How to keep sea buckthorn for the winter without freezing

How to keep sea buckthorn for the winter without freezing

Sea buckthorn berries are very useful. They help well with colds, have a wound healing effect in case of stomach ulcers and increase immunity. How to save sea buckthorn berries to eat them all year round? What preparations to make to heal your body during the cold season?

How to keep sea buckthorn berries for the winter?

The berries are harvested in the fall, when they turn orange. It is better to store them in their natural form, rather than boil them, so they will retain all the useful substances.

There are several ways to do this:

  1. You can store berries on the balcony. Sea buckthorn will not deteriorate until spring, if the fruits are not plucked from the branches, but placed in a cold place where the temperature will be from 0 to + 4 ° С.
  2. Place in refrigerator. Wash the berries and cover with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. Use for making tea, fruit drinks or fruit drinks. Shelf life up to two months.
  3. Dry. To do this, use special dryers or an oven.

If the berries are consumed for several weeks, then they can be stored in the refrigerator in water. sea ​​buckthorn does not need to be washed. The fruits are placed in a sterilized jar and poured with boiled water.

How to keep sea buckthorn for the winter?

If the berries were harvested only after the first frost, then they can be stored in the freezer. Sea buckthorn will not lose all its beneficial properties and will not deteriorate until spring. Before placing the berries in the freezer, they must be washed. It is best to put it in plastic containers and use only quick freeze.

For the winter, blanks can be made from berries. Very tasty and healthy sea buckthorn makes jam and jam. Billets are made with and without heat treatment. In the latter case, all vitamins are retained.

Let’s take a look at how to make raw jam. This will require 1 kg of sea buckthorn and 1,5 kg of sugar.


  1. Wash and dry the berries.
  2. Stir them with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Put the resulting mass in sterilized jars for 3/4 of the volume. Add sugar to the top of the container.
  4. Close the lid.

Store in the cold for no more than a year.

Sea buckthorn can also be grated with sugar and placed in jars. Cooking technology and proportions are similar to the previous recipe.

You can store sea buckthorn under iron lids only after sterilization. For this, the berries are kept in a water bath for 30 minutes.

All methods of storing sea buckthorn allow you to fully preserve nutrients and vitamins. For preparations for the winter, it is not recommended to cook berries, it is better to use sterilization.

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