How to lay a garden on the site
Fruit trees and berry bushes will only grow well and produce profusely if they feel comfortable. We tell you how to properly lay a garden on the site

Fruit trees and berry bushes will only grow well and bear fruit abundantly if they feel comfortable. And this is provided by three components: the right place on the site, the appropriate size of the landing pit and the initial top dressing.

Apple tree

Placesunny, elevated
Soilsany, except overly alkaline and very acidic
Landing scheme5х5 m
Pit size100×60 cm (hereinafter: the first digit is the diameter of the pit, the second is the depth)
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 4 – 5 buckets, wood ash – 5 – 6 cups, superphosphate – 1,5 cups, potassium sulfate – 1,5 cups


Placesunny, flat, dry
Soilsany other than highly alkaline or highly acidic
Landing scheme5х5 m
Pit size100х60 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 3 – 4 buckets, superphosphate – 4 – 5 cups, potassium sulfate – 0,5 cups

Plum, plum

Placesunny (shade is allowed in the morning or evening), even or elevated
Soilsclay and medium clay, that is, heavy and wet (from fruit crops, plum tolerates high soil moisture best of all)
Landing scheme3х3 m
Pit size80х40 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1,5 buckets, double superphosphate – 1,5 cups, potassium sulfate – 4 matchboxes, wood ash – 5 cups


Placesunny, elevated
Soilsloamy, gray, forest, chernozems
Landing scheme3х3 m
Pit size80х40 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 – 2 buckets, superphosphate – 2 cups, potassium sulfate – 2/3 cup


Placesunny, elevated, protected from the north winds (for example, near the south wall of the house)
Soilslight, fertile
Landing scheme3х3 m
Pit size70х60 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)1,5 buckets, potassium sulfate – 2 matchboxes, superphosphate – 0,5 cups

Sea buckthorn

Placesunny. Sea buckthorn is best planted on the border of the site, in a place where the soil is not dug up – the roots of this plant are located close to the surface of the soil, and they are easy to damage
Soilslight, sandy. On dense heavy soils, plants die
Landing scheme2х2 m
Pit size50х50 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1/3 bucket, superphosphate – 1,5 cups


Placesunny. Grows well along the banks of ponds
Soilslight sandy or loamy, but can grow on waterlogged soils and sand
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size50х40 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1,5 buckets, superphosphate – 2 cups, potassium salt – 3,5 cups.


Placesunny, away from apple, cherry and plum trees – these plants have common pests
Soilsfertile, rich in lime
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size50х50 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1,5 buckets, nitrophoska – 5 tbsp. spoons


Placecan grow in any part of the garden, both in the shade and in the light, but it is most convenient to place it around the perimeter of the site as a hedge
Soilsmoderately fertile, loose, moist (but the thorn does not tolerate stagnant water!)
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size50х50 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1/4 bucket, urea – 1/3 cup, ash – 1/3 cup. It is useful to put crushed eggshells at the bottom of the pit – this is a very useful natural fertilizer for the turn

Currant (black, red), yoshta

Placesunny (can grow in partial shade, but will yield less yield)
Soilslight loose loams. Does not tolerate waterlogged soils!
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size45х45 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 bucket, superphosphate – 0,5 cups, potassium sulfate – 2 matchboxes


Placesunny or partial shade, but always protected from the north and east winds
Soilsloose, fertile
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size50х50 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 bucket, double superphosphate – 2 tbsp. spoons, potassium sulfate – 2 tbsp. spoons

Raspberry, blackberry

Placesunny, protected from strong winds, preferably one where a lot of snow accumulates in winter. The ideal option is along the fence or in the southern, southwestern part of the site. Raspberries should not be planted between rows of fruit trees. And it is also important that strawberries, potatoes and tomatoes do not grow nearby – they have common diseases and pests.
Soilslight loose loam
Landing scheme1,5х1,5 m
Pit size50х40 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 bucket, superphosphate – 5 matchboxes, potassium sulfate – 2 matchboxes (or wood ash – 4 cups)

Aronia (chokeberry)

Placesunny, sublime (in the lowlands it suffers greatly from excess moisture)
Soilsfertile loamy and sandy
Landing scheme2,5х3 m
Pit size60х40 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 bucket, superphosphate – 1 cup, potassium salt – 2 matchboxes

Henomeles (Japanese quince)

Placesunny, preferably one where a lot of snow accumulates in winter
Soilsfertile loams
Landing scheme1х2 m
Pit size50х50 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 1 – 2 buckets, superphosphate – 1,5 cups, ash – 5 cups


Placemountain ash is a rather tall tree, so it is better to plant it on the north side so as not to obscure the site
Soilscan grow on any, even poor soils, but still prefers fertile soils – light and medium loams that hold water well
Landing scheme4х4 m
Pit size60х60 cm
Fertilizers (per pit)humus – 3,5 buckets, superphosphate – 1 cup

How to dig planting holes

Pits for planting trees and shrubs need to be prepared in advance. The rule is this: for autumn planting, pits are dug in summer (no later than 20 – 30 days before planting), for spring – in autumn (1).

Pits for trees and shrubs are dug as follows: the upper, fertile layer of soil is folded on one side, the lower one on the other. From the ground you need to choose stones and rhizomes of weeds. The walls of the pit are made sheer, and the bottom is loosened on a spade bayonet.

Before planting a seedling, a mound of earth is poured in the center of the pit. Then the seedling is set on a mound, so that the root neck is flush with the soil. After that, the roots are carefully straightened down the mound and covered with soil: at the bottom of the pit – a fertile top layer, on top – the bottom. The soil is well trampled down with your feet.

When the tree is planted, earthen sides (2) are made along the edges of the pit – they will hold water when watering.

Immediately after planting, the seedling is watered, and the next day it is mulched with a layer of manure, peat or humus.

Popular questions and answers

We talked about planting fruit trees and berry bushes with agronomist-breeder Svetlana Mikhailova.

When is the best time to plant trees and shrubs: in spring or autumn?

If you do not go into the nuances, and there are a lot of them, the basic rule is: it is better to plant pome trees (apple, pear) in the fall, stone fruits (plum, cherry plum, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry) – in the spring. Shrubs are also best planted in the spring.

Which sazhens are better: with OKS or ZKS?

Seedlings with an open root system (OCS) have only one advantage – they are cheaper. Of course, it is better to buy seedlings with a closed root system (ZKS), that is, in containers. They have a 100% survival rate.

When can seedlings be planted with ZKS?

Seedlings in containers are convenient in that they can be planted throughout the warm season – in fact, from mid-April to mid-October. And they are also good because they are easy to save until planting, even if it is planned in a few weeks, or even months – just put them on the balcony and water.

Sources of

  1. Kamshilov A. and a group of authors. Gardener’s Handbook // M .: State Publishing House of Agricultural Literature, 1955 – 606 p.
  2. Lavrik P.I., Rybitsky N.A., Gavrilov I.S. Gardener’s desk book // L.: Lenizdat, 1972 – 568 p.

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