How to lose weight after childbirth: the experience of a mother of five children

The woman shared the secret of how she did it. We are sure that her method will suit everyone, without exception.

“Which sport? I run after the child all day. Wash, wipe, feed, change, wash, clean, cook – there was still not enough gym. Here I would crawl to the bed, ”- you cannot argue with these words of young mothers. Especially if there are several children in the family. Especially if they are of the same age.

“Diet? I haven’t eaten a crumb for the whole day! Look, the tea was poured in the morning, and it is still untouched. There is no time for anything, ”you cannot argue with that either.

Angela Martin, 39, was just that kind of mom. Five children, all day like a squirrel in a wheel. She felt sluggish, tired and overwhelmed all the time. There was neither time, nor energy, nor desire to take care of oneself. And it would be nice – after all, after the birth of the last baby, Angela already weighed 90 kilos with a rather modest growth.

“I could not eat all day, and then I pounced on everything I could reach: white bread, cheese, chocolate, everything and more. Sport? I beg of you. I only ran after the little ones, no more load, ”the woman says.

Angela always felt tired. Lethargy, drowsiness and their faithful companion, irritability, as a result, bothered her already. When her youngest daughter Olivia was one and a half months old, something seemed to turn on inside Angela: she decided that she no longer wanted to live such a life.

First of all, a mother with many children found herself a like-minded person – the same eternally tired mother of five children, like herself. Competitive moment? No, rather just a company. They started with training – classes lasted half an hour, but six times a week. We did fitness three times using video tutorials, three more times we went for a walk. The latter quickly turned into jogging.

But the biggest step towards change has been diet. With an incredible effort of will, the woman threw refined foods and sugar out of her life and kitchen. Oatmeal, tuna, eggs, spinach, herbs, fruits – that’s all the joys. Angela admitted: it was difficult. After all, she was breastfeeding, she didn’t get enough sleep – you can’t sleep very much with a newborn, especially when there are four more tomboys in the house. But our heroine with a titanic effort stepped over her eternal fatigue for the sake of half an hour of training. After all, a friend is waiting, I don’t want to let you down, no one canceled responsibility …

And after only two weeks, she suddenly realized that everything had changed.

“I was finally able to think clearly. The refusal of sugar “sobered” my head. And there was much more energy. The weight dropped, and each workout, walk or run brought more and more pleasure, ”Angela wondered to herself.

A pleasant surprise was parting with pain in the lower back, from which the woman suffered since her first pregnancy. All that was needed was to strengthen the muscles of the body and the press! After 10 weeks, Angela was already able to run five kilometers. By that time, she had become lighter by 15 kilograms.

“While the children are running around, my friend and I train. My own success is more inspiring than anything else, ”says Angela.

As a result, after six months of work on herself, a woman parted with 25 extra pounds, weighs less than before pregnancy, and has as much energy in her as she never had in her life.

“Don’t wait for the right moment – when the child will sleep well, when the wash is over. And, most importantly, do not wait for this terrible fatigue to pass. Because that won’t happen. ”Angela gives all mommies the most important advice. “Let it be ten minutes, let it be three times a week, but take time for yourself. And don’t give up, go back to class every day. It’s actually not difficult. You just have to decide that spending time on yourself is very important. “

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