How to lose the fear of riding an airplane
Many people are unable to plan a trip when the plane is the means of transportation. Fear of a tragedy, anxiety or inability to flee are some of the symptoms they feel

Do you feel a bug in your belly when you go to board a plane or in the minutes before takeoff? It is not hunger, it is your body’s way of manifesting some small nerves typical of emotion before “flying”. However, and despite the fact that this is manifested in a high percentage of society, there are many people who are directly unable to plan a trip when the plane is the means of transport. “The fear of flying it is considered a phobia when said fear is disproportionate and uncontrollable, and leads the person to carry out avoidance behaviors to fly, which may affect their social, family and work life. “, explains Lidia Asensi, health psychologist and expert in phobias at Centro Cepsim.
The terror of ride a plane It is not only a fear of this means of transport and everything that surrounds it, but there are also other factors that are affected. «This dread can be limiting for the person. It can generate a deterioration in social and family relationships, since it is difficult to organize plans that include traveling to other places that cannot be reached with another means of transport. Some isolation may even appear in certain situations, “he concludes. Although this factor can be overlooked, there are many others where the work and self esteem. «There may be consequences at the labor level. Many of the positions, today, involve international jobs, therefore this phobia it can limit career opportunities.
This dread mainly affects the sufferer, creating insecurities, frustration and decreased mood. “If we miss a problem of this type, there is the probability that we may find ourselves with major complications, live more than necessary with anxiety and even develop a Generalized Anxiety Disorder”, warns Beatriz Gil, psychologist at El Prado Psychologists.
Can you be afraid of flying without having tried it?
Just as many people refuse to try a food because they do not like it at first glance or because of the smell, there are those who have developed this phobia without first getting on a plane and checking if it really scares them. “The fear of flying does not appear only because of unpleasant experiences related to airplanes. In consultation we observed that behind this fear there are traumatic experiences from the past and not directly related to flying. In fact, there are people who develop this fear of flying without having had negative practice and even without ever having ridden on it ”, clarifies Lidia Asensi.
Apparently, and according to the experts, the symptoms that appear are similar to those of the rest of phobias although, according to Lidia Asensi, it is possible that others are experienced at a physical, psychological and behavioral level. Which are? «These people have catastrophic thoughts such as having an accident, having an anxiety attack inside the plane or to lose control. It manifests itself with tachycardia, dry mouth, a feeling of suffocation or shortness of breath, among others. At all times the idea and desire to escape and avoid flying abounds, “he explains.
This clears the mind of all the negative when thinking about flying
Although a priori it is difficult to think that the problem lies mainly in the mind, the expert Beatriz Gil assures that this phobia can be overcome: «The fear of flying can be related to thoughts related to a possible accident, to suffering an episode of anxiety or even the worry can be generated by the feeling of being in a place where there is no possibility of escape. You must work against these episodes, “he says. And how do you get a good result? Lidia Asensi, an expert in this phobia, clarifies that it is important to bear in mind that thoughts are “the interpretation that we make of a certain situation and, therefore, they will determine how we are going to feel.” Thoughts have a great influence on us. They are known as catastrophic thoughts because they are erroneous attributions that we make of ourselves and the world, without questioning the probability that what we think will happen. It is something that we accept and believe completely, generating anxiety, fear and anguish », warns the psychologist, who provides some guidelines to manage these thoughts:
– Focus on understanding why this type of thinking appears and where it can come from.
– Realize how that kind of thinking is making us feel.
– It is important to share with another person what we are thinking and how we are feeling.
– Give alternative thoughts to those that distress us so much.
– Start relaxation techniques such as breathing.
In addition, the psychologist Beatriz Gil also advises focusing attention on another stimulus or returning to distraction strategies such as listening to music, playing video games, talking on the phone before takeoff or reading a book.
Fear can be overcome
The fear may not last a lifetime. To the uncertainty of whether oneself or someone close to him will get beat that phobia, The answer is yes. “One of the first steps to work on a phobia is for the person to decide to start a therapeutic process and be willing to generate a change,” says psychologist Gil, but we must flee from resistance such as “deep down I don’t need to fly.” , “It is not so serious not to ride a plane” that they slow down when acting. “It is essential that the person, within this process, be able to know himself, for example, to be able to understand why he wants to have everything under control or why he is so afraid of experiencing fear”, advises the psychologist.
On the other hand, the fact of starting a therapeutic process will make the person know himself better, acquire greater confidence and security in himself. “You will learn self-control and anxiety management techniques that you can use in moments of anguish,” says psychologist Lidia Asensi.
Viable solutions
- Go to therapy to gain confidence and lose fear.
- Do breathing exercises to stay calm.
- Thinking that flying is just an everyday act and discarding any negative thoughts.
Dysfunctional solution attempts
- Avoid planning a plane trip by making excuses.
- Wanting to control everything. The more a person wants to control everything, the more they feel like they are out of control.
- Consume medication. In the short term it can be useful, it calms us down, but that does not lead to the solution of the problem.