How to lose at least 5 kg in a week?

How to lose at least 5 kg in a week?

A week-long diet is a wonderful solution to the problem of a slight excess of weight. Scientists have proven that it is this period that the body needs in order to most clearly feel the positive effect of experiments with weight loss. At first glance, this is a short period, however, from a psychological point of view, it has sufficient significance and allows you to confidently count on a noticeable result.

You do not need to set yourself up for a half-starved existence in advance. In addition to monotonous diets, a large selection of meal plans are presented that allow you to lose extra pounds in a week and at the same time eat hearty and varied. Different diets, depending on their complexity and focus, allow you to lose from 3 to 10 kg of excess weight in seven days. The success of the event largely depends on the choice of a specific dietary diet that will be comfortable for you and prove to be feasible. For the sake of losing weight, you do not have to radically change your lifestyle and perform strong-willed feats.

Weekly weight loss price

In order for your attempts to lose weight in a week to be successful, you should carefully choose a diet, then it will give the desired result for you. The indicator of effectiveness lies not only in the kilograms that you lose, but also in the ability to maintain the result obtained and at the same time not harm the quality of life and health.

When the body is faced with conditions of time limitation, the main emphasis is on the daily diet. Any other good undertakings, such as changing the daily routine, a positive attitude and increasing physical activity, with all the desire, will not have time to give visible results in such a short time.

There are three ways that give a clear result for those who want to spend a week’s diet:

  • A sharp restriction of calorie intake (“hungry” diet wears out the body and implies a lack of physical activity);

  • Mono-diet, which involves the use of one product with certain properties in the menu (monotonicity affects the psychology of the process in different ways – someone can absorb buckwheat with kefir without disgust as a cure for extra pounds, and someone is burdened by monotony);

  • A diet based on protein nutrition that affects chemical processes and corrects metabolism (famous for maintaining results for a long time due to the absence of the risk of muscle loss, unlike express diets).

Some believe that the scarcity and monotony of nutrition helps to achieve the best results in losing weight. But this is not as close to the truth as we would like. A week is too long for strict dietary restrictions, the health risk in this case outweighs the value of the result.

For many of these diets, there is an unfortunate “plateau” trend, when a vigorous start is observed for the first couple of days, but then suddenly the weight loss stops, because in conditions of restrictions, the body turns on an emergency mode and slows down energy consumption. This leads to the fact that the weight is not really lost, and the forces leave the body, which begins to feel like in a lethargic dream.

Wanting to throw off the maximum number of kilograms in the shortest possible time, try to choose the lesser of the evils, soberly assess all the risks and limits of the body’s capabilities. A short diet with good results can be an excellent motivation for subsequent weight loss efforts. But you should always remember that after “hungry” diets, the old weight returns quickly enough. For this reason, after a week-long fast for the sake of a slim figure and beauty, it is important to refrain from gluttony in the future.

An adequate assessment of the state of one’s health will also not interfere. It is not recommended to lose weight on your own if the excess weight exceeds 30 kg, in this case, multifaceted support from doctors is necessary. Be sure to ask your doctor for advice before heavily reducing the energy value of the diet or switching to a mono-diet.

Top XNUMX weekly diets

How to lose at least 5 kg in a week?

  • Japanese diet. Allows you to lose from 4 to 7 kg. The essence of the diet lies in the almost complete absence of carbohydrates, and meals are scheduled strictly by the hour and grams.

  • Kefir diet. It makes it possible to lose from 3 to 5 kg in a week. The menu includes kefir and several other permitted products.

  • Buckwheat diet. Gives a record result – up to 1 kg per day. Russians are very fond of this most useful cereal, however, for the diet menu, buckwheat is not boiled in the usual way, but steamed in boiling water without salt. The taste of such cereals is no different from boiled buckwheat, but it is good because it retains almost all of its useful properties.

  • Juice mono diet. This diet (jusing) is loved by fashion models, because it works flawlessly in the shortest possible time. However, eating exclusively juices causes monstrous harm to the body, and one week is too long and extreme for such a diet. It should be taken into service only in extreme cases. At the first sign of discomfort in the body, the diet must be interrupted in order to maintain health. For fruit lovers, a much more sparing and balanced grapefruit diet is suitable.

  • Unloading diet from a nutritionist from Russia Margarita Koroleva. This diet includes a daily meal plan that includes 2,5 liters of plain water, 1 liter of fat-free kefir, 100 g of cottage cheese, 400 grams of chicken, 1 potato and a couple of cucumbers, eaten evenly at regular intervals. A week on such a diet allows you to lose 2-3 kg in a gentle mode.

Fast Estonian Diet

Losing 5 kg in just one week is possible with the Estonian diet, which involves the implementation of a very intricate nutrition plan, in fact consisting of several mono-diets. For all seven days, salt and sugar, as well as seasonings and sauces, are banned. At this time, it is recommended not to drink coffee and tea, but to do with plain water without gas, which requires at least 1,5 liters per day. The amount of food indicated in the menu is distributed evenly from morning to evening.

  • 1st day. 6 pcs. boiled eggs.

  • 2nd day. 1 kg fat-free cottage cheese.

  • 3rd day. 300 g of steam or boiled chicken fillet.

  • 4th day. Rice soup: 100 g of cereal boiled in 1 liter of water.

  • 5th day. 6 pcs. boiled potatoes in uniform.

  • 6th day. 1 kg of apples.

  • 7th day. 1,5 l of kefir.

A hearty egg diet

How to lose at least 5 kg in a week?

