How to keep youth for years? The secret is in metabolic age

We often wonder how we can keep our youthful appearance and vigor for years. Youth wardrobe, skin care and aesthetic medicine treatments are not everything. First of all, we should take care of the metabolic age, which describes the state of our body better than the metric.

  1. The metabolic age reflects the health of the body and may differ from the record age
  2. This parameter can be effectively lowered and rejuvenated the body. For this purpose, however, you should take a closer look at what goes on our plates and take care of movement
  3. Metabolic age is also influenced by body hydration and sleep
  4. If we want to be full of energy for years, we must properly set life priorities
  5. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

The metabolic age reflects the true condition of the body. As a result of neglect in the form of an improperly balanced diet, lack of adequate hydration or, finally, too much fat, the metabolic age of teenagers is more and more often corresponding to 35-year-olds, and 50-year-olds are “30 years older” in this respect. Also, slim people may have a higher metabolic age, and this is because they have too little muscle mass, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body and helps to ensure proper metabolism.

The easiest way to calculate the metabolic age is by performing a body composition analysis, thanks to which we will obtain an indication of the amount of water, fat and muscles in the body. Many modern bathroom scales are equipped with this type of automatic machine, but the measurements obtained from them may be biased. So it is best to go to a dietitian or fitness club, where specialists will be able to calculate the correct age of our body.

If you want to speed up your metabolism a bit and reduce your body weight at the same time, use Talia Weight – Pharmovit liquid supplement.

The metabolic age does not always match the actual age

The body can be “rejuvenated”, but for this purpose it is necessary to implement changes that will allow you to enjoy health for many years. How to lower your metabolic age?

First of all, you should take care of the right amount of muscle tissue and get rid of unnecessary kilograms in the case of overweight or obesity. Excess fat in the body increases the metabolic age by an average of several years, and the deficiency of muscle mass leads to disorders of the resting metabolic process. In order to rejuvenate the body, it is necessary to focus on regular physical activity, which will lower the resting pace and introduce changes to the diet.

  1. Take care of your body with SlimMe Health Labs – for a figure thirsty for Health Labs Care effects.

A diet aimed at lowering the metabolic age should be written individually and adjusted to the needs of the body, which result from gender, birth date, health condition and the type of work performed. Therefore, it is best to go to a dietitian to prepare it.

It is also necessary to take care of the appearance of your skin. For daily care, it is worth using Bioherba Soap Bar for oily skin, which stimulates collagen production and has an antioxidant effect.

Let’s keep the body hydrated

Hydration also has a great influence on metabolic age. If the cells are not properly hydrated, not only the skin and our external appearance suffer, but also the metabolic rate is lowered. The lack of adequate hydration also affects the course of biological processes, as well as well-being, concentration and memory.

The remedy for the problem of insufficient hydration of the body is trivial it is enough to reach for water more often and regularly (for this you can, for example, set alarms on the phone) for water or, for example, self-made isotonic drinks, which will contain honey and lemon. Instead of drinking only water, you can also use herbs on a regular basis. We recommend, for example, Your youth – a natural herbal mixture of Lorem Vit.

In order to lower the metabolic age, and thus rejuvenate the body, all you need to do is exercise regularly, follow an individually tailored diet and hydrate regularly, regardless of the season. Rejuvenation of the body will certainly be facilitated by giving up stimulants, reducing (if possible) the level of daily stress and rest, i.e. healthy and good-quality sleep.

In order to improve the appearance of the skin, use the Double Action Serum for mature skin or Bioherba’s Youth Serum with Pomegranate and Raspberry on a regular basis, thanks to which the skin will be tighter and firmer, and wrinkles will become less visible. To cleanse your face, you can choose the Rice Cleansing Face Gel with bio-fermentation for normal, dry and mature skin.

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