Every sweet tooth knows firsthand how hard it is to resist buying another chocolate bar or walking past a pastry shop, from where the aroma of freshly baked croissants comes from. However, this addiction has negative consequences. We tell you how to live in harmony with yourself, without any craving for sweets.
Of course, giving up sugar completely is tantamount to signing a sentence on yourself. Nothing without him. Glucose is the main energy source for cells, it is necessary, like air and water. Without it, we fall into depression, cry for no reason, feel lethargic, life becomes not joyful.
But instead of getting glucose from healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, we, like maniacs, lean on pastries, sweets, soda. We choose what gives instant pleasure and pleasure. As a result, we are waiting for excess weight, loss of energy, dull skin with unpleasant rashes. The picture does not inspire optimism.
We search for the reason
Craving for sweets has a lot of reasons, both psychological and physiological.
Substitution of concepts
Especially strongly we want sweets when we are under stress: we are going through a crisis in relationships, work is not going well. Physical activity also affects cravings for sweets: there are too many of them or, conversely, not enough. Sweets compensate for boredom, dissatisfaction, emotional burnout.
water shape
Strong thirst is akin to hunger. The situation is similar with sweets. If you want candy, drink a glass of water. Should help. But know the measure – an excess of liquid can lead to the opposite effect, causing cravings for sweets.
Reminder of the past
If you know that fragrances evoke memories from the past, then you should understand this point. Sometimes products are associated with something pleasant from childhood, youth, some very significant period in life. And then it is extremely difficult to resist. Alternatively, you can find a healthier version of your favorite dish.
seasonal mood
Have you noticed that in the spring we quickly change the diet to a lighter version? In the course are leafy salads, a lot of vegetables and herbs, fruits. The general emotional upsurge is bearing fruit. Forget about sweets. But with the beginning of autumn, everything returns to normal: depression, drowsiness, loss of strength and an irresistible craving for sweets and rolls.
Hormonal fluctuations
Unusual eating habits are observed in many women on special days – during menstruation, pregnancy or menopause. The unstable level of male and female sex hormones – testosterone and estrogen – is to blame for everything.
We are looking for a solution
Where do you get sugar from? Everything is very simple. Natural sugar is found in vegetables, fruits and grains. It is much lighter and healthier than refined, provides the necessary supply of energy for a long time, is combined with other nutrients, vitamins and minerals, beneficial acids and fiber.
The main difficulty for those who dare to give up sweets is to learn to distinguish between sweetness in healthy foods. And here it would be nice to try to “clear” your taste palette. At first, the receptors will not perceive natural glucose, but gradually, when the body gets rid of the excess, you will feel a different taste of the products. And it is possible that they will seem sweeter to you than your favorite candy.
Introducing the top seven products that will relieve cravings for unhealthy confectionery:
- Figs
Figs are tasty and raw, but dried – much sweeter. Quickly and for a long time gives a pleasant feeling of fullness. But there is one danger – dried figs are quite high in calories: 100 g contains 214 kcal. If you have given up sweets for the sake of a figure, then observe moderation.
- Strawberries
It is believed that this is a summer berry. But today strawberries can be bought even in the dead of winter. It is equally good both fresh and frozen. It contains many substances that help burn fat, it is rich in antioxidants: vitamin C and ellagic acid, which prevent skin aging.
- Apples
This fruit is a storehouse of vitamins, including antioxidants, and much-needed fiber. Thanks to the huge amount of B vitamins, apples help reduce stress levels and significantly improve memory. It is one of the best and healthiest snacks during the day and is also an ideal food for diabetics.
- Banana
The most popular fruit for snacking, smoothies and shakes. Bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. He is the champion in the content of potassium, which is responsible for muscle function, maintaining acid-base and water balance, as well as blood pressure. One banana quickly satisfies the appetite, contributing to normal digestion. However, it also contains a lot of calories, so you should not abuse it and eat it at night.
- Pumpkin
Pumpkin is the best of allies in the fight against aging. It is high in fiber but very low in calories, making it ideal for those who are concerned about being overweight.
- Garnet
It is extremely useful for the immune system, heart and blood vessels. Substances contained in pomegranate contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, reduce the risk of strokes and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pomegranate is very useful for joints and perfectly protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
- Carrots
Carrots are high in fiber, antioxidants, and beta-carotene, a substance beneficial to health and beauty. Life hack: if you drink a glass of carrot juice every day before going to the sea, the tan will lie evenly and will last longer. For better absorption of vitamins and nutrients, be sure to add a drop of cream or vegetable oil to a glass of juice.