How to keep warm in the cold

How to keep warm in the cold

Do you want to spend more time outdoors during the holidays? To your health.

January 2 2018

How to keep warm in the cold, we were told by the head of the health and development club “Vitality +” Alexandra Frolova.

Shake hands and feet alternately for 1-2 minutes. In this case, the capillaries are subjected to vibration, which in turn leads to a contraction-dilation of blood vessels and an improvement in blood circulation. This exercise can please the child, cheer and warm him at the same time.

When you really need to warm up unnoticed by others, try to strain all possible muscles: arms, back, abs, chest, neck, legs, buttocks. Hold the state for as long as possible, slowly relax. Do not stand as a statue, but make subtle movements in time with the movement of the muscles. Repeat the cycle until you feel the warmth spreading through your body.

Method 3. Massage your palms

This exercise will improve blood circulation in the hands. Take an inshell walnut and roll it vigorously in your palms for 2-3 minutes. Do the same with a pen or pencil: rub them with effort. You will soon feel warm and even hot. If possible, try doing the exercise with your feet by rolling objects on the floor.

Hot, hearty food before going out into the cold will help keep the body warm for at least one and a half to two hours. Our great-grandfathers also knew that there is no food better than ordinary porridge with butter in the morning, this “fuel” is enough for the whole day. Indeed, complex carbohydrates combined with fat are very effective in providing the body with calories for several hours. Don’t worry about getting better. Staying in the cold, you can easily spend 200-300 extra calories.

It’s not about alcohol – it’s just a false friend of a freezing person, since the vessels rapidly expanded by the drink shrink again very quickly, the deceptive sensation of heat turns off adequate thermoregulation in the body. Bring a thermos for a walk – the whole company will be helped out by hot tea, best of all drinking with ginger and honey.

When you return home, numb hands or feet should be gently warmed up. Do not rub them, especially with wool or alcohol, as this can damage the skin. The best thing is pleasantly warm (but not hot!) Water, you can hold your limbs under the stream or dip them in a basin for a while. By the way, if you go to bed and your feet are still cold, fill a XNUMX liter plastic bottle with hot water and put it under the blanket to your feet. We promise you will warm up and fall asleep very quickly.

It has long been known that one of the most effective ways to keep yourself warm is to use the warmth of another creature. It could be another person or a pet, for example. When it’s very frosty, unbutton your outerwear and hug each other. Warm a frozen child in the same way. Well, at home it is useful and pleasant to lie under a blanket, hugging a cat or leaning against the warm side of a dog.

Ready for a walk!

In order to suffer as little as possible from winter weather, it is worth remembering about simple rules.

– Dress loosely, avoid tight and tight clothing. Thermal underwear will ideally warm you during active movement – skiing, Nordic walking.

– The thickness of the sole of shoes for long walks should not be less than 1 cm. Make sure that the toe is warm enough, but the toes move freely.

– The hat is better with “ears”, this is not blown out and reliably covers the cheeks and part of the neck. On hands – not gloves, but mittens, they are much warmer. A scarf or snood, if necessary, will cover most of the face from the cold.

– To avoid flaking of the skin, apply a greasy cream to your hands and face, but not before a walk, but an hour before it. Protect your lips from chapping and cracking with chapstick.

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