How to keep your home tidy: 6 valuable tips

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How to maintain order in an apartment: the rules for success

Tidiness in the apartment helps you to concentrate better, calm down, start the day more productively and relax in the evening. Problem: It is difficult to maintain order in the house, especially in a large family.

In addition, not everyone is tidy enough to put a book in its place or put a thing in the closet. And cleaning on weekends for many seems to be an unpleasant duty. Therefore, it is useful to get acquainted with the rules of how easy it is to maintain order at home.

10 minute ritual

Set aside 10 minutes every day just to clean up. This is not about the whole apartment: you can arrange things on shelves in one room. For example, remove anything that catches your eye or vacuum the carpet. The main thing is that it becomes a daily ritual.

If it is difficult for someone to allocate even 10 minutes, you can divide the time – 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.

Making a list

What you want to do during the day is not always remembered. Write down the little things that you can actually manage to do. For example, it can be washing dark laundry, taking out the trash, or wiping the dishwasher. Do not write a long list – you will not be able to complete everything, and you will feel dissatisfied with yourself.

Every thing should have its permanent place.

If things are scattered, it makes it harder to find and clean them. It is difficult to put in order something that does not have a permanent place. If all items (including those that are used daily) have a more or less fixed location, cleaning is much faster and searches are easier.

Keeping a box in the hallway for things like your wallet, keys, and a notebook can save you time in the morning.

Regular sorting

If there are fewer items, and all of them are needed, and all the excess is sorted from time to time, you have to clean up less. At first glance, it sounds too simple. Things that are no longer needed take up space and always get in the way.

How to keep your home tidy: 6 valuable tipsKeeping a box in the hallway for things like a wallet, keys, and a notebook can save time in the morning. There is also a therapeutic aspect to sorting: separating yourself from old objects creates more space not only in the closet, but also in the head.

Treat cleaning as a way to relax

Looking out the window thoughtlessly is not a relaxation method, just like watching everything on TV. But a change in activity, one’s own working capacity can act like meditation. As with sports, the following applies: after the “work” is finished, the mood definitely improves.

With music!

Research shows that music can change your mood. If you don’t feel like cleaning, play your favorite melody. She can motivate you to do an unpleasant activity.

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