How to live with psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease that affects two out of one hundred people in Poland. Psoriasis is caused by a malfunction of the immune system.

Psoriasis is not contagious, but it is very troublesome. Usually it manifests itself between the ages of 10 and 30, but more and more often it is diagnosed later, even after the age of 60-70. age. Scientists believe that this may be related to the use of beta-blockers (cardiovascular drugs) and lithium preparations, administered in the treatment of depression.

The view about the immunological origin of psoriasis is justified by the fact that the symptoms of the disease worsen after an acute cold, flu, bronchitis or angina. It is also said that psoriasis is an inherited disease, as evidenced by the fact that children of people suffering from psoriasis suffer from it many times more often than children of people without such a burden.

The essence of the disease

The outermost layer of our skin, the epidermis (the stratum corneum), is systematically exfoliating. In its place, a new one is formed, produced by the basal layer of the epidermis. In healthy people, this process takes about a month. In patients with psoriasis, it is much faster, even 7-8 times. Disruption of the normal process of keratinization and exfoliation results in the presence of immature cells in the stratum corneum. There is a mild growth of the epidermis and inflammation of the dermis. There are brown or pink papules covered with dry, silvery-white scales. They can merge and form larger foci of various sizes and shapes. Characteristic of psoriasis is that when we scrape dry scales, microscopic droplets of blood appear almost immediately. Such speckled bleeding is referred to by experts as the Auspitz symptom, and more vividly it is referred to as bloody dew.

Not only leather

A person suffering from psoriasis or genetically at risk of developing it should take great care of their skin. It happens that even after slight damage to the epidermis, e.g. after scratching a wound, psoriatic lesions appear. Since the symptoms of psoriasis worsen after almost every inflammation, seasonal colds should not be ignored. However, you should visit your dentist regularly to prevent the development of caries or gingivitis. It is also important to treat chronic inflammations such as sinuses. The patient should learn to relieve stress because it lowers the efficiency of the immune system, which may translate into new changes or intensification of symptoms.

When taking care of your skin, you shouldn’t forget about a proper diet. If it is rich in animal fats, with pickles and hot spices, and alcohol – it can provoke psoriasis or exacerbate its symptoms.

Relief of the symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriatic lesions can occur all over the body. Sometimes they are located in the hairy scalp and then it is difficult to notice them. It can also attack the whole body and include the back, the area around the navel, anus, ears, elbows, knees, nails (they have pinpoint indentations, the plate is thickened, yellow, brittle and delaminates). Some forms of psoriasis are associated with inflammation of the joints, others – pimples or exudates. Sometimes the skin itches, burns, fever rises, chills.

Unfortunately, treatment of psoriasis comes down to symptomatic treatment. Even the latest-generation drugs do not completely cure the condition. Their advantage, however, is the extension of remission periods up to several, and sometimes even several years.

For skin care, keratolytic creams (ointments) are used, i.e. ointments that exfoliate the epidermis. They contain salicylic acid, urea, vitamin D or A derivatives. Another type of preparation is corticosteroid ointments, which are anti-inflammatory and inhibit cell proliferation. Dermatologists also recommend tar, i.e. products of wood or coal transformation in the form of pastes or ointments. They also use preparations containing cygnolines. Sometimes you have to take antibiotics (mainly from the tetracycline group), and in more severe cases, the so-called immunosuppressive drugs (affect the immune system) or antimitotic drugs (inhibit cell division).

Light treatment is very useful in relieving the symptoms of psoriasis. Usually, phototherapy with UVB or UVA rays or photochemotherapy – PUVA is used. In the PUVA method, first you take photosensitizing substances (so-called psoralens), and then the body is irradiated with UVA rays in a special room.

Take care of yourself

Psoriasis cannot be prevented, but by proper management it is possible to reduce the number of flare-ups and flare-ups of symptoms. What do you have to do?

1. Eat fish and use vegetable oils because they contain omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D. Red grapes, parsley, lettuce, carrots and garlic are also recommended.

2. Avoid cold cuts, pork meat, offal, chocolate, coffee, cocoa, honey, legumes, raw apples, black currants, hot spices.

3. Give up alcohol and cigarettes.

4. Protect the skin against cuts, abrasions and irritations. Do not scratch skin lesions.

5. Moisturize the skin with lotions.

6. Bathe in a Dead Sea salt solution that soothes skin irritations.

7. Try meditation. Calmness alleviates the symptoms of psoriasis.

8. Do not use solariums and intensive sunbathing. Clothing that is in contact with the skin should be pure cotton. This not only does not irritate the skin, but also protects it from overheating. It is best to dress in layers, on the roots, to remove the top layers when necessary and avoid overheating and sweating.

9. In the case of scalp psoriasis, rinse your hair with an infusion of sage and rosemary (30 g each, pour 1/2 l of boiling water, brew for 15 minutes).

10. In good drugstores and pharmacies there are more and more cosmetics (creams, lotions, shampoos) intended for people suffering from psoriasis. Although they are not the cheapest, it is worth using them because they help keep the skin in good condition.

Tekst: Anna Jarosz

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