How to interpret the result of his blood test and better understand his blood test?

How to interpret the result of his blood test and better understand his blood test? : understand everything in 2 min
1. Red blood cells (hemoglobin)
The red blood cells, also called red blood cells, are part of the figurative elements of blood. They transport respiratory gases such as oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2).
The average dosage of red blood cells is 4,6-6,2 million / mm3 in humans and from 4,2 to 5,4 million / mm3 in women: a blood sample is used to ensure this.
- In the event of an anomaly:
If there is an increase in the number of red blood cells, it is polycythemia. This abnormality in the production of red blood cells can arise from two distinct mechanisms:
1) to polycythemia vera : it is due to an abnormality of stem cells that acquire tumor characteristics and proliferate. It is a rare disease that affects the middle-aged adult and has a life expectancy of 12 to 15 years after diagnosis.
2) Thehypoxia : it consists of insufficient oxygenation of the tissues and causes an increase in the level of hormone stimulating erythropoiesis. Hypoxia results in headache, dizziness, tinnitus, and reddening of the skin. It can result from several factors: pneumonia, congenital heart disease, excessive consumption of alcohol or tobacco, staying at high altitude or wearing tight clothing.
If the blood test shows a drop in the number of red blood cells, it is called anemia.
Anemia can have several causes: bleeding, failure to produce red blood cells or hemoglobin, excessive destruction of red blood cells.
It can be triggered as a result of a dietary deficiency (in most cases), hereditary factors, an autoimmune disease (bone marrow disease, endocrine problems), other diseases (cancer, AIDS ) and certain medical treatments. Insufficient production of hemoglobin can be the result of a deficiency of iron, folate or vitamin B12.
2. The hematocrit
THEhematocrit is the volume occupied by red blood cells in a given volume of whole blood. The normal value in the blood for humans is 40 to 52%. For women, it is 37 to 48%.
THEhemoglobin is a protein, the main function of which is the transport of oxygen in the body. It is mainly found inside red blood cells and is responsible for the red color of the blood.
The normal value is 13.5 to 17.5 gr / dL in men and 12.5 to 15.5 gr / dL in women.
- In the event of an anomaly:
For pregnant women and children, the rates drop considerably. Many pathologies can be responsible for abnormalities of the hematocrit and hemoglobin level (especially anemia). To see more clearly, it is better to analyze the other hematological elements.
3. Average Globular Volume
Le VGM reports the average size of red blood cells. In particular, it allows the diagnosis of anemia. The normal level of MCV is between 80 and 95 fl.
- In the event of an anomaly:
If the rate is too low, it is called microcytosis. This abnormality is typical of chronic anemia caused by iron deficiency.
If the rate is too high, this time we are talking about macrocytosis. It is found during a chronic deficiency of vitamin B12, vitamin B9 or in the event of alcoholism.
4. CGMH and TCMH
CGMH (mean globular hemoglobin concentration) corresponds to the amount of hemoglobin contained in 100 ml of red blood cells.
Its normal value ranges from 28 to 32 g / 100 ml.
The TCMH (mean corpuscular hemoglobin content) corresponds to the average quantity of hemoglobin contained in 1 red blood cell.
- In the event of an anomaly:
These two values are of little interest in terms of diagnosis. A low MCHC will simply confirm hypochromia (lack of iron).
5. Indice d’anisocytose
The index ofanisocytose allows to highlight the differences in size of the different red blood cells. If it deviates from the norms, it often confirms the diagnosis of anemia.