How to keep your figure for the New Year: tips from Natasha Davydova

Healthy lifestyle activist Natalya Davydova, better known as @tetyamotya, completely changed her life a few years ago, switching to proper nutrition and daily exercise. Needless to say, the girl’s body is so luxurious that posters with her can be stirred throughout the city as motivation.

In parallel with changing her own habits, Natalya decided to share her experience with her followers on Instagram, and then launched the #pressbody marathon, the results of which were impressive.

Natalia has published several books with recommendations for weight loss and training and continues to inspire girls to a healthy lifestyle.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, asked Natalia Davydova to give guidance on how to lose weight and maintain weight in order to fit into her festive outfit.

– Ideally, the figure should always be watched! But who said we were perfect? Catch five life hacks that will help you look stunning on New Year’s Eve:

  • Substitute green tea or chicory for coffee. Caffeine disrupts circadian rhythm, overloads the kidneys, and interferes with weight normalization.

  • Get enough sleep! A healthy eight-hour sleep will help normalize hormonal levels, without which it will not be possible to part with extra pounds. A wonderful complexion will be a bonus.

  • Stop using the elevator. On average, people who begin to walk up stairs, the level of physical activity increases by 30-40% per day, and this is an invaluable help in the fight against extra pounds.

  • Stop alcohol! In December, it is very difficult to give up strong drinks and not succumb to the pre-holiday mood. But if you still want to celebrate the New Year in a radical mini, then pour water into a wine glass without unnecessary loud statements. Perhaps, on New Year’s Eve, you won’t even want champagne!

  • Download the Welps fitness app to your smartphone. Get access to my personally verified workout program, wholesome recipes, and the latest research in health and longevity. As a bonus – support and motivation from a team of professionals who are always in touch. Don’t wait for the New Year to start a new life!

I wish you a magical holiday surrounded by loved and loving people! And let the extra pounds remain in the outgoing one!

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