How to keep youthful: secrets of beauty and youth

How to keep youthful: secrets of beauty and youth

Surely many of the fair sex would like to look good in adulthood and have beautiful skin without wrinkles and age spots. To achieve such results, you should know how to preserve youth now, otherwise time may be lost.

How to preserve beauty and youth

In the fight for beautiful skin

As a rule, the first wrinkles on the face begin to appear at the age of 35–40 years, and by the age of 50 they become deeper, which is quite natural, since the body gradually wears out. Such wrinkles are called static in modern cosmetology. Another type of wrinkle is dynamic. They arise in connection with the mobility of the face, for example, when you smile, make faces, squint. To avoid the early appearance of such flaws, try not to wrinkle your forehead, and in sunny weather, wear dark glasses so as not to squint once again.

To keep the skin elastic, you need to wash your face with cold water.

A similar beauty secret has long been used by many models and socialites, and the actress Sophia Loren sometimes even lowers her face into water with ice cubes. In her opinion, this is one of the ways to prolong youth

It is also necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and leave the house with a cream with a protection factor of at least 15, or better 50. Otherwise, pigmentation is unlikely to be avoided. Among other things, it is better not to sunbathe from 11 am to 5 pm, when the sun is especially active.

In addition, alcohol and tobacco smoke have a detrimental effect on the skin. Due to smoking, the capillaries are narrowed, the skin becomes thinner and begins to experience a constant deficiency of oxygen and nutrients. In turn, alcoholic beverages cause dehydration and swelling. In other words, if you want to look good, then you should stop smoking and drinking a lot.

When it comes to body care, everything is extremely simple here. Do not rub your skin with a washcloth until it becomes red. It is better to use a regular sponge, and once a week do peels to remove dead cells and improve the condition of the stratum corneum. It is recommended to use moisturizing milk or cream after showering. Various oils have excellent properties – olive, flaxseed, almond, and so on. Only apply them to damp skin. This will avoid greasy marks on your clothes.

Unfortunately, with age, hair becomes thinner, loses shine, and sometimes begins to fall out a lot. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is necessary to do nourishing masks several times a month. You don’t have to buy expensive cosmetics in stores. Quite enough folk recipes.

For example, to make your hair shine, after washing it should be rinsed with a decoction of chamomile, calendula or bay leaf.

If hair begins to fall out, you can rub burdock oil into the scalp for an hour before washing. To achieve the best effect, wrap your head with foil and wrap it in a towel. Ginger juice has similar properties. It can also be applied over the entire length of the hair. This will relieve them of dryness and brittleness.

It has been known for a long time that movement is life, so it is necessary to pay due attention to physical activity. Many show business stars say that yoga helps them to keep their bodies in great shape. And some people call yoga and Pilates one of the recipes for youth. If you prefer more active workouts, then sign up for dancing, step, aerobics, jogging or walking. Try to keep your muscles in good shape and your weight is normal.

In addition, it is important to adjust your diet. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Tomatoes have extraordinary properties, as they contain a large amount of antioxidants that prevent aging. Fatty fish like tuna, chum salmon, salmon are very useful. Also diversify your diet with cereals, dried fruits, nuts. Try to drink more pure water or herbal teas. Avoid soda and strong coffee. Sometimes you can arrange fasting days for yourself, and once a year – cleansing the body. Still, it’s not for nothing that fasts exist in many religions.

It is also important to normalize sleep. It is not necessary to sleep for 8-9 hours, as doctors recommend. Listen to your body. Perhaps 6-7 hours of rest is enough for you, and you feel better when you go to bed not at 10, but after 12. Everything is individual.

Scientists have proven that emotions have a tremendous impact on the human body. As a rule, people who are overwhelmed with negativity often get sick and, as a result, do not look their best.

In other words, it’s time to stop taking everything too close to heart, courageously endure the blows of fate, worry and be angry about any reason as little as possible. You need to find the strength to forgive those who once offended or hurt, fill your heart with love, smile more often and learn to look at some things with humor, because, as they say, laughter prolongs life.

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