
The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.

How often in childhood, grandmothers or mothers read, told us fairy tales. And we listened, and together with the heroes we went beyond distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom, went there I don’t know where, jumped over fiery rivers, fought with a snake with three heads. They lived with the heroes of the adventure and often wanted to become as bold, quick, smart as they were, dreamed of going to the ball just like Cinderella in a beautiful dress in a carriage. All this is so magical and at the same time these stories were written by other authors, they had their own plots, their own heroes, with their own characters.

And if you write a fairy tale such as you want? With your script? A story for yourself. Or maybe for your children? Let this fairy tale include everything that you want, let it contain a description of how it is now, where you want to move, who you want to be, what to do.

The hero can be any character you have thought up, let him be in tune with you, as you see him, feel him. It can be a fairy, maybe a wizard, or maybe a mouse or an ermine. Let the hero be the way you want. And then write the story of your hero.

The scenario of the fairy tale consists of several stages.

The story usually begins with the words:


At this stage, we describe the heroine as she was. For example, Cinderella was a hard worker. In the fairy tale «The Wizard of the Emerald City» it is written simply — «In the midst of the vast Kansas steppe lived the girl Ellie.»

Next stage:

2) Why was she unique?

Again, let’s take an example from the fairy tale «The Wizard of the Emerald City». Ellie’s environment: her father, farmer John, worked in the field all day, and her mother, Anna, took care of the housework. They lived in a small van, removed from the wheels and put on the ground. The furnishings of the house were poor: an iron stove, a wardrobe, a table, three chairs and two beds.

What was unique about Ellie? Ellie dreamed: “If I suddenly became a queen, I would definitely order that there should be a wizard in every city and every village. And so that he performs various miracles for children.

Next step:


It describes an event that once happened. For example, Ellie’s house was blown away by a whirlwind, in another fairy tale the girl got lost, and a seven-flower flower fell into her hands, etc.

4) At the next stage, the heroine For example, become someone, become someone, make friends with someone, learn something, go on a trip, etc.

Again, the example of Ellie and her friends — the Tin Woodman wanted to learn to feel, the Lion wanted courage, Ellie wanted to return home, etc.

5) Then the heroine acts,

For example, Ellie went with friends to the Great Goodwin. In other fairy tales, the hero went to distant lands to a distant kingdom, went to Baba Yaga, etc.

6) Help always comes in a fairy tale. This is either a good fairy, a godmother, a wizard, maybe even a pike.

7) The next step describes which is which? What her environment has become, how her life has changed.

8) What it became. Here we describe how I am changing in the direction I want, what will she enjoy, what will she be like?

Here on these points you can write yourself an individual fairy tale. The story doesn’t have to be like a plan. It is better to write a fairy tale as a light story, as a stream flows, so a fairy tale flows. Let the fairy tale be like a dream with the actions of the protagonist. So we take a pen and a sheet of paper — Once upon a time ….

And it has also been observed that fairy tales do come true.

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