How to keep your home clean and tidy
What woman does not dream of turning her house into an oasis of cleanliness and order? And such a simple question makes them over and over again reconsider their attitude not only to cleaning, but also to the very definition of what cleanliness is in the house. After all, this is a relative concept. No room can be absolutely clean! Relative order can be easily established if you follow some rules.
Cleanliness and order in the house: features
What do you need to know and do in order to achieve cleanliness in the room? First of all, these are types of cleaning:
- fast – daily;
- main – once a week;
- general – once a month.
How to keep your home clean?
There is also forced cleaning, which becomes necessary if the house has not been kept in order and cleanliness for a long time. Urgent cleaning is a process in which order is restored immediately after contamination or mess.
How to keep your home clean?
To keep the house always clean, some rules must be followed. These include:
- do not put all the work on your fragile shoulders, involve your children and your husband in the work of caring for the house;
- attach children to the desire to be in a clean room from the cradle, then they will learn the habit of putting away their toys, books, making their bed in the morning, removing dishes from the table, wiping crumbs from it;
- it is more difficult with her husband, because he has already developed his own stereotype of behavior and attitude to responsibilities at home, which he acquired in childhood;
- got up in the morning, put things in order on your planet, called home, pack up the bed, put things in the closet, remove from the table;
- in the evening, be sure to wash all the dishes: dirty dishes, especially those left overnight, attract a lot of negativity into the house;
- pay special attention to the daily care of the sink, stove, bathroom and toilet – the most problematic places in the house;
- Try to tidy up more thoroughly at the end of the week, but if you’ve followed the tips above for the past week, you won’t have to spend your well-earned weekend getaway doing something as tedious as spring cleaning.
Prepare all the necessary chemicals, household appliances and gadgets in advance so as not to be distracted by looking for the right things. After all, it will take additional time, and can also ruin your mood if at the right time you suddenly do not find in the house, for example, detergent or some other little thing. But the most important thing: when starting cleaning, tune in to the positive, anticipating in advance the pleasure you will get from contemplating the cleanliness, order and comfort created by your hands!
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