How to learn to free ourselves from worries to gain clarity and find the solution

How to learn to free ourselves from worries to gain clarity and find the solution

Guided Meditation

The psychologist Belén Colomina, an expert in mindfulness, teaches in this guided meditation session to let go of those fears that block and lighten our internal labyrinth

How to learn to free ourselves from worries to gain clarity and find the solutionPM7:13

La concern is something inherent to the human being, since it is a restlessness faced with a difficult situation that we want to resolve. However, many times, giving it too much prominence makes it grow and become a veritable labyrinth full of a multitude of thoughts and / or obsessions, far from its true intention: the resolution of the situation. Giving it more time and space than necessary can even increase anxiety in us.

In this situation, learning to let go of certain thoughts and concerns can lighten our internal labyrinth to create more space within us. In this way, we will increase our lucidity with respect to solution wanted.

Because it is better to occupy ourselves than to worry, we invite you to take a few minutes for yourself, to perform this meditation in which we train this important ability.

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