-12. -fourteen. -14. -26. This is not a thermometer reading, but a balance. Togliatti women lost so much, striving for a beautiful body, and in the end they got a dream come true, a new life and happiness. Woman`s day learned from them how to lose weight.
Weight up to: 60-62 kg
Weight after: 48 kg
Why did you decide to lose weight? I didn’t like the reflection in the mirror. I love beautiful bodies, beautiful people. I was always attracted not by skinny models, but by toned bodies with muscles. One fine day I got on the scales, saw the number and thought: “So what’s next? If from this time on the tummy, hanging sides and cellulite! .. Even more ??! No really! “
Where did you start? She did not start on Monday, as many do, but went on a buckwheat diet. Lose weight mainly on her! I ate buckwheat all the time! I could have a snack with kefir in the evening. I tried not to eat after 6. I completely gave up sweets – this was the most difficult for me, since I have a sweet tooth, sweets are my passion! Also, my mother always brought bags of cookies and poisoned the soul. But after enduring several times, then it is much easier to do it. Plus to this “unhealthy diet” I also jogged every night after work. And I took up acrobatics on a pole – I went to classes twice a week.
What motivated you? Programs about losing weight, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, about the harm of mayonnaise, sausage, fast food, etc. Then I started going to the gym, and it fascinated me a lot. I never thought that I would “carry iron”! Now I’m preparing for a bodybuilding competition – I want to compete in the “fitness bikini” nomination. I work out with a trainer 4 times a week.
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds? Healthy food and sports are my way of life. For three years now I have not eaten pork, sausages and smoked meats, pasta, potatoes, mayonnaise. No fast food, alcohol, juice or soda! I try to give up candy, but sometimes I indulge my weaknesses, and the next day I work out everything in training. Now I understand that there are no diets, there is just a healthy lifestyle and sports.
Favorite dietary dish recipe
Curd casserole: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese, 5 eggs, soda, dried apricots 50-100 g.
Preparation: separate the whites from the yolks. Add yolks to cottage cheese, cut dried apricots, add half a teaspoon of soda, mix everything. Separately in a blender, beat the whites with a tablespoon of sugar without a slide until white foam. Add to the curd, mix gently, put everything in a mold and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. The diet casserole is ready!
35 years
Weight up to: 67 kg
Weight after: 55 kg
By the time I decided to lose weight, I had worked for 11 years in fitness clubs as a group program instructor. But I didn’t follow the food, I ate everything, believing that I move a lot and keep my weight stable – 67 kg. With a height of 161 cm, my appearance was fine with me.
Why did you decide to lose weight? I went to work as the same instructor of group programs in a large club. But at the previous job there were only group trainings, and here, in addition to group training, there was a gym in free access. It has its own atmosphere, everyone only talks about proper nutrition, hard training. I am very hardy, but in the gym there is a completely different load, different sensations. Your special thrill! I began to train myself, then with a trainer. The coach disciplines, makes you do more. You can’t force yourself to do that. I realized that I could look different. I wanted to blind myself. And I got motivation: I set a date for the photo session – a year later, on May 13th. I had to prepare for it. I knew what I wanted: to lose weight, cubes, a relief body.
What have you changed in your diet and daily routine? I continued to conduct group programs for 10-13 hours a week, but I also began to work out with a trainer in the gym twice a week. Group exercises are not particularly effective: as long as the body is not used to stress, weight can be lost. But after 2-3 months, the process of losing weight slows down, and if you do not change your eating habits, then it stops. I know from myself: if you need high-quality body shaping, only the gym will help. With proper nutrition and regular intense training, you can get rid of 10 kg within 3-6 months.
What was the hardest part? It was difficult to change my eating habits. It is unrealistic to stop eating everything harmful at once. But in six months, I taught my body to eat the right way. She gradually refused harmful products, sometimes she allowed herself something “superfluous”. Cheat meal (“cheat mil”, English – “cheat with food”) helps a lot – one of the planned violations of the diet. Cheat Mil not only accelerates metabolism, but also helps psychologically when you go berserk on a diet and you want to eat the forbidden and a lot. You eat what you rave about, without restrictions, but this is only one meal at a given time. For example, I was very fond of salted red fish. Unable to bear it, I bought a piece and realized that I couldn’t eat it anymore, it became unbearably salty and disgusting for me.
