How to learn to value everything to be grateful for

How to learn to value everything to be grateful for

Guided Meditation

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, shows in this guided meditation session how to work an appreciative attitude to find more situations, people and things to be grateful for

How to learn to value everything to be grateful forPM7:12

La gratitude It is a natural source of well-being, it offers us fullness and prepares us to receive new nutritional situations, it disposes us to value them. Everything that happens in our life is a gift, an opportunity to continue growing, to learn and to enjoy. It all depends on the angle in which you see it, it all depends on the perspective of life you want to take.

When we choose to recognize and appreciate those little everyday gifts as valuable, we contribute to our well-being in the present moment. And it is not complicated, although we insist that it be so, because since we get up and we can have a new opportunity To start over, something very precious and delicate is already being gifted to us: a life, a moment. And also, gratitude, you can train.

I invite you to do it in the Guided Meditation This week. Because the more you practice it, the easier an appreciative attitude will arise in you, finding more situations, people and things to be thankful for, for which you feel full and lucky.

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