How to know if you have AIDS
Unfortunately, today the risk of catching an immunodeficiency virus or HIV is quite real, therefore information on how to find out if you are sick with AIDS will not be superfluous. Don’t bury your head in the sand! Hoping for the best, you need to know about the features of this terrible disease and be ready to find its signs in yourself or your friends.
You can find out if you have AIDS by taking tests or analyzing the presence of symptoms of the disease
Features of the spread of AIDS
This disease proceeds in several stages. First, infection occurs, and a person can live for years, be a carrier, without knowing about it. The disease ends in a terminal phase with a fatal outcome.
It is not HIV itself that is life threatening, but its effects on the immune system. The body loses its ability to resist viruses, and a person can die from the common cold. Infection occurs in several ways:
- with intimacy without the use of protective equipment;
- from an infected mother to a baby during pregnancy and lactation;
- through contaminated blood when it enters the body through wounds, during transfusion or injections;
- when organ transplants, tattooing;
- with group use of toothbrushes, shaving accessories and other personal hygiene items.
HIV does not spread through household or airborne droplets, but you need to be careful with fresh cuts.
With caution, the likelihood of infection is low, but it cannot be ruled out at all.
How to know if you have AIDS
Doctors have not yet learned how to treat this disease. But if detected in the early stages, it is possible to slow down its course by suppressing the development of virus cells. Only laboratory tests determine that a person is infected with AIDS. You can independently identify the symptoms of the disease by external manifestations.
- Your general health should be on your guard. The reason for the examination will be the appearance of fever, constant weakness, frequent colds, weight loss, a feeling of constant lack of sleep.
- An elevated temperature is suspicious, which is constantly kept at 38 ° C.
- Pains appear in joints, muscles, eyes.
- A sign of AIDS is a rash on the body and mucous membranes. Lymph nodes enlarge, tumors appear on the neck, under the collarbone, in the groin area.
- Mood often changes, a person becomes irritable, memory deteriorates.
Individually, each symptom may indicate different reasons, but if several of them coincide, there is a reason to contact the laboratory.
There is no need to be ashamed of examinations and be afraid of sidelong glances. The sooner you ask yourself the question of how to know if I have AIDS, the sooner you can calm yourself down if you receive negative samples or start treatment if the result is positive.