It is also difficult to communicate with people who do not understand why you need this healthy lifestyle. A year after losing weight, I completely gave up alcohol. I don’t even need a glass of dry wine. At first it was unusual on the same holidays. People ask a lot of questions and try to feed or give you something to drink. Now everyone is used to the fact that I do not drink, and they are calm. To the question: “Why don’t you drink?” I answer: “Why are you drinking?” They lag behind immediately.
What were you inspired by? What motivated you?
The main thing is to find a compromise with yourself. Know exactly what you want. Listen to your body. If you eat one boiled breast, growl at all, it is unlikely that losing weight will benefit you. You need to look for other sources of inspiration besides food. Find beauty in everyday life, rejoice, love! Try something new. Live a passionate life, and not fizzle out on the couch.
Well, my main incentive is my clients. I cannot disappoint them and grow a belly!
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds?
After losing weight, I stopped doing group training and went to personal trainers. I began to study dietetics more deeply, now I am finishing my training in the course of physiotherapy exercises. I strive to help people put themselves in order, but above all not to harm themselves, but to remain not only thinner, but also healthy.
29 years
Weight up to: 82 kg
Weight after: 56 kg
Why did you decide to lose weight? Many events influenced my decision.
I firmly decided: “That’s enough! I’m changing myself! ” in 2008, when I went up to the 3rd floor, and I was tormented by wild shortness of breath. I was 21 years old, and the feeling of limited movement was very depressing for me. For the year from 2008 to 2009, I independently reduced the weight from 82 kg to 57. The result was jumping, but on average kept at around 65 kg. In 2013, my beloved dog was lost. I could not find a place for myself, and went headlong into achieving the desired result, just to distract myself from negative thoughts and experiences. Thanks to this situation, I learned a lot about my physical capabilities and changed jobs.
I am convinced that being overweight is not a sentence, but only the result of an unbalanced diet. Each person chooses his own path and weight in which he is comfortable. From extra pounds, a person does not become less happy. The most important thing is to keep your health in good shape and feel toned in life.
Where did you start? The very first thing I focused on was the revision of my food culture.
What have you changed in your diet and daily routine? The diet was calculated strictly according to the calorie content for each day, based on physical activity. Introduced daily cycling in warm weather and walking in winter.
What was the hardest part? Getting started is always difficult, getting into the rhythm, planning your diet, waking up before work and cooking for the whole day.
What were you inspired by? The desire to change beyond recognition inspired every day, and the changes happening to me brought a certain zest when meeting old friends.
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds?
The social circle has completely changed, a favorite job has appeared – helping people change their lifestyle and transformations.
Favorite dietary dish recipe
Oatmeal muffins with onions and dill: 150 g oatmeal, egg, green onions, dill, a pinch of Provencal herbs, salt and black pepper to taste, a pinch of soda. Soak the oatmeal in water until soaked. Finely chop the onion and dill. We combine all the components, mix and put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
30 years
Weight up to: 112 kg
Weight after: 65 kg
Why did you decide to lose weight? Once I was part of the KVN “Sok” team in Samara and performed on Channel One. Then for the first time I saw myself from the side – on TV – and was horrified. And at one point she said: “Tomorrow I will stop eating!” And so it happened. From that day on, a new life began for me. My parameters did not suit me because I loved to be fashionable, to dress well. But I couldn’t find anything for myself in the stores. Therefore, my mother had to sew beautiful things right up to my 23 years.
Where did you start? The first thing I did was buy a calorie diet book.
What have you changed in your diet and daily routine? My diet has changed dramatically. I used to eat a lot, everything fatty and with bread. And I switched to the right foods, ate every 3,5 hours. I went to work with jars on which the time to eat was written. I went for a hydromassage and a Charcot shower to tighten the saggy skin. I started going to cardio and strength training.
What was the hardest part? The most difficult thing was and is – sticking to the diet when I am away or on vacation. A sea of temptations that are difficult to refuse.
What were you inspired by? The thought that if I lose weight, I will find the man of my dreams, since he had never existed before.
What motivated you? Compliments. The more I was told how good I looked and how I lost weight, the more I wanted to lose weight.
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds? Cardinally. I became more attractive, I can buy any beautiful clothes, I changed my profession as a marketer to an event host. And most importantly, I met my beloved husband and gave birth to his daughter (gaining only 10 kg for pregnancy). In the new weight I am happy, although I have to support it all my life and keep myself in tight hands.
Favorite dietary dish recipe
Chicken breast in yogurt. Simmer chopped onions and carrots. Add the diced chicken breast fillet there. Fill everything with natural low-fat yogurt and add a little curry. Simmer for 30 minutes and you’re done.
