How to Kill Self-Esteem: 22 Bad Advice

Doubts about yourself and your abilities, a habit of not following through or even trying to bring your ideas to life – sound familiar? Psychologist Olga Mazurkevich shares her experience and gives advice on how to finally believe in yourself and start living to the fullest.

There was a time when I doubted myself. Offers to speak at a conference or give a lecture on psychology caused fear to say or do something wrong, to look ridiculous. It was like blocking the brain. Anxiety, like a hurricane, swept away everything in its path. And I just refused.

Promising projects flew past me. I listened with pleasure to the reports of my colleagues, rejoiced at their success and thought that I would not succeed. She took her achievements for granted. Devaluing yourself has become a habit.

Years passed. Doubts about myself and my competence “stopped” me, I did not allow myself to move on. Knowledge has become hostage to low self-esteem. One day I thought: why am I constantly studying? Is it not to put knowledge into practice and share it with those who need it?

Long-term work on oneself and personal therapy brought long-awaited results. Now I know my strengths. I do not refuse offers from the position of “I can’t succeed”, “I can’t”. I make plans and bring them to life. I am doing what I love and I am happy to share my success. I value myself, my work and my time, I respect desires and needs, I accept imperfection.

Let’s follow the example of children and try to become more self-confident with the help of “bad” advice.

The best way to ruin your life and never be happy is to kill your self-esteem. While people with adequate or high self-esteem reach the top of the career ladder, enjoy the respect of family and society, love, appreciate and accept themselves, people with low self-esteem are unhappy. Any career growth causes a lot of negative emotions in them, each decision is given through a mountain of doubts and anxiety. They question everything they do, and even themselves. They want to change their lives.

Some successfully apply the recommendations in practice. Others listen but don’t hear how best to change lives. They don’t accept arguments. They are like children who do everything in reverse. Naughty children do not want to offend or anger their parents at all, no, they just find it more interesting and fun. It is worth saying to a naughty child: “Do not go into a puddle,” and he will definitely end up in it.

For naughty children, a method was invented: how and what to say in order to be productive. Such a child should be given not useful, but harmful advice: “Don’t even try to eat this soup,” and he will do the opposite. Everything will turn out right.

“We all come from childhood,” said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and we are all a bit of a child. Let’s follow the example of children and try to become more self-confident with the help of “bad” advice.

1. Do not miss the opportunity to condemn yourself for a mistake, and the desire to try new things will disappear by itself. Let the thought that the one who does nothing make no mistakes does not bother you.

2. Always divide your emotions and feelings into “bad” and “good”. Judge yourself if you get angry at someone. And it doesn’t matter that he offended you, pushed or insulted you. He didn’t want it, it just happened.

3. Never trust those around you. They will surely judge you.

4. Surround yourself with toxic people, they won’t hurt you. You are doing well with this task.

5. Don’t break up with anyone. So what if a person destroys you. Clog your space so that the best people and relationships don’t get through to you.

6. Don’t finish what you started. Where to hurry? To do this, you have your whole life ahead of you! It doesn’t matter that the case, brought to the end, puts an end to it and gives an understanding that you have reached the intended goal.

7. Doubt yourself and your decisions. And then others will surely join you and also question everything you do or say.

8. Don’t acknowledge your victories. Do not praise yourself, do not tell anyone – this is immodest. Faith in yourself and a sense of satisfaction are of no use to you.

9. Compare yourself to other people. Put them on a pedestal and look for flaws, shortcomings. I’m sure you’ll find it! So what if you are a person. Who needs your individuality and uniqueness? Disappointment, doubt and regret are your lot.

10 Don’t let anyone praise you or compliment you. What for? You are not worthy of the admiration and attention of others.

11 Eliminate communication with positive, optimistic people who are ready to support and help. They are from another planet. What if they are dangerous and optimism is contagious?

12 Don’t do anything without the approval of others. Responsibility for your own life is not for you.

13 Pass in case of any failure! If it doesn’t work the first time, back off. Getting results is boring. Kill your self-respect.

14 Do things that you are not interested in and do not bring pleasure. Doing what you love, you will come to success, and this is contraindicated for you. Don’t risk being successful.

15 Get it into your head that you will never be better than you are. Work on yourself, the help of a specialist is not for you! It’s not even worth trying.

16 Don’t focus on your positive qualities, but on your negative ones!

17 Do not learn anything new – it prevents you from thinking about what a stupid and worthless person you are.

18 Criticize yourself and everything you do as much as possible. It is desirable to do this so that everyone hears and knows. Get used to the idea that you are mediocre, and everything you do is bad. You don’t know anything.

19 Never listen to yourself and your body. Your needs and desires are of no interest to anyone. Even to yourself. Don’t waste your time on trifles.

20 Competition is not for you. In competition with others, you will certainly lose. You are the weak link.

21 Take care of yourself, your body? What nonsense! A gym, swimming pool, bicycle, SPA will definitely make you more attractive, and then you will like yourself, but why do you need it?

22 Engage in self-flagellation. Violence is the norm! Endure bullying with dignity, endure pain and insults. In the next life you will fix everything.

If you follow bad advice, one day the day will come when life will collapse. Follow them exactly the opposite, and then you will succeed. Self-esteem is something you create in yourself.

About the Developer

Olga Mazurkevich — art therapist, perinatal, crisis psychologist, practical psychologist. Her broker.

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