How to learn to wake up without an alarm clock in the morning at the right time by following 4 simple rules

Good day, dear readers of my blog! I want to share with you the experience and information on how to wake up without an alarm clock at the right time. I think many of you are tired of listening to a melody in the morning, to which, over time, a lot of rejection arises. Yes, and rely on electronic media is not always possible. On some important morning, the battery may run out or the mechanism may break.

Is it possible to accustom yourself to getting up early without an alarm clock, if even with a loud melody it is sometimes impossible to force yourself to open your eyes? It is very easy, most importantly, to follow the recommendations steadily, and over time, you will be able to get up early thanks to the biological clock.


  1. First you need to determine your personal circadian rhythms. These are the 24-hour rhythms that control sleep patterns and temperature, influence the production of hormones and our behavior. To do this, you need to determine your sleep pattern, at what time is most favorable for your body to fall asleep and wake up. For an adult, 7-10 hours of proper rest is enough to feel cheerful during the day.
  2. It is important to train yourself to go to bed at the same time. If you manage to adapt the mode, then soon you won’t have to get out of bed in a “broken state”. And he will start to get better after a week of practice. You can track that even on weekends you wake up earlier than usual.
  3. At first, you should not immediately abandon the alarm clock. Use it daily, then start practicing on the weekend. Or on days when there are no scheduled meetings in the morning or work. If you are still afraid to oversleep, just set it a few minutes later than you are going to wake up. In this case, you can insure yourself. Then turn off every other day, and until the moment when you learn to get up early thanks to your biological clock.
  4. Be careful with the desire to take a nap. Because of this, the daily rhythm goes astray, except when daytime rest enters the regimen. If you decide to lie down, try to sleep no more than half an hour, otherwise, in the evening at the time set for rest, you will be awake.How to learn to wake up without an alarm clock in the morning at the right time by following 4 simple rules

Recommendations and useful tips

  • Do not use curtains that are too thick, or at least open them slightly. It is difficult for the body to wake up in complete darkness. You can buy a lamp with a timer that will turn on at a certain time.
  • I think many people know that you should not drink drinks that contain caffeine in the evening. But still, let me remind you and clarify that many drugs contain a sufficient amount of caffeine.
  • Help the body, eat more bananas, eggs and nuts. They contain tryptophan, it helps to set the body to rest. By the way, there is a lot of it in milk. Remember some of us were forced to drink a glass of warm milk before bed as children?
  • Before you lie down to rest, repeat mentally to yourself, for example, “I will wake up at 7 in the morning. I will wake up at 7 am.” It works like the principle of affirmation, which we discussed earlier in the article “How to Program Yourself for Success with Affirmations.” The main thing is that you must clearly define what you want for yourself, excluding the options “I would like, I hope …”
  • Ventilate the room more often and spend time outdoors. Daily physical activity, such as running, swimming, active games or aerobics, is very helpful in improving the quality of sleep.

That’s all, dear readers, follow the recommendations and over time you will learn how to get a full-fledged quality sleep and wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. After all, as one folk wisdom says, «Who gets up early, God gives him.»


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