- How to keep herring in the refrigerator without brine for as long as possible
- How to defrost fish
- How to store salted herring in the refrigerator no brine
- How to freeze salted herring
- How to preserve herring: what to look for
- How long does herring keep in the refrigerator
- How much salted herring is stored in the refrigerator
- How to salt herring at home
- How to dry salt herring at home
- Herring in mustard marinade
- Herring in mustard-mayonnaise filling
- How to quickly peel a herring: a useful video
How to keep herring in the refrigerator without brine for as long as possible

Herring contains many semi-saturated omega fatty acids and vitamins. The use of herring helps to lower cholesterol and strengthen the heart muscle, as well as the work of the brain. Herring on the shelves of our stores can be found in salted, slightly salted, medium salted and frozen form. Our article will discuss how to keep herring in the refrigerator without brine, all the subtleties of cooking herring and how to choose it correctly.
How to keep salted herring at home for a long time
Thanks to the salting method, herring can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties. You need to choose high-quality fresh herring correctly:

- The scales should be shiny and not damaged. The carcass should be firm and when pressed with a finger should quickly regain its shape.
- Next, you need to check the gills. They should be pressed tightly to the body and, when opened, have a bright pink color.
- The eyes should be prominent and not cloudy. Don’t buy headless herring.
- Herring should have its characteristic fishy smell.
- When choosing salted herring, you need to pay attention to:
- The eyes should not be red. If they are red, it means that the herring was not salted;
- When pressing on the gills, no liquid should flow out. Otherwise, the herring was salted in violation of the cooking technology. The color of the gills should be dark red.
- The carcass should be dense and elastic. There should be no rusty spots. When pressed with a finger, it should restore its previous shape.
- The brine and fish should not have extraneous musty odors.
How to keep salted herring in the refrigerator:
How to properly store herring in the refrigerator depends on how it is prepared.
It can be:
- marinated herring;
- vacuum packed;
- fresh;
- frozen;
- salty.
How to keep herring in the refrigerator longer
We will tell you several ways how to keep herring longer.
- The whole fish should be placed in a glass jar and filled with beer. To do this, you need to bring the beer to a boil, add bay leaves and pepper to it, and cool. Pour brine over the fish, and carefully pour refined sunflower oil on top with a thin layer. Such herring can be stored in the refrigerator for 20-25 days.
- Place the peeled and gutted herring in a glass jar, pour over with oil. You can use any oil: refined or unrefined, depending on your taste. Put in the refrigerator. Fish marinated in this way can be kept in the refrigerator for 4 days.
- The herring is cut into fillets and frozen. Such fish can be stored for up to 6 months.
- Salted fish can be moistened with brine cheesecloth and wrap the fish. So it will last longer.
- You can wrap the fish in cheesecloth dipped in a water-vinegar solution and store it in the refrigerator. Such a fish can be stored for 10 days in the refrigerator.
How to store herring in the marinade
Marinated herring is one of the most delicious dishes. The marinade can be based on mayonnaise, then it will already be a ready-made independent dish and based on an aqueous solution with vinegar. The mayonnaise-mustard solution preserves the herring for up to 2 days.

Here’s one way to make a marinade:
For herring in the amount of 4 medium fish you will need:
- onion-3 pcs;
- vinegar 9% – 0,5l;
- sugar-0,400kg
- mustard grains-5g;
- bay leaf -4 pcs.;
- ground ginger-15 g;
- allspice peas-5 g;
- coriander seeds-5g;
- Thyme – 3 sprigs.
Peel fillets of herring. To prepare the marinade, put sugar and vinegar in a container, mix and put on the stove, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add spices, remove from heat for a few minutes. Arrange the herring fillet in glass jars and pour over the marinade, put the bay leaf.
Purchased fresh and then pickled herring can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 25 days.
How to store herring in oil
Preserves are stored for no more than 2 months. After opening – no more than 48 hours.
You will need:
- fresh herring – 2 medium fish;
- refined sunflower oil – 220 ml;
- black pepper peas – 10 pcs .;
- salt – 25g;
- cardamom to taste.

Preparation: peel the fish on boneless fillets, cut into small pieces. Fold the herring into a clean jar with a capacity of about 800 ml. Pour vegetable oil over the fish. Fill the jar not to the very edge, so that there is a space of about 1,5 centimeters.
Cover the jar with a lid and place in a cold oven. Heat the oven to a temperature of 180 degrees. Wait until bubbles appear in the vegetable oil in the jar. Then lower the temperature to 100 degrees and simmer for 6 hours. Monitor the oil for bubbles at all times. If they are not, then you can add a little temperature. About 10-20 degrees.
After 6 hours, take out the jar and roll it up, then put it in a cool place. The jar must be turned upside down. Store in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight for 20-25 days. A cellar works well.
How to store herring in a vacuum package
Vacuum packed herring can be stored for 35 days. After opening the package, store the herring in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
How to keep herring frozen
If frozen fish was originally purchased, then it must be immediately removed to the freezer without defrosting.

