How to learn how to save money the best ways

How to learn how to save money the best ways

When finances, figuratively speaking, begin to sing romances, you inevitably think: where does the money go, what items of expenditure?

Of course, the holes appearing in the family budget need to be urgently “patched”, and it becomes more and more difficult to solve this painful problem every time. A universal way to deal with financial difficulties has not yet been invented, but there are golden rules that discipline people and teach them how to spend money wisely.

Let’s talk first about first envelope, the importance of which, perhaps, no mistress of the family will deny. We are talking about compulsory payments, which include payments for utilities, mobile communications, the Internet, for a bank loan. A certain amount of money is set aside for these items of expenditure, so that any troubles do not happen in the future. Of course, it can be slightly reduced by installing meters and using gas, water and electricity sparingly.

Second envelope Is a deferred amount of money for a specific expense item. It goes to pay for the maintenance of your children. Kindergarten, school, various sections and circles where the child spends time, require considerable costs. Add to this the cost of purchasing children’s clothing, shoes, toys, to understand how important it is to maintain a balanced family budget. By the way, many parents use the services of Internet sites, chain stores, in order to save money on purchases.

В third envelope the amount of money required for food is pledged. There is nothing surprising in the fact that sometimes it makes up half of the family budget. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to correctly calculate the costs for the next three months, to find a loophole with which you can save money. Housewives, wise with experience, often use promotions that are held in stores. As a rule, they know how to save on food and cook well at the same time.

В fourth envelope includes a deferred amount of money for the purchase of clothing, shoes, furniture and household appliances. This is also an important part of expenses, requiring reasonable planning, a rigorous approach to the state of your finances.

Holidays, birthdays are already content fifth envelope… For this purpose, you can set aside a reasonable amount of money in order to unwind once a month with your soul and body in the circle of a friendly family.

Sixth envelope – this is, figuratively speaking, savings for a rainy day. This amount, which usually saves one tenth of the monthly family budget, is considered inviolable for the time being.

А seventh envelope – this is money that, thanks to you, remained after the necessary expenses from the previous month, which can be safely spent on gifts for loved ones.

By the way, this rule is extremely popular in the USA and Europe. Moreover, for American families this rule has become a sacred tradition – no matter how difficult the financial situation is, 10 percent of wages remain in a deposit account. Make it a good habit for you too! Be afraid of unnecessary spending – open a deposit account with the possibility of replenishment and the impossibility of partial withdrawal before the expiration of the deposit. That is, you can replenish, but you can use your savings only after a certain period. During this time, there is a great opportunity to save and accumulate money.

Shop exclusively with a list – be it a grocery supermarket or a shopping trip for new clothes. It will protect you from unnecessary expenses, and you will not be tempted to buy unnecessary little things. Consider in advance what you will cook for lunch and dinner during the week. Make a list of the groceries you need – and go to the store. And, of course, don’t shop on an empty stomach. Otherwise, your basket will be replenished with even tasty, but unnecessary products. With regard to shopping. Don’t give in to the impulse! If you saw the thing you liked, first think about whether you really need it. It is better to make purchases in the morning of the next day, because you have the whole evening to think about the expediency of the purchase. Don’t try to buy cheap things at big sales. The likelihood of buying an absolutely unnecessary, although cheap product is extremely high.

A good habit that will give you a complete picture of your spending. And you may even be horrified to learn what colossal sums you spend on the purchase of absolutely unnecessary things or things that you can perfectly do without. Also, at the end of each month, make a plan for the next. Utilities, rent, estimated food, clothing, entertainment, debt and credit payments, etc. should all be included in your clear plan. So you will see all your expenses, which will protect you from overspending and the resulting debts.

Not illusory and abstract and currently unlikely, for example, buying an apartment. Better to put a small, but quite achievable. Have you dreamed of a vacation? Choose a voucher, date and start saving for this particular trip. Have you dreamed of a big TV? Look closely, ask the price, choose a model and save up for the purchase of a specific TV. Everything will become much easier when you see the very goal towards which you are moving.

Create a “safety cushion”

A very useful thing that will save you on the “darkest” day in your, for example, work career. Of course, you should not tune in to the negative, but life is unpredictable and things can turn out not in the best way. In order not to clutch at your head while wondering where to find money to pay off your bills, you definitely need to have a so-called stash. Knowing that you have at least a minimum of savings that will help you in the first months without a job will allow you to safely start looking for a new one. And do not take on any!

The easiest way, familiar to us since childhood. Of course, you may not collect a colossal amount, but it will come in handy when, for example, you are puzzled about shopping for gifts for the New Year.

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