How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

It is difficult to find a person who would not love grapes. But during the summer it is not always possible to enjoy them enough. Therefore, naturally, the question of its preservation arises. In order to enjoy the taste of your favorite berries in winter, you need to know how to store grapes correctly. Do not forget that not the last place in the success of grape storage is played by its variety. This article will be devoted to the nuances of this process.

Varieties suitable for storage

Not all people know that not every grape variety is suitable for storage. Therefore, before proceeding with this process, you need to familiarize yourself with the relevant information so that the result of your work is positive. Beginning gardeners will definitely find something new for themselves.

For storage of grapes, only medium and late-ripening varieties are suitable, which are characterized by elastic pulp and thick skin.

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

Also, in addition to the variety, its ability in transportability and storage is also important. The last parameter is directly dependent on the ability of the berries to retain moisture.

Late maturing varieties are best suited for storage. They are characterized by a loose bunch, dense and large berries, as well as a strong and thick skin.

Therefore, even if the variety has excellent taste, but it does not meet these requirements, then its berries cannot be preserved not only until spring, but even for the winter.

Equally important is the method of agrotechnical care for the grape bush. Care, namely nutrition, the system of its management, the yield of the bush have a significant impact on the keeping quality of berries.

Therefore, to store grapes for the winter, you need to know certain rules in order to increase the ability of the crop to be preserved at home.

Experienced gardeners say that the crop harvested from irrigated vineyards is stored much worse than harvested from rainfed.

It follows from this that the more the bush is watered, the shorter the time it will be possible to save its berries.

In order for the fruits to be well stored, grape bushes should be watered at the beginning of the growing season (in the first half), and watering should be completed 45 days before the start of the grape harvest.

It is possible to increase the storage capacity of a grape variety not only with the help of watering in a certain period of time, but also with the help of the following measures:

  • reduce the yield load on the bush. Overloaded bushes often fall off or bunches wither right on it. This does not contribute to the preservation of fruits for a long time. They spoil much sooner. This rule applies to varieties that are characterized by large and massive clusters. It is better to harvest less, but it will retain its taste and nutrients for a long time;
  • fertilizing grapes with organic or mineral fertilizers. This parameter is not the last value for the storage of grapes. The introduction of a large amount of fertilizer will negatively affect the preservation of the fruit. But the feeding of grape bushes with foliar and root phosphorus-potassium fertilizers will increase the sugar content in the berries. It is much easier to store such berries, and they retain their nutritional and taste qualities for a longer time;
  • protection against fungal diseases. Infection of bunches with fungus will obviously not increase their storage capacity. Berries that are affected by oidium, mildew, various types of rot (white, gray, etc.) will definitely not be stored for a long time;
  • weather conditions and harvest time. Unripe berries cannot be stored in winter. Also, overripe bunches are not suitable for these purposes. The shelf life of such a crop will be minimal. It is not recommended to harvest on rainy and cloudy days. Harvesting should be started only when the weather is dry and sunny. Berries harvested in such weather conditions will be stored for a long time. The storage of grapes that were harvested early in the morning or, conversely, late in the evening, will be short-lived and not suitable for saving in winter;
  • growing ground. In specialized literature on the method of storing grapes, you can find information on how to store grapes for the winter when planting a bush on certain soils. The best, in this situation, are easily water- and breathable soils that warm up well. These include low-humus, chestnut and sandy soils;
  • bush management system. The worst for storing grapes in winter are fruits that were grown on a stemless formation. An increase in the trunk leads to an increase in the terms of savings. From the point of view of how to store grapes for the winter in the best way, the optimal stem height is from 40 to 70 cm.

Knowing and putting into practice the above rules, you can determine which varieties are suitable for winter storage. You can also increase the safety of grapes with your own efforts.

The varieties that retain their positive qualities best include: Karaburnu, Moldova, Autumn Black, Moldavian Black, Criulyansky, In Memory of Negrul, Lyana, Original, Strashensky, Anniversary of the Crane, Nistra, Light, Tair, Talisman, Chocolate.

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

Ways to store grapes

Many novice gardeners do not know how to store grapes for the winter. This is due not only to the lack of the necessary experience, but also to the presence of a large amount of conflicting information, which contains not entirely correct ways of storing grapes, especially at home.

There are many tips on how to properly store grapes for the winter, but they all agree on where to start this process.

Preparation of grapes for storage in winter begins with its harvest. The bunch is cut with a pruner along with a piece of vine, holding it by the comb.

Clusters should not be left in the sun, just as it is not allowed to touch the berries themselves with bare fingers, otherwise you can wipe off the wax coating from them.

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

Before storage, you need to carefully (using small scissors) remove rotten and dry, as well as damaged and unripe berries. Then the clusters are placed in a dark and ventilated room: attic, basement, barn, attic. The main thing is that the room air temperature should be from 0 ° С to + 5 … + 7 ° С, and the humidity should not exceed 80%.

In accordance with these requirements, the following storage methods are distinguished:

  • hanging on a rope (wire, etc.). This method is suitable for attics and mansards. Bunches can be tied with a rope and simply thrown over a stretched rope. The height of the ropes should be different so that the hanging bunches do not touch;

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

  • storage of grapes on the ridges. This method is suitable for small crops. The bunch should be with a part of the vine 6 cm above it, and up to 20 cm below it. It is necessary to place the lower part of the vine in a jar of water, to which activated charcoal or aspirin has been added. The grapes will be fresh for two months, but may become less sugary;

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

  • storage in trays or boxes. The bottom of the containers is lined with clean paper or cloth, and the clusters themselves are placed ridges up in one layer. In this way, the fruits are stored for 1,5-2 months. But, with this method of storage, outbreaks of fungal infections are possible. To protect the crop from this, it must be checked periodically;

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

  • in a refrigerator. This method is considered the most effective in terms of preserving the nutritional value and taste characteristics of berries. This method involves placing the crop in a special refrigerator or refrigerator with a controlled internal gas environment. The air temperature in the refrigerator should be + 2 … -1 ° C, and humidity 90-95%. With the power of the refrigerator and compliance with these parameters, it is possible to achieve the preservation of berries from four to seven months. Clusters in the refrigerator should be placed comb up. Berries can only be frozen once, as re-frozen berries lose their flavor and nutritional value. It is best to freeze ripe fruits of dark-colored varieties. You need to defrost them in cold water, which will help to avoid tearing the tissues inside the berries.

How to keep grapes for a long time: rules

Video “Proper storage of grapes”

From this video you will learn the nuances of preserving grapes for a long period

With proper care and the right way to store grapes, you can easily enjoy your favorite berries even in winter.

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