The answer is very simple: if you are truly interested in what you do, then your motivation will not be exhausted even when you achieve financial prosperity and high status. And it is those who are really interested who usually achieve not just high results, but super-high ones.
I know many successful entrepreneurs who are interested in playing the game of business. And since this game throws up new conditions every day, the interest in the game never disappears. And the more experienced player you become, the more interesting! I know super-successful coaches who have long ago received all the desired financial results and statuses, but they are sincerely interested in what they do and their motivation does not fall over the years, but rather becomes higher, because they understand their favorite topic deeper and deeper, and this is a separate pleasure …
What to do if there was motivation before, but now a certain level has been reached, past goals have been achieved, and the excitement has disappeared? It’s good that you paid attention to it! After all, if you are a leader or an owner, then the motivation of your employees and, consequently, their results directly depend on your attitude. There are no motivated employees and an unmotivated manager. And that means maintaining passion and drive in yourself is one of your most direct duties. But how?
As soon as you notice that the excitement is gone, it’s better to immediately «stop and think.» After all, the longer you do your job on the «machine», «autopilot», without excitement and burning eyes — the further your motivation will hide during this time and it will be more and more difficult to get it later. Stop, think and try to realize what motivated you before, what is missing now. Ask yourself what are you really interested in right now? What would you be doing if you didn’t have to make money? And now try to connect it with the current case. Sometimes, as a result of such reflections, very interesting and unexpected combinations and ideas are born! If you realize that in this particular case nothing really pleases you, and excitement is possible only in another matter, this is also a great option: arrange work in the current case so that it works independently and without you. Start something new and keep moving forward!