How to insulate a veranda from the inside and make a warm room out of a cold room, do-it-yourself wall, ceiling, and floor cladding

The increase in comfortable space for use in the winter will please any owner of a country house. To solve this problem, consider how to insulate the veranda using modern materials.

Indoor and outdoor work

When insulating any building, two methods are used:

  1. External insulation using modern polyurethane foam and mineral materials allows the dew point to remain outside the main structure of the house. In this case, the risk of fungi and mold on the walls of the building is reduced. The advantage of this method is the complete protection of the building from moisture. It is external insulation work that is used in the construction of residential buildings and is considered more correct.
  2. Internal insulation is more likely to form damp places, as the dew point “enters” the house and moves from the insulation to the wall, depending on the external and internal temperature. To prevent the formation of mold, various layers are used. Unlike the external method, this insulation allows you to save the exterior of the building, which is especially important when insulating the veranda.

How to insulate a veranda from the inside and make a warm room out of a cold room, do-it-yourself wall, ceiling, and floor cladding

Video “Insulation of a private house”

From this video you will learn how to properly insulate a private house with your own hands.

TECHNONICOL. Warming of a private house (video instruction)

Steam and waterproofing

The location of the dew point inside any wall is an indicator of the possible appearance of dampness on the inside or outside surface. To regulate its movement, waterproofing materials are used. Vapor barrier films allow moisture to move in one direction and not in the other. Waterproofing allows you to prevent the movement of moisture in any of the directions.

For example, external insulation is covered with a vapor barrier, thanks to which the insulation is not exposed to precipitation. If the humidity in the insulation increases with a change in temperature, then due to the correct location of the film, the effect of moisture removal is achieved. When insulating from the inside, the vapor barrier is alternated with air layers or a hydrobarrier is used.

Materials for thermal insulation

Modern technologies allow the use of heaters, which, with a small thickness, retain heat much better than the material of the building itself. The use of these materials allows you to insulate a wooden terrace with your own hands. Performing such work will make the veranda suitable for winter living. Expanded polystyrene and mineral heaters differ from each other in durability and toxicity.


How to insulate a veranda from the inside and make a warm room out of a cold room, do-it-yourself wall, ceiling, and floor cladding

This material is a foamed cellular mass of polymers, usually white. Due to the large number of synthetic components, it has a high toxicity. On contact with fire, it emits acrid smoke that is hazardous to human health.

Foam plastic is made in the form of plates 1×1 m or 0,5×1 m. The material can have a different density, which affects the heat resistance and strength of the material. Plates are produced in various thicknesses. This contributes to the widespread use of foam. It is convenient for cutting and making various, even very complex shapes. This insulation does not absorb moisture and retains its properties and shape for any period of operation.


How to insulate a veranda from the inside and make a warm room out of a cold room, do-it-yourself wall, ceiling, and floor cladding

Such material has long been used as a heater. He fully copes with the tasks assigned. Mineral wool consists of glass fibers, so it is often called glass wool. Mineral wool is resistant to temperature extremes, sound insulation, thermal insulation.

Glass wool slabs can have different fiber orientations: horizontal, vertical or spatial. This allows it to be used in various building designs. In the manufacture of this insulation, resins are used, but their quantity is so small that glass wool is considered environmentally friendly.

When exposed to fire, mineral wool is destroyed. To eliminate this shortcoming, its analogue, stone wool, was created. Manufacturers claim that these materials are moisture resistant. But the experience of using mineral wool has shown that over time, the structure of fiber bonds is broken, and the material loses its properties.


A recent variety of styrofoam has been produced using styrene polymer additives. The foamed granules of such a heater are of a smaller fraction, therefore, the finished polystyrene foam boards have a higher density, and as a result, thermal insulation.

The composition of the insulation includes a large number of chemical elements that are very toxic. When foaming such a material, natural gas is used, so the insulation is classified as a flammable type. They produce special fire-resistant plates made of polystyrene foam, in the manufacture of which carbon dioxide is used instead of natural gas. Such insulation is positioned as fireproof.

This insulation does not absorb moisture, retains all its properties throughout the entire period of operation. Polystyrene plates are made in various sizes and thicknesses, which allows them to be widely used in the insulation of any structures.

The order of work on internal insulation

After choosing the insulation material, we will prepare the surfaces of the veranda of the cottage for the start of work. All trim and lining inside will need to be removed. Given the interior design, we can not attach importance to weather conditions. At the same time, the insulation itself is best placed in a dry, even cold room or under a canopy. The use of wet plates will be an undesirable factor when installing them.

For the reliability of internal insulation, slabs of any material must be installed in a pre-prepared frame. We make the frame from wooden slats, which must be prepared in advance. When assembling the frame and installing the insulation, we will use the following tool:

  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • a stapler;
  • measuring devices.

How to insulate a veranda from the inside and make a warm room out of a cold room, do-it-yourself wall, ceiling, and floor cladding


Any heat-insulating material can be simply glued to the surface of the insulated structure. But it will be more reliable to use a frame to install them. Having freed the surfaces of the walls from the interior decoration, we proceed to the installation of the rails. We make the thickness of the wooden frame the same as the thickness of the insulation.

Using a measuring tool, we check the correct installation of vertical rails. We make the width of the rails in accordance with the size of the insulation boards. Under window openings, we limit ourselves only to vertical slats. When insulating a closed wall, we make several transverse jumpers.

We insert the insulation into the fabricated frame and seal it with a vapor barrier film. For ease of installation, we first fasten the vapor barrier with a stapler in some places, and then in the rest.

It is important to install the film correctly. It should release moisture from the insulation and prevent it from penetrating inside the plates from the room.


On the inside of the roof truss system, we mount rails for insulation boards. The direction of the stake rails does not matter much. It is important to make sure that the plane of the ceiling insulation touches the wall plates. At the same time, cold corners or planes without insulation were not formed.

We install the plates in the prepared frame, then we attach the vapor barrier film to the ceiling in the same way as to the walls. On top of the film, we will make a crate of arbitrary thickness, perpendicular to the slats of the frame. This crate will support the insulation boards and perform a load-bearing function for the future ceiling finish.


After the dismantling of the floor finish is completed, it is important to consider the literacy of installing insulation boards on the floor and battens. After completing all the insulation work, the veranda should become a warm living room. To do this, make sure that there are no places between the wall and floor insulation plane that can freeze. The lower part of the wall insulation must be joined to the floor.

Before installing the insulation frame, we carry out a crate with an arbitrary section of the beam, which will support the insulation boards. We mount this crate flush with the lags of the old floor sheathing. We make a frame for insulation and install plates in it. We cover the insulation with a vapor barrier film and fix it. Frame slats can be used for sheathing with floorboards. The direction and width of the share rails of the frame must be considered in advance.

After warming all surfaces, we sew up the interior of the veranda with finishing materials. We glaze the open space. Double-glazed windows are used taking into account their use in the winter. If the building already has windows, then we will insulate the glass with a special heat-resistant film, which we will stick on the inside of the building.

Having become acquainted with the various types of heaters and the features of their installation, you can safely use the acquired skills to perform the insulation of any buildings.

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