How to learn to relax completely

Physical fatigue accumulates in the evening. And until we take it off, we will hardly be able to rest our souls. Therefore, we get down to business.

The best way to relieve stress is water. Take a warm, almost hot shower, but not cool. Cold water is invigorating and will prevent you from falling asleep. Or take a bath with herbal infusion added to it. Camomile soothes the skin of the body, linden has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, pine extracts fill the bath with aroma, make the skin smooth and prepare you for sleep.

Making a bath

If you walked a lot during the day, a massage and a warm foot bath will help relieve heaviness in your legs. Take a handful of thyme and mint, brew and add to the bath. Immerse your feet in water for 15 minutes. As it cools, add hot water.

We drink herbal tea

After water procedures, the body feels pleasantly tired, you want to go to bed and fall asleep. All negative thoughts have practically left your bright head. For total relaxation, pamper yourself with mint or thyme tea. You can add fragrant willow tea. Herbs will fill the room with aroma, calm the nervous system and set you up for a pleasant and deep sleep.

Special days care

There are times when we cannot sleep. For example, if you are not sure about hygiene products. When you are worried about such problems, you just need to turn to nature for help. Unique gaskets Naturella, containing cream-balm with chamomile, will help keep the most delicate areas comfortable and clean. And panty liners Natural will delight you every day with the scent of chamomile.

Reg. No. №FSZ 2008/02001 dated 07.06.2008

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