How to iron with a steam generator, video

How to iron with a steam generator, video

Dry cleaners have long ironed clothes with steam. It was inconvenient to use bulky devices at home, so irons with a steaming function were invented. Now they have been replaced by steam generators that combine the best features of all devices. It is worth figuring out how to iron with a steam generator and what are its advantages over other types of irons.

To get the perfect result, you need to know how to iron with a steam generator correctly.

How the steam generator works

The device, in fact, is an ordinary iron, connected with a thick tube to a stationary station equipped with a water tank and generating steam. Through a tube, it is fed to the sole of the iron and through small holes it is discharged to the outside.

A steam power regulator is installed at the station. You can select different operating modes on the iron:

  • constant steam supply;
  • lack of steam supply;
  • steam boost.

In parallel, the possibility of choosing the temperature of the sole is provided.

How to iron with a steam generator

The instructions for handling the steam generator are simple:

  1. First, pour water into a special container and wait a few minutes until it heats up to the desired temperature and steam starts to be generated. It will move through the tube to the sole.
  2. The switch can be used to select the optimal steam generation mode. It all depends on the fabric and how quickly you need to get the job done. The higher the power, the faster you will be able to cope with the task, but you can damage the fabric.
  3. The temperature of the soleplate of the iron is set depending on the indications on the tags of the item with which you are going to work.
  4. For steam to flow, you need to press the button, which is usually located under the handle of the iron. If you do not hold it, the device will not demonstrate its connection with the steam generator.
  5. The steam boost function is designed to eliminate tricky creases. It is activated by pressing the button at the top of the handle. This arrangement was chosen to avoid accidental activation.
  6. Large quantities of laundry require a lot of water. If it suddenly ends ahead of time, stocks can be replenished without stopping the ironing process. If a special indicator signals a lack of liquid, you just need to top up it and wait until steam starts to flow again.

The steam generator is equipped with protection against inattentive users. If left motionless, the device will automatically shut down. This keeps things intact and avoids fire.

The video tells you how to iron with a steam generator correctly.

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