Simple life hacks to help you look older and more feminine.
It’s no secret that stylists can create a real miracle with your appearance. To transform, you do not need to go to the surgeon or spend hours editing your photos, you just need to learn the art of make-up and make a suitable styling. For example, a properly selected foundation and competent contouring can rejuvenate you by 10 years!
But what if you want to achieve the opposite effect and look older? Makeup will come to the rescue here too. We will tell you what techniques will emphasize your beauty and help you become a little older.
1. Make contouring
Contouring is your favorite assistant in any transformation. To visually appear more mature, you need to get rid of rounded facial features. This is possible thanks to the use of blush in light and dark shades.
Use a brush to apply a darker blush to the area under the cheekbones – your cheeks should look more sunken.
Above the cheekbones, apply a light blush or highlighter to make the facial features appear more expressive.
2. Draw expressive eyebrows
Brows that are too light make your face softer, so you look younger. Equip yourself with a pencil or eyebrow shadow and draw dark eyebrows for yourself. Be sure to add a sharper outline and work on the shape.
Important: don’t overdo it with brightness and pick the right shade. It should overlap with your hair color (especially the roots) or be slightly darker.
3. Correct the shape of the nose
Owners of a small and neat nose always look cute and young. To mature several years in a couple of minutes, you need to sharpen and lengthen your nose. Use the same blush as for contouring: apply a dark shade on the sides of the bridge of the nose with a thin brush, and highlight the back with a light tone. Remember to feather the borders to keep things looking natural.
4. Cover up pimples
Acne on the face occurs not only in adolescents, but also in adults, however, most people associate this problem with teenagers. If you want to appear 5 years older, acne will have to be masked. To do this, find a good foundation and apply it gently to your face. Fix the effect with powder. By the way, those who want to look very mature can use a darker tone, but do not overdo it.
5. Apply dark lipstick and lip liner
You may have noticed that bright lipstick colors are always eye-catching. Do you want to grow up with a make-up? All dark shades of lipsticks and gloss are at your service! Pay special attention to dark red, chocolate, and purple colors. And to achieve a clear contour and high durability, additionally use a lip liner.
6. Use dark eyeshadow
Natural beauty is great, but sometimes the lack of makeup makes you look noticeably younger. If you don’t like it, get a dark eyeshadow palette and get creative. Although smokey ice is considered to be an evening make-up, no one forbids you to make it an everyday option. An alternative would be cat-eye arrows. A deep look and many compliments are guaranteed!
7. Experiment with your hairstyle
We all know that going to a stylist sometimes makes us a different person. This is a useful life hack for those looking to look older. Perhaps it’s time to get rid of long hair and decide on a square? For example, a pixie haircut will perfectly accentuate your cheekbones and accentuate your eyes. Some people look older with a different hair color, while others just need to put on a high ponytail. If you’re ready to experiment, the right hairstyle will be a great way to complete your look.