How to lose weight after childbirth? Video

How to lose weight after childbirth? Video

Very often during pregnancy, a woman’s weight gain is associated not only with the developing and growing fetus, but also with the accumulation of fat reserves, which become especially noticeable when childbirth is already behind. During lactation, the usual radical measures to get rid of excess weight are strictly prohibited, but it is still possible to lose weight after childbirth.

Lose weight after childbirth

This is due to many reasons, so almost all women gain extra pounds after childbirth. The main reason is hormonal changes in the body, in which a new life is maturing. In addition, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, when the belly is already noticeable, many expectant mothers stop limiting themselves, justifying themselves by the fact that now you can eat “for two.” And the joyful relatives are constantly trying to treat them with something high-calorie and tasty. Not all women continue to visit gyms during this period, sharply limit physical activity, preferring an evening walk to lying on a soft sofa, and no one, as a rule, scolds them for this. Extra pounds appear due to fluid retention in the body, and some medical problems can also cause this.

As a result, weight gain is about 3-5 kg, but for some it can reach 15

When to think about being overweight

No matter how many extra pounds you gain during pregnancy, in the postpartum period, when the process of involution is going on – the reverse change in the functions and sizes of many internal organs, it is better not to start solving this problem. In the first 6-8 weeks, when the immune system is already weakened and there is a danger of complications and inflammation, just pay more attention to your health and so that the body can recover as quickly as possible.

For you, this will already be a rather stressful time, because the child is still so small that you will have to take a lot of care about him, pay attention. The process of losing weight in these first few weeks will already begin naturally. If you are breastfeeding your baby, worrying about excess weight is the least. The studies carried out by medical scientists allow them to confidently assert that to bring the weight back to normal after childbirth, the most reliable and fastest way to restore harmony to a young mother is breastfeeding, in which at least every day in her body burns out, 500 kcal.

Do not give up breastfeeding, as it not only promotes weight loss, but also helps to rapidly reduce the volume of the uterus, reduces the risk of bleeding, and helps to strengthen the skeletal system

After the postpartum period is over and you are sure that you are fully recovered and healthy, you can think about how to regain your former shape. Naturally, there can be no question of any express diets. This means that you will not be able to lose weight in 2 weeks or even in 2 months, especially when the excess weight is more than 5 kg. Your task is systematic weight loss of 250-500 g per week; this weight loss will be optimal and will not harm you or your ability to breastfeed.

Based on this, it is worth limiting the number of calories to 1500-2000 per day. You shouldn’t worry so much about calories as about eating right. The diet is very important, therefore, even after reducing the number of calories eaten, you should eat often so that the body does not have time to get hungry and does not react to this by slowing down the metabolic rate. Take food at strictly defined hours of the day, the break between them should not be more than 3-4 hours, the last meal – no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

In accordance with those biochemical processes in the body that occur during the day, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to eat the bulk of the calories in breakfast and lunch, and in the evening there is light low-calorie food. Therefore, meat dishes should be eaten in the first half of the day, and vegetables in any form are eaten all day, including them at every meal. At a rate of 1500 calories, you should limit the amount of fat you eat during the day to 40 grams. Please note that by pouring a tablespoon of vegetable oil on a vegetable salad, you will get only 10 g of fat, and after eating a bar of milk chocolate – as much as 70 g. Eat low-fat milk and dairy products, cheese – no more than 30% fat, cottage cheese – no more than 5% …

Lactation is dependent on the hormone prolactin, the production of which is not related to the amount of calories eaten, so a balanced non-nutritive diet will not reduce the amount of breast milk

Be sure to eat bread, do not give up grain products, cook whole grain cereals in water or low-fat milk, eat unrefined foods. If you find it difficult to completely abandon sweets, replace the chocolates with marshmallows and marshmallows. Eliminate nuts and seeds from your diet as they are high in fat. Do not drink juices made from concentrates with added preservatives; if there is no juicer, it is better to eat fresh fruit, its calorie content with an equal volume will be less than juice.

Combine proper nutrition with moderate physical activity, which is even walking with a wheelchair. Try to walk with her at a fast pace for at least 1-2 hours a day. Walk at least 4000 steps a day, and in a couple of months the results of your efforts will affect your figure.

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