Do not be confused by the word “nutritious”, since the egg diet gives good results: from 3 to 10 kg per week (the result directly depends on the individual characteristics of metabolism and initial weight). The effect of the weekly egg diet is based on the benefits of biotin, which helps to accelerate lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, and evens out blood sugar levels. Biotin is of great importance in the diet for diabetics and people who are pre-diabetic.

If you need to quickly lose weight, an egg diet is preferable, since this product saturates the body well. Eggs are digested slowly, so you do not face the excruciating feeling of hunger. It is very useful to add grapefruit to the egg menu, which contains a special flavonoid naringenin, which regulates insulin secretion and allows you to keep your appetite under control.

During the entire period of the diet, salt and sugar, sauces from the store and other ready-made seasonings, juices, carbonated drinks and bread should not be eaten. At least 1,5 liters of plain water should be drunk per day.

  • 1st day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: tomato, a couple of eggs, herbal tea. For dinner: vinaigrette without oil from beets, potatoes and carrots, a couple of eggs, grapefruit and tea without sugar.

  • 2nd day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: grapefruit and a couple of eggs. For dinner: 150 g of lean boiled meat, a couple of eggs and a green salad.

  • 3rd day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: spinach, a couple of eggs and tea without sugar. For dinner: vinaigrette without oil, a couple of eggs, herbal tea and 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.

  • 4th day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: spinach, a couple of eggs and black coffee. For dinner: vinaigrette without oil, 150 g of sea fish, a couple of eggs and tea.

  • 5th day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: spinach, a couple of eggs and black coffee. For dinner: cabbage salad, 150 g of sea fish, tea or black coffee.

  • 6th day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: fruit salad (any fruit at will). For dinner: 150 g of boiled lean meat, a couple of eggs, celery, cucumber and tomato salad, herbal tea.

  • 7th day. For breakfast: grapefruit, a couple of eggs, coffee without milk and sugar. For lunch: cold boiled chicken, a couple of eggs, grapefruit and tomato. For dinner: 150 g of cold boiled chicken, a couple of eggs, coleslaw, carrots and tomatoes, unsweetened black coffee.

In the course of the egg diet, it is advisable to drink mineral alkaline water so that the acid contained in the grapefruit is neutralized.

This type of menu refers to the “chemical” due to the low content of carbohydrates and high protein content. The egg diet is good because in the process of losing weight a person does not lose his protein reserves. By reducing the level of available “fuel” in the form of carbohydrates, the body begins to use fat reserves.

Healthy eating without dinner – 5 kg per week down!

How to lose at least 5 kg in a week?

As you may have guessed, the following diet is based on the principles of healthy eating, and its main weapon is the lack of dinner. The last meal is taken no later than 18:00. A positive side effect of this diet is going to bed early without empty and unhealthy hanging in front of a computer or TV.

In general, it is not recommended to drastically break the usual daily routine. In addition, you must strictly adhere to the list of products for the day and not change it according to your own desire and mood.

It is very important not to consume salt and sugar throughout the week, alcohol should be completely excluded. Fruits on the menu should not be eaten at the main meal, it is advisable to eat them half an hour before the meal, or 30 minutes later. In addition, every day you need to drink a large amount of ordinary non-carbonated water.

  • 1st day. For breakfast: 50 g of steamed fish, salad leaves with a little olive oil, a full glass of 1% kefir. For lunch: a couple of slices of wholemeal bread, a boiled egg, 90 g of chicken or turkey.

  • 2nd day. For breakfast: 80 g of boiled veal, 1 boiled potato, celery without restrictions, boiled carrots and green tea without sugar. For lunch: 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of low-fat yogurt, 5 dates and oatmeal boiled in water.

  • 3rd day. For breakfast: 3 loaves, 50 g of boiled chicken breast and a full glass of chicken broth without salt. For lunch: 50 g of boiled veal, a couple of slices of rye bread, an orange, spinach without restrictions and an apple.

  • 4th day. For breakfast: a glass of 1% kefir, boiled buckwheat, tomatoes with olive oil. For lunch: a glass of fresh citrus juice, boiled rice, 100 g of cottage cheese with prunes, kiwi and grapefruit.

  • 5th day. For breakfast: boiled egg, 60 g of boiled beef, a couple of sweet bell peppers and one cucumber. For lunch: one boiled potato, boiled chicken breast, a couple of walnuts, 3 pcs. dried apricots, orange and apple.

  • 6th day. For breakfast: 100 g of steamed red fish, 100 ml of unsalted chicken broth, 3 tbsp. l. green peas, a slice of rye bread and green tea with honey (1 tsp). For lunch: tomatoes and lettuce seasoned with sesame seeds and lemon juice, brown boiled rice; an hour later dessert: banana, kiwi, a glass of skim milk.

  • 7th day. For breakfast: a plate of buckwheat with 60 g of boiled chicken breast, 2 tbsp. l. low-fat cottage cheese with bell pepper, black tea with 1 tsp. honey and dessert from a handful of raisins. For lunch: 100 grams of boiled beef with lentils, 125 grams of low-fat yogurt without additives, 30 grams of almonds.

Other ways to lose weight without pain

Despite the fact that weight loss in a week is considered the “gold standard”, there are many effective diets that give good results in terms that deviate from the standard both downward and upward. Here are some examples:

  • Easy and satisfying pumpkin diet for 12 days. Relevant for autumn with a fresh harvest of gourds.

  • Six-day diet “6 petals”. It is a series of mono-diets. As an additional motivation, a flower is used, from which, at the end of another successful day, a petal comes off with a sense of accomplishment.

  • Curd diet, carried out in two unloading days. It is a proven way to lose a few extra pounds.

  • Chicken diet in the format of three or standard seven days. This mono-diet is famous for its effectiveness.

[Video] Dr. Berg – how to lose 5 kg?

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