How to learn to write beautiful handwriting if I write like a «chicken paw»

Hello dear readers! Electronic technologies leave fewer and fewer opportunities to practice and hone beautiful handwriting, few people choose the epistolary genre for correspondence, and most documents can only be signed, because they were originally typed on a computer.

Why do we need good handwriting?

Graceful and neat handwriting must be perfected, because there are still situations in which it is necessary to write only by hand, and if the words are illegible, you, firstly, may not be understood, and secondly, you will irritate the reader. After all, it can determine the character of a person. There is even a science — graphology, which does just that.

In general, if you want to arouse the admiration and respect of others, especially if you are running a business, an expensive elegant suit will not be enough. And if you write like a chicken with a paw, do not despair, with a certain amount of effort, you can achieve the necessary results.

Rules and preparation

To learn calligraphy, you must adhere to the following rules:

1.How to hold the pen

  1. The pen should be held gently, without straining your fingers, otherwise the lines will not turn out even. red speck If there is a red speck on the inside of the middle finger, then you overdo it.
  2. There are several ways to properly hold a pen:
  • Thumb and forefinger, moreover, it should rest on the middle one.
  • Or all three, only the tips themselves. In this version, the fulcrum will be the index finger.

2. Landing and warm-up

  • Do gymnastics. First, draw the entire alphabet in the air with each hand, then knead the hands and each finger separately, squeeze strongly and sharply open your fists. Let this process take about 5 minutes, but in the future, tension will not be felt in the hands, which will positively affect the quality of work. If you feel that the sensations become unpleasant, take a break and repeat the gymnastics.
  • Remember, at school, they constantly made comments to those who stooped while sitting at their desks? And it is not in vain that, besides the fact that it is unhealthy, the back and arms will quickly get tired, which is why calligraphic handwriting will not work. But the elbows should “hang” a little from the table, the head is allowed to tilt forward a little.
  • The distance from the sheet should be at least 30 cm, so that the eyes do not get tired, and there is no temptation to hunch your back.
  • Classes should be held in complete silence so that you can concentrate. And at least half an hour a day.
  • A sheet of paper on the table should be positioned so that its upper left corner is slightly higher than the right, so you can control the slope of the letters, plus everything, it will allow you to relax the brush.

3.Basic rules

  • The pace should not be very fast, but you should not “hover” over each letter either. Try to smoothly remove curls in one rhythm.
  • Make sure that the letters are the same size, as well as the distance between them, spaces. Also, do not forget about punctuation marks, which should be clear and the same.
  • Another point in which they usually make a mistake is that it is necessary to “output” not only with your fingers, but also to involve the whole hand in the process, then the lines will be smooth.


How to learn to write beautiful handwriting if I write like a «chicken paw»

  1. First of all, you should learn how to draw straight vertical lines, then with a slight slope. Yes, not only in a child, but also in an adult, this activity can cause boredom and reluctance, but this is important.
  2. Now draw hooks and waves. This will help in the future to give beauty and grace to your work. Experiment with the width of the stroke, start with a thin one, gradually thickening it to harmoniously end with a thick one.
  3. Move on to new swirls and curved line shapes.
  4. It’s time for the letters. Start with one, for example, the very first in the alphabet, and do not move on to the next one until you learn how to draw it almost perfectly.
  5. After mastering each of them, try to deduce connections by starting to add words, or even sentences.
  6. Don’t forget also that you will need to practice how to write numbers and symbols, such as a dog or a dollar sign.
  7. Now, having honed your calligraphy skills, we can “refresh” or come up with a completely new signature. On the Internet you can find a lot of elegant examples, sometimes similar to a work of art.
  8. When you feel satisfied with the results, you should not relax, now learn to work just as beautifully, but quickly. First, note the time during which you display the sentence, reset a few seconds and try, accelerating, to meet it. Then complicate the task by competing with yourself.


  • Lay out many different pens in front of you, and print the same symbol or letter for each. This technique will help determine which one of them gives you the best smooth and neat lines in order to choose it in the future. Experts usually recommend gel, but everyone has their own preferences.
  • Get also calligraphy manuals for children, because the instructions and rules are common, the same for everyone.
  • Connect close people to this process, because, in addition to the fact that the general idea, in your case, how to make handwriting elegant and neat, brings you closer, you can also help each other by dictating the text or arranging competitions, who will make fewer mistakes, faster finished and, of course, beautifully designed, clearly and understandably.
  • Place a special lined matrix under the sheet, and use until even letters are automatically obtained, without sliding down or up.
  • Slanted words to the right, about 45 degrees, look very elegant. But you can practice to invent your own personal, beautiful writing style.
  • Find templates on the Internet, look at the existing ones in Word, select interesting text and rewrite in different styles, then choose one to improve.
  • If you have read an article about the right hemisphere of the brain, then you know how important it is to develop both halves of the brain at the same time. And a wonderful, effective method is drawing with two hands at the same time, only different symbols and figures, or the ability to write each of them. In this case, in addition to versatility, you will be able to increase your functionality, advance in development, and also become a more harmonious personality. If you are right-handed, then you will have to adapt to the new method, because left-handers do not see the result of their work, since the brush covers it in the process of writing.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! Finally, I want to share the main rule about how to develop calligraphic handwriting — work tirelessly, despite the difficulties. After all, practice is the key to success. And after mastering calligraphic skills, I recommend setting a new goal for yourself — mastering the method of «blind» typing on the keyboard. Subscribe to updates, because in the near future we will publish an article with recommendations on how to master this method.

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