How to look sexy and beautiful
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We have all met special women. They sparkle with energy and positive, it is pleasant to be in their company, there are a lot of fans around them. But each of us can become attractive and sexy. These qualities can be developed in oneself.
Even the most stunning beauties have claims to themselves. For example, sex diva Halle Berry complains about the shape of her toes, and Megan Fox is complex because of a deformed finger. And yet this did not stop them from becoming famous and looking confident. How to deal with your own complexes?
Imagine that everything is already the way you want it. Feel like a woman goddess, inexpressibly alluring, mysterious and serene. We promise – the result will not be long in coming.
We send stereotypes to the shelf
No matter how ridiculous it may seem, our external flaws, which stop us from showing sexuality, are not noticeable to most people at all. Men, of course, love with their eyes, but they react to energy. The decisive factor is always not the shape and volume, but the inner feeling “my figure is not ideal, and therefore I am not worthy of attention.”
Starting today, start loving your body – the way it is! All our differences – in physique, height, shape – are completely natural and are not a deviation from the norm. By the way, according to research data, the ideal of attractiveness is formed in a man in childhood and, as a rule, coincides with the type of figure most common in the area where he grew up.
An extremely important task in the disclosure of sexuality is to please yourself. Do this as often as possible! Pleasure helps you relax. And being in a state of peace and serenity, you literally begin to radiate vibes of attraction!
Look for reasons to be happy in your daily life. Notice everything that makes you happy. For some, this is a flawless manicure; for some – a morning run. Do not be lazy to please yourself!
Children are the highest manifestation of our femininity. And confidence in your feminine solvency is an integral part of that very enchanting radiation of sexuality.
Take care of your health, visit your gynecologist regularly. If you are not planning a pregnancy yet, talk to your doctor about the IUD. This is the most modern contraception with a minimum dose of hormones, which at the same time takes care of the health of the uterus, protects it and prepares it for the successful bearing of the unborn child.
Personal care
Any actions for the care and decoration of the body are magical rituals that help us maintain self-confidence and emphasize our sexuality. Take your time, don’t try to do a thousand things at the same time, listen to your feelings. After all, the heroines of commercials even manage to shave their legs sexy – so why don’t we follow their example?