How to lose weight after childbirth: the secrets of the stars

How to lose weight after childbirth: the secrets of the stars

It is said that pregnancy changes a woman’s body once and for all. If you become a mother, it means that you will never be the same again. We have collected celebrities who eloquently refute this statement.

Pregnancy and childbirth are not at all a reason to get fat. Of course, any woman will inevitably gain weight in 9 months. But whether she will return to form later depends only on her. Woman’s Day gathered star mothers with many children, whose example cannot but inspire.

Natalia Vodianova, five children

The supermodel looks like a teenager at 35. In the Instagram photo, Natalia can easily be mistaken for the sister of her eldest son, 15-year-old Lucas. How did she manage to keep her girlish fragility? Natalia says that you just need to eat right: both during pregnancy and after it. “At one time, my daughter and I had a tradition: on Saturdays to eat one bun for two for breakfast. And then I realized that I can no longer look at these buns, – the supermodel admitted. – I also teach my sons to eat properly. I say: you can’t just sit and watch your belly grow! ” For many years Natasha has been following a blood type diet, drinking a lot of water and taking vitamins. Well, sports, of course: dancing, cycling. No fitness and strength training – Natalia believes that this is superfluous.

Maria Sittel, five children

The 42-year-old TV presenter gave birth to her youngest daughter quite recently – in September last year. Frankly skinny Maria has never been, her weight with a height of 180 cm was kept within the framework of 65 – 70 kilograms. This is the kind of addition. But the TV presenter looks just fine. Maria does not hide the fact that she always adheres to a diet: she monitors the number of calories, tries to eat in small portions 4 – 5 times a day, limits fatty, sweet, smoked, salty and pickled. Only simple and healthy products. The diet, as you can see, is not too strict, but balanced. In addition, if there is enough time, there should be sports in life: a gym or a swimming pool.

Maria Poroshina, four children

The actress says she has never been on a diet. For her slender figure, 44-year-old Maria Poroshina thanks genetics. However, looking at the daily menu of a mother with many children, you understand that she is a little cunning: she can afford a cake once every two weeks and only until noon, for lunch – steamed chicken with green vegetables. No fast food, no fries. Maria also tries to support what she inherited from her parents through sports. In the morning, light exercises, literally 15 minutes, jogging. However, jogging can be postponed to the evening. And you don’t even have to run, you can just walk at a not too fast pace. And also in the life of Mary there are dances and massage.

Victoria Beckham, four children

The figure of the 42-year-old “peppercorn” will be the envy of any supermodel. Vicki never seems to have been plump. Even the thought does not arise that the ex-singer and fashion designer can suddenly relax, blur and get fat. She is given an enviable form for a reason: Victoria is always on a diet. More precisely, this is not even a diet, but a way of life. Victoria even wrote books about her methods. For example, a “handful” diet – that is, there should be no more than a handful of food on your plate. And there should be one plate. You can’t eat after six. It is better to steam it. No meat and sugar – from them, according to Vicki, they not only get fat, but also grow old.

Ekaterina Klimova, four children

Very soon, the actress will celebrate her fortieth birthday. Catherine’s youngest daughter, Bella, was born a little over two years ago. And the mother of many children is growing up a daughter, Elizabeth, and two sons, Matvey and Roots. It is known that Catherine was seriously involved in figure skating and athletics. Of course, he monitors nutrition: at least a liter of clean water per day, tries not to mix proteins with carbohydrates in one meal, monitors the calorie content of dishes and refuses frankly harmful foods. And also – a pool, exercise, massage and regular exercise on the press.

Glafira Tarkhanova, four children

For the fourth time, the 34-year-old actress became a mother quite recently. Remarkably, all four are boys! It is absolutely impossible to believe in this, a mother of many children looks so young. According to Glafira, she gained 20 kilograms each pregnancy. And she did not try to get back into shape as quickly as possible – according to the actress, you need to give the body time to recover. Glafira loves sweets very much, so she constantly has to fight temptations and adhere to proper nutrition. Along with the diet, massage, yoga and green tea helped the actress to regain her slimness after giving birth.

Heidi Klum, four children

The 44-year-old supermodel is not shy about posing nude. Why be ashamed? It seems that four pregnancies have not left a trace on Heidi’s body. More than once they wrote that the beauty adheres to the so-called New York diet, which involves not only restrictions on food, but also solid physical activity. No alcohol, sweets, pastries, sugar, of course, rice and potatoes. Grapes and melons are not allowed. But you can eat vegetables, fish, lean meat, mushrooms and marmalade. You can’t eat after 19 pm, breakfast is a must. And also – an hour and a half of fitness every day.

Oksana Samoilova, three children

Rapper Djigan’s wife, model and designer is a three-time mother. But we still decided to include Oksana on our list: after the birth of the youngest daughter, Maya, the beauty said that she was ready for the fourth pregnancy. I really want the boy to be in the family. And this is already real heroism, because all three times she was given a cesarean, recovering from which is almost more difficult than after a normal birth. Oksana does not hide her beauty secrets: only proper nutrition and sports. Nothing extra on the plate. Don’t be lazy, go to the gym. The result is obvious – perfect abs just six months after giving birth. But how, with such a strict attitude towards herself, Oksana manages to maintain an invariably excellent mood and a positive outlook on the world, remains a mystery.

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