How to let fear rule your life

We all get scared from time to time. By maintaining healthy contact with your inner self, recognizing the feeling of fear is quite simple. We try to brush it off, but nothing comes of it. Psychologist Susan Cain is sure that it is quite possible to overcome fear, and gives some tips on how to do it.

1. Admit you are afraid

It is important to recognize and acknowledge fear in time in order to prevent it from seizing power and preventing you from living a fulfilling life.

Fear is different from other negative emotions: sadness, anger, disappointment. It activates the body’s “fight or flight” mode – this is how we prepare for a meeting with danger – and causes physiological reactions: increased breathing and heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, dry mouth, tremors and a feeling of “butterflies in the stomach.”

2. Make a list of effective ways to deal with it

It is helpful to remember techniques for dealing with fear that have worked for you in the past. So at the moment of an acute attack, when you are hardly able to make reasonable decisions, you do not have to figure out how to calm yourself. Do not be too lazy not only to think over, but also to write down proven ways that help you.

3. Fear only controls you if you let it.

Remember, you are the only one in control of your behavior. It is up to you to decide that fear has no say. The power over yourself is yours alone – the question is whether you are ready to use it.

4. Update your list of life goals

If you have plans for the future and an understanding of how to implement them, fear will be practically nothing for you. Feelings of insecurity and timidity when you start something new are normal. In this case, it is worth returning to the list of the main life goals and making sure that you are committed to the chosen course. This will provide motivation to overcome any obstacles.

5. Seek support from friends and loved ones

You are not the only person who has ever been paralyzed by fear and indecision. Discuss this with loved ones, find out how they cope with fear.

6. Admit your imperfections

Perfectionism gets in the way of achieving goals. If you feel like you’re not good enough at what you’re doing, it can cause fear.

By admitting your imperfection, you will knock the ground out from under your fear. Freed from his power, you can continue to work towards your goals.

7. Believe in yourself

Most of the causes of fear are not eternal. Often the next day we look at the situation differently.

If you believe in yourself and that you can get through this difficult day, you are not just postponing the problem. At this time, the subconscious mind is working to overcome fear, looking for solutions and reminding you of the forces hidden within you.

About the author: Susan Cain is a psychologist and screenwriter.

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