Before you put fresh fish in the freezer, you need to clean it from the insides. Leave the skin as it retains moisture. Then lay it out separately and freeze so that the fish do not stick together. When they are frozen, then fold into one bag and put into freeze. It is better to wrap each carcass separately with foil so that it does not lose moisture. Store whole carcasses and cut fish separately. Different types of fish cannot be put together in one bag.
Properly cut fresh or salted herring can be stored in the freezer for up to 6 months.
How to defrost fish
How to defrost a herring correctly? You need to get it out of the freezer and put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where it will gradually defrost.
Nor in any casef you cannot defrost herring in the microwave иwhether on a battery, and even more so in warm water.
If you need a little herring to the table, then freeze it in small batches. This makes it easier and faster to defrost it.
How to store salted herring in the refrigerator no brine
how to store salted herring in the refrigerator? Salted herring can be stored well without a refrigerator, for example, in a basement or cellar. It is only necessary to create conditions so that direct sunlight does not fall on it and there is low humidity. Then it can be stored for up to 25 days.
How to freeze salted herring

How to keep salted herring? Salted herring can be frozen. First you need to clean it, you can cut it into pieces and put it in a container designed for the freezer. This method will allow you to store it for up to 6 months. Thanks to freezing, salted herring does not lose its properties throughout the entire shelf life. There is no need to prepare brine to store it. And in the refrigerator, it saves space.
How to preserve herring: what to look for
Important rules for storing herring at home:
- Herring without a refrigerator is stored for no more than 3 hours.
- You cannot defrost and freeze herring again.
- Salted herring without brine can be stored for no more than 24 hours.
How long does herring keep in the refrigerator
How long can a herring be stored in the refrigerator? Fresh herring is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, so they try to immediately pickle or pickle it. It will not deteriorate immediately, but the taste will suffer. A metallic taste will appear under the influence of oxygen, which oxidizes the fat. The taste and appearance will deteriorate. You can pour the herring with brine or vegetable oil. This will extend its shelf life up to 10 days.
How much salted herring is stored in the refrigerator

How much herring is stored depends on the method of salting.
- Herring can be stored in a tin can for up to 4 months.
- The shelf life of herring in a vacuum is 1 month. After opening it must be consumed within 2 days.
- In a plastic bucket, the shelf life of salted herring is 3 months.
- The shelf life of preserves in oil is 2 months, after opening – 24 hours.
- Unpackaged herring by weight and filled with oil for up to 5 days.
- Herring in a container with brine can be stored for up to 4 weeks.
- Herring without brine can be stored for no more than 48 hours.
- In the cellar in the marinade, herring can be stored for 15-20 days
Don’t risk your health. Put the fish directly into the refrigerator. Purchased fresh fishand can be stored without a refrigerator for no more than 3 hours at room temperature.
How to salt herring at home
For salting, you need to buy herring with whole fish with their heads. Headless herring suggests that the fish may not be the first freshness. Better to buy fresh, chilled, unfrozen fish. If you still bought frozen herring, then you need to defrost it at room temperature. Under no circumstances should fish be thawed in warm water or in the microwave. It will lose its taste and cannot be stored for a long time. Coarse salt is suitable for salting fish. Iodized salt will spoil the taste, and with “Extra” salt you can oversalt.

How to dry salt herring at home
Rinse the peeled herring carcass with head in running water, dip with a towel. Place fish on parchment paper, sprinkle with salt on all sides. Based on 1 fish, 2 tablespoons of coarse salt. There is no need to regret the salt. The fish will take as much as it needs. Wrap the fish in paper and then in a plastic bag. Refrigerate for 3 days. After three days, the fish is ready. After salting, the fish must be peeled and cut into pieces or fillets.
Herring in mustard marinade

This recipe will require:
- Already salted herring – 2 pcs.;
- onion – 4 pcs .;
- unrefined vegetable oil – 6 tablespoons;
- lemon juice – 4 tablespoons;
- mustard Dijon granular – 3 tbsp.
- granulated sugar – 2 tsp.
Cut the salted barrel herring into fillets and cut into pieces. To prepare the sauce, you need to mix vegetable oil, sugar, mustard and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly. Cut the onion into rings. Both white and red onions will work for this recipe. Pour the pieces of fish with dressing, put onion rings, mix gently, put in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Herring in mustard-mayonnaise filling

- herring -1 pc .;
- onions – 2 pcs.;
- mayonnaise – 3 tablespoons;
- table mustard – 1 tablespoon;
- lemon juice – 1 tablespoon;
- ground black pepper – to taste;
- sugar – 1,5 tsp;
- bay leaf – 2 pcs .;
Cut the fish carcass into fillets, cut into pieces. For dressing, combine mayonnaise, mustard, lemon juice, sugar, add 2 tablespoons of water. Combine fish with dressing, add ground black pepper, bay leaf. Put everything in a container with a lid and refrigerate for 24 hours.