How to like yourself in a job interview
Taking care of our clothing and non-verbal language is very important when looking for a new job

Face a job interview it is always complicated. We get nervous, insecurities can surface and it is difficult for us to be comfortable in a situation that we feel imposed and unnatural. But although they are not very pleasant situations, they are also difficult to avoid.
So, if we have to face one, it is best to be prepared and safely to get out of the situation as successfully as possible. A job interview is an exhibition of our person in which they will look closely at our clothes, body language, our words and even our online presence.
José Miguel Sánchez, «motivational speaker», specialized in work psychology, gives us the keys to be able to face a job interview and not fail in the attempt:
Take care of the online image
Before arriving for an interview, we face a selection process. “Now, many recruiters of companies are going to put your name and surname on the Internet and have very good tools to do these searches,” explains the expert. That is why he encourages us to keep our social media accounts private. “It is our online brand, we must think about it before thinking about what to publish, especially during a selection process.”
“If online gives a different image to what is expected, the recruiter might think that you are not going to do it well, or that you are not the right person, then he is not going to call you,” he says.
The importance of clothing
When choosing what to wear to go to a job interview, we must be aware that we are planning what will be decisive for the first impression that we cause. “Dress used to be much more important than it is now. Nowadays, a format that we call business casual», Explains José Miguel Sánchez.
The expert points out that, if you are looking for a job in sectors such as finance, a more formal dress code, in which he recommends men to wear a suit and women also to wear a suit jacket. Even so, he points out that right now the casual format is the current one. «It is important to go in an appropriate and non-bizarre way, to show hygiene and cleanliness. Avoid cowgirls. Give one neat picture, but without it being traditional ”, explains the professional.
In the case of tattoos and piercings, although they are increasingly common and are more accepted in the workplace, Sánchez recommends hiding it during the interview. “It would be a terrible mistake not to take an ideal candidate because he has a tattoo or a piercing, but even so in some companies the traditional still rules, so if it can be hidden, better to be safe than sorry,” he explains.
Believe in what is counted
Verbal communication also plays a fundamental role in a job interview. The expert indicates specific things that we have to be careful with, such as avoid covering our mouths with our hands, keep your arms uncrossed during the conversation and do not hide your hands under the table.
But even with these tips, Sánchez forcefully emphasizes one word: congruence. Everything I say I must believe. If I say that I am a good leader, I must communicate it in such a way that my interviewer does not doubt my words. “It is better to avoid telling things that we do not believe, because an incongruity is generated, doubts are generated and that is transmitted by non-verbal communication.”
How do I ask about my salary?
“That we are ashamed to talk about how much we are going to charge is something cultural, we do not like to talk about money, and that is because we do not value ourselves,” says the “motivational speaker” José Miguel Sánchez.
The professional recommends addressing this issue like any other, with “total security and tranquility.” “They pay you money because they consider that it is what you deserve, and this is something as important as the development of my tasks or my responsibilities,” he says.
It also advises that we be consistent with what we are going to ask for. In case it is the company that has “come to find us”, we can always ask for a higher salary than the one we already have. In case of finding ourselves unemployed, we must know if our old salary remains realistic in the current market and, with this, we must negotiate with the company.
Show security
José Miguel Sánchez continues to address the importance of internal security when facing a job interview. «If you are very insecure, we must seek help, either online, with videos and tips, or the help of a professional “, he explains and adds:” If I as a recruiter see someone insecure, surely I do not see him capable of fulfilling the functions that require the job “.
Uncomfortable questions
Although these are unprofessional and unethical questions, there are still interviews that attempt to address personal issues that are often unrelated to the job. Therefore, when faced with questions such as “Do you currently have a partner?” or “Do you intend to get pregnant?” José Miguel Sánchez’s first resounding recommendation is to reply with a “I would rather not answer that question.”
“There are cases in which you really need the job and even if they make us feel uncomfortable, we answer and that’s it,” says the expert. «This does not mean that it is not unethical behavior by the recruiter, as well as showing the company culture of the place, which may not interest us. “It is a pity that we have to talk about it, because it is something archaic, but sadly it is still done,” the expert ends.