real, not freeze-dried!) Or nuts. The latter are a source of healthy fats for detoxification. In addition, thanks to nuts, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, which are necessary for detoxification, are absorbed. But remember that nuts are very high in calories. Therefore – 5 things, no more.

And the last thing: we remember our childhood and the fifth meal – instead of New Year’s champagne, we drink a glass of kefir at night. This will help to very quickly normalize digestion, which has suffered as a result of holiday feasts.

Four food groups to skip for at least three weeks:

– Sugar Contains no nutritional value, these are empty calories that raise blood sugar, damage teeth and are addictive.

– Caffeine – coffee in moderation is very healthy. But too much caffeinated beverages can negatively affect mood, sleep, and anxiety levels. Try to limit yourself to two cups a day.

– Alcohol – alcohol dehydrates the body, because of it we lose strength and the ability to concentrate, we become lethargic. And it’s time to regret the liver.

– Industrial processing products – this group includes semi-finished and refined products. Most are packed full of trans fats, preservatives, flavors, colors, and salt. Even the flakes – they are so processed that there is no benefit left in them. Solid sugar (see point one).

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