How to live a hundred years healthy?

A statistical Pole can live up to 80 years without any problems, while a Polish woman – 85. The problem is to live not only long, but also in good health.

– Today’s sixty-year-old is not the same man as his peer ten years ago. Many people at this age are completely physically and mentally fit. It is worth recalling that the oldest Mount Everest conqueror is 74 years old – says prof. Grzegorz Opala from the Medical University of Silesia.

Life expectancy in Poland

There are still more and more people in Europe. Almost 2 thousand of them live in Poland, and five years ago – only 1,2 thousand. So the sixty-year-old became a middle-aged man. Thanks to the development of medicine, it was possible to extend the lives of the inhabitants of our continent. Poles also live longer. Compared to the 80s, our life expectancy has increased by 4 years. According to specialists, it is mainly due to a change in lifestyle and diet, and to reducing the addiction to smoking. We eat less animal fats, such as lard, and also less pork. We eat more fruits and vegetables and fish. Besides, Poles move more. Many run, play tennis, ride a bike. The percentage of smokers is 7% lower than 10 years ago. However, all this is not enough if we want to catch up with Europe. The average European lives 4,6 years longer than a Pole, and a European lives 2 years longer than a Pole. So we have a lot to do.

The most common causes of death

Poles most often die of a heart attack or stroke, the development of which is fostered by arterial hypertension, smoking and elevated cholesterol levels. – It is cardiovascular diseases that make us live shorter than other inhabitants of Europe – says prof. Bogdan Wojtyniak from the National Institute of Health. Meanwhile, cardiovascular diseases can be treated. – In the treatment of hypertension, therapeutic success is possible in more than 90% of cases. However, half of the population is unaware they are having pressure problems. Half of those who know begin to heal, but only half of the latter heal effectively. Patients do not take prescribed medications or do so irregularly. Unfortunately, regularity is not inherent in our genes – says prof. Zbigniew Gaciong from the Medical University of Warsaw. Cigarette smoking, excessive salt consumption, lack of physical activity and being overweight also contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. According to CBOS research, one third of adults smoke cigarettes in Poland. We consume about 15 grams of salt a day, while the normal is up to 6 grams. Only 66,6% of people practice sports as recommended by cardiologists, i.e. 4-5 times a week for at least 45 minutes continuously.

The obesity epidemic

In Poland, there is still a belief, especially among the elderly, that fat is healthy, and thin – sick. Meanwhile, old age does not necessarily mean overweight. Especially since it increases the risk of not only cardiovascular diseases, but also diabetes and many cancers. In addition, it loads the joints. Unfortunately, the obesity epidemic is coming to Poland. According to specialists, the percentage of obese people will increase from 22% to 33%, so their number will increase from 6,5 million to over 9 million in 2035. And thus there will be more diabetics. If we do not change our lifestyle, the prevalence of diabetes among adult Poles will increase from 25% to 6% in the next 12 years. Despite advances in treatment, diabetes ranks fifth on the world’s list of causes of death. Professor Krzysztof Strojek, a national consultant in the field of diabetes, explains that patients die mainly as a result of diabetes complications. Many of them could be alive if they had been properly treated. Meanwhile, half of the patients do not even know that they have diabetes. Meanwhile, regular blood sugar testing could change this situation.


Stroke is the leading cause of disability and the third cause of death in the elderly population. – Only 7% of stroke patients can use the toilet without special amenities, 65% require assistance with walking, and 29% with eating – says Prof. Zbigniew Gaciong. – Therefore, let’s do everything to avoid a stroke – adds Dr. Adam Kobayashi from the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw.

Prevention of strokes is primarily physical activity, a diet low in animal fats, and not smoking. It is also very important to control blood pressure, which must be below 140/90. They must be measured at least once a year. If it is higher, treatment should be started. It is also necessary to test the level of cholesterol – once every five years. If it is too high, it must be lowered with diet – and when that does not help – with medication. Treatment for atrial fibrillation is also needed, which increases the risk of a stroke and diminishes the chance of survival. Therefore, any cardiac arrhythmia, even if it occurs sporadically and is not bothersome, requires medical consultation.

Prevention of neoplastic diseases

In Poland, less people suffer from malignant tumors than the European average. Unfortunately, we are in the lead when it comes to cancer mortality. – This is mainly because 80% of patients come to the doctor too late, because they do not perform preventive diagnostic tests – says Dr. Janusz Meder, president of the Polish Oncology Union. – Every seven minutes in Poland someone dies of cancer. Almost all of us have a friend who suffers from this disease, but few are aware that we are dealing with an epidemic – says Krzysztof Krzemieniecki, consultant in the field of clinical oncology in the Małopolskie Voivodeship. – We take care of our cars and even though they do not break down, we regularly inspect them, meanwhile we often leave our own health to God’s care – he adds. Unfortunately, together with Romania and Bulgaria, we are in the lead in terms of cervical cancer mortality in the EU, because Polish women do not do pap smear tests. They also neglect breast ultrasound and mammography. In the case of men, the most common cancer is lung cancer, and the incidence rate in our country is one of the highest in the EU. You have to remember that the risk of disease increases with each cigarette you smoke. The incidence of malignant neoplasms of the prostate gland is also constantly increasing. That is why men need to see a urologist or family doctor regularly for early detection of prostate cancer. Colorectal cancer is dangerous for both sexes and develops over a long period of time without any symptoms. Early detection gives an almost 100% chance of a cure. The best method of early detection of this cancer is colonoscopy. Preventive examinations should be performed by everyone after the age of 40.

The independence of the elderly is at risk

Brain diseases in old age pose the greatest threat to a dignified, peaceful and independent life. Meanwhile, everything indicates that in some time Poland and the whole of Europe will be a continent of old and dull people, and brain diseases will be the most common cause of dependence among the elderly. In Poland, Alzheimer’s disease affects 250. by 2020, it is estimated that around 1 million people will fall ill. Alzheimer’s patients suffer from progressive dementia, memory lapses, inability to associate facts, outbursts of anger, fear, and problems with movement. They are not capable of an independent existence, because apart from putting, for example, a TV remote control in the refrigerator, it happens that they leave the house sometimes incompletely dressed and are unable to return to it. The disease is incurable, drugs can only delay the degenerative changes in the brain. Prevention and proper management of our greatest wealth, i.e. the brain, is of key importance for the quality of life in old age – says Dr. Mary Baker, president of the European Brain Council. In her opinion, it is necessary to make employers aware that they need to take care of their employees, because stress at work is one of the factors that can influence brain diseases. The number of duties imposed on an employee must be feasible assuming that he will not be working all day. Breaks and holidays are necessary. An employee who does not take leave does not observe mental hygiene. Our brain is also degenerated by alcohol and drugs. Professor Opala adds that the best prevention of brain diseases is physical and mental activity. Any sport, walking with poles or ballroom dancing – formerly done at least three times a week for 45 minutes – is good. When it comes to mental activity, according to prof. Opali – solving crosswords is not enough. – Even in retirement age, it is worth learning a new language or learning about the history of ancient Egypt – he argues. Prof. Opala believes that the activation of the elderly is very important. This prevents dementia and depression. Universities of the third age play an important role, where retired people study, especially women who, due to the fact that they live longer, are more often lonely.

Length and quality of life

The length and quality of our life depends in 40% on the genes inherited from our ancestors, in 20% on the quality of healthcare and as much as 40% on our lifestyle. In the next few decades, demographic forecasts predict a doubling of the population over 65 in Europe. The mere extension of the life time, however, is half the battle, the problem is that its quality is satisfactory. This, however, largely depends on us.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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