45 years
Weight up to: 85 kg
Weight after: 65 kg
Why did you decide to lose weight? Strongly fat, in the full sense of the word, I have never been. The weight of 85 kg with a height of 1,75 was, of course, noticeable, but not particularly striking. But from the very childhood I had an attitude that it is bad to be complete. Therefore, I constantly lived with the thought that I should lose weight. The maximum weight happened, as often happens, after marriage – as they say, I relaxed. There was no specific event that prompted the idea that you need to lose weight. Except for the phrase of a classmate, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time: “Why did you get better?” This was probably the beginning of the struggle.
Where did you start? I tried different diets, lost weight, then he came back again. I do not like diets, I do not consider them a panacea for excess weight. The diet is finite, as a rule, the result is also. The diet ends, and very soon the kilograms return. You need a nutritional system that you can and should adhere to for a long time.
In search of such a system, I began by using the ideas of Montignac and Shelton. And here and there – separate food with variations. I liked Montignac, gradually about 10 kilograms were spent on this system. For several years she lived quietly with a weight of 73-75. Until I decided that this is too much. And then a fitness club, exercises, additional “chips”, water were already in use. Somewhere in 9 months, another 10 kilograms gradually went away. And this result holds true even now.
What have you changed in your diet and daily routine? I began to go to bed earlier – about 23 o’clock, and get up earlier – 6.30. In the diet – I separate fats and carbohydrates, very rarely I eat flour and bread. Meat – I eat, I try to lean on vegetables. If I eat potatoes, then boiled and rarely. Tea, coffee – all without sugar. I try to exercise every day. At least I do exercises, but full, for 40 minutes, with exercises for different muscle groups.
What was the hardest part? Believe that you will get a lasting result. When I saw what was happening, it became much easier.
What were you inspired by? Someone else’s successful stories – real or in books, films. I did not specifically look for this information, but if I came across it, I read and looked. I still read a lot on the topic of proper nutrition, but already consciously – books, articles, research. I use my knowledge not only for myself, but also for those who I help to lose weight individually or at online trainings.
What motivated you? First, the desire to become slimmer, I wanted to understand that I can do it. And secondly – persistence (stubbornness). This cannot be called motivation. This is from the category “Decided? Take it and do it! “
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds? It has become easier. Not life, of course, but a sense of oneself. Much more strength and energy appeared.
Favorite dietary dish recipe
Chicken wings fried on a wire rack, on charcoal, marinated in a large amount of spices, and in the same place, on a wire rack, baked zucchini and tomatoes.
41 year
Weight up to: 85 kg
Weight after: 60 kg
Why did you decide to lose weight? I have always had a struggle with being overweight, literally from my youth. Either I gained the extra 3-4 kg, then I dumped. But the older I got, the harder this struggle became. And the extra pounds that came, did not want to leave at all. And somehow almost imperceptibly, I reached such a state that I no longer wanted to look at my reflection in the mirror. In the store, in order to buy clothes for myself, I could not choose what I liked, only because my size was not, and I bought only those models that were my size, even if I didn’t really like them.
Once, upon returning from another vacation, my husband Sasha and I looked at our photos and videos and realized that this was no longer possible. You urgently need to change something in your life!
Where did you start? I must pay tribute to my husband! It was he who first began to eat right, thanks to which we lost weight, and if you say it correctly, we got slimmer! Many men think they are beautiful, no matter what size they look like. But my husband is not one of them, which makes me very happy!
What have you changed in your diet and daily routine? Yes, it is very difficult to change something in your life. Our diet and diet have changed. But only that, we didn’t go to the gym. The incentive to become slim, beautiful and healthy is a powerful engine!
What motivated you? It was important for us that we were striving for harmony together! And the same extra pounds, which at first went away quickly enough, then more slowly, but most importantly, went away, also became a strong incentive.
How has life changed after parting with extra pounds? In ten months I have lost 25 kilograms (with a height of 160 cm), and my husband has lost 60 kilograms! Now it is a pleasure for me to go shopping, where I can now buy the clothes that I like. I enjoy looking at my photos. My husband and I are proud of each other for the results achieved, which we also keep. Instead of complexes, self-confidence appeared!
Favorite dietary dish recipe
A favorite dish is a kebab marinated in spices and lemon, if it is fish, and if it is chicken, then with the addition of mineral carbonated water or kefir / unsweetened yogurt.