How to insulate a panel house and do it right

How to insulate a panel house and do it right

If you decide to insulate a panel house, first you need to determine from which side the work will be carried out, and also choose the appropriate material. Such a measure will save the living space from heat loss and protect the facade of the house from premature destruction.

How and how to insulate a panel house?

You can insulate a panel house from the inside or outside. The first option can be done independently, but for the second you will have to use the help of professionals. Work at height is carried out by experienced industrial climbers using belay and special equipment.

You can insulate a panel house from the inside or outside.

For wall insulation, the following are most often used:

  • glass wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • expanded polystyrene.

These materials have low thermal conductivity and do not allow cold air to enter the room.

How to properly insulate a panel house?

External insulation is more effective, as it protects the facade from moisture and other external influences, which means it increases the operational life. You can order such a service from a construction and repair company that is ready to insulate a separate apartment.

If you have the necessary tools and experience, residents of the first floors can insulate an apartment on their own. To protect materials from mechanical shock and other influences, a reinforcing mesh should be installed before applying the finish.

How to insulate a panel house yourself?

If it is not possible to carry out external insulation, apartment owners can carry out internal work. To do this, you need to properly prepare the walls:

  1. The wall must be completely free of finishing materials: wallpaper, plaster, and so on.
  2. Use a heat gun or heater to dry the concrete surface.
  3. To prevent the appearance of fungus, the place of insulation is treated with an antiseptic.
  4. After preliminary preparation, the wall must be primed, plastered, leveled and all joints and cracks must be sealed with a sealant.

Each layer must be thoroughly dried. Work can only be carried out during the warm season. After the completion of the preparation, the installation of insulation material and decorative finishing are carried out.

Insulation of a panel house will improve living conditions in a single apartment. If the work is done in compliance with the rules, the room will stop losing heat and freezing. All materials and tools can be purchased at a hardware